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Last active July 17, 2022 13:57
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RP2040 ADC over DMA Round-Robin in Rust
* Configure DMA to copy ADC FIFO round-robin values into memory
* The strategy is as follows:
* - Have a static array which is the DMA target address, holding 3 u16 values
* - Enable DMA with a data-size of halfword (16bits), increase the write address after each transfer and wrap at 8 bytes
* - Start the ADC according to datasheet section (round robin with FIFO enabled and DREQ threshold 1)
* The result will be an array with 16bit values of ADC results where the first bit indicates an error if set
use rp2040_hal::{
pac::{ADC, DMA},
static ADC_VALS: [u16; 4] = [0; 4];
pub fn setup_adc_dma(adc: ADC, dma: DMA) {
// ---- Configure DMA ----
// Set DMA channel 0 read address to the fifo register address[0]
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(adc.fifo.as_ptr() as u32) });
// Get raw pointer to ADC_VAL array
let dest: *const [u16; 4] = &ADC_VALS;
let dest_addr = dest as usize;
// Set write address to ADC_VAL address[0]
.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(dest_addr as u32) });[0].ch_ctrl_trig.write(|w| unsafe {
// Select ADC as Data Request Trigger
// Set CTRL.DATA_SIZE to 16bit (0x1 -> SIZE_HALFWORD)
// Enable CTRL.INC_WRITE to increase the destination address after each transfer
// Set CTRL.RING_SEL to wrap write addresses
// Wrap write addresses at 8 bytes (4 values a 2 bytes)
// Enable DMA channel
// Wait until ADC is read (for good measure)
while ! {
// ---- Configure ADC ----
// Set sample rate to 1kS/s
adc.div.modify(|_, w| unsafe { });
adc.fcs.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
// Enable FIFO
// Set interrupt threshold to 1
// Enable DREQ DMA transfer requests
// // Enable Interrupt
// adc.inte.modify(|_, w| w.fifo().set_bit());
// unsafe {
// NVIC::unmask(Interrupt::ADC_IRQ_FIFO);
// }
adc.cs.modify(|_, w| unsafe {
// Set start channel
// Sample all four channels (1111)
// Start free running conversions
// Wait until ADC is read again (for good measure)
while ! {
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