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Last active December 18, 2015 16:49
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use v5.14;
use utf8;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Script::State;
use Encode;
use Encode::IMAPUTF7;
use constant CLIENT_ID => '';
use constant CLIENT_SECRET => '';
script_state my $dump;
my $imap = Net::IMAP::Client::Gmail->new(
oauth => {
client_id => CLIENT_ID,
client_secret => CLIENT_SECRET,
redirect_uri => "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
%{ $dump || {} },
$dump = $imap->{oauth};
$imap->select('[Gmail]/All Mail');
my $ids = $imap->search_gmail('subject:日本語 newer:2013/06/01');
if (@$ids) {
my $summaries = $imap->get_summaries($ids);
foreach (@$summaries) {
warn $_->subject;
package Net::IMAP::Client::Gmail;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Protocol::https;
use URI;
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode;
use Encode::IMAPUTF7;
my $encoding;
BEGIN { $encoding = find_encoding('IMAP-UTF-7') };
use parent qw(Net::IMAP::Client);
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
$args{server} //= '';
$args{ssl} //= 1;
$args{port} //= 993;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%args);
$self->{oauth} = $args{oauth};
$self->{ua} = $args{ua} || LWP::UserAgent->new;
# $self->{oauth} = {
# client_id => '',
# client_secret => '',
# redirect_uri => 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob',
# access_token => '',
# refresh_token => '',
# expire => '',
# }
sub login {
my ($self, $callback) = @_;
my $capability = $self->capability;
my ($ok, $lines) = $self->_tell_imap('AUTHENTICATE', 'XOAUTH2 ' . $self->_sasl_xoauth2);
if (!$ok) {
my $base64 = join "\r\n", @{ $lines->[0] };
$base64 =~ s/^\+ *//;
die decode_json(decode_base64($base64));
sub oauth {
my ($self, $callback) = @_;
$callback ||= sub {
my $uri = shift;
printf "Access to authorization: %s\n", $uri;
printf "Input authorization code: ";
my $code = <>;
chomp $code;
if ($self->_access_token) {
my $authorize_uri = URI->new('');
response_type => 'code',
client_id => $self->{oauth}->{client_id},
redirect_uri => $self->{oauth}->{redirect_uri},
scope => ' email',
my $code = $callback->($authorize_uri);
my $token_uri = URI->new('');
my $res = $self->{ua}->post($token_uri, {
code => $code,
client_id => $self->{oauth}->{client_id},
client_secret => $self->{oauth}->{client_secret},
redirect_uri => $self->{oauth}->{redirect_uri},
grant_type => 'authorization_code',
my $data = decode_json $res->content;
$data->{error} and die $data->{error};
$self->{oauth}->{access_token} = $data->{access_token};
$self->{oauth}->{refresh_token} = $data->{refresh_token};
$self->{oauth}->{expire} = time + $data->{expires_in};
my $info = $self->_request(GET '');
$self->{oauth}->{email} = $info->{email};
sub _refresh {
my ($self) = @_;
my $token_uri = URI->new('');
my $res = $self->{ua}->post($token_uri, {
client_id => $self->{oauth}->{client_id},
client_secret => $self->{oauth}->{client_secret},
refresh_token => $self->{oauth}->{refresh_token},
grant_type => 'refresh_token',
if ($res->is_success) {
my $data = decode_json $res->content;
$self->{oauth}->{access_token} = $data->{access_token};
$self->{oauth}->{expire} = time + $data->{expires_in};
} else {
undef $self->{oauth}->{access_token};
undef $self->{oauth}->{expire};
sub _access_token {
my ($self) = @_;
if (time > $self->{oauth}->{expire}) {
sub _request {
my ($self, $req) = @_;
$req->header('Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $self->_access_token);
my $res = $self->{ua}->request($req);
if ($res->is_success) {
} else {
die $res->content;
sub _sasl_xoauth2 {
my ($self) = @_;
my $raw = sprintf("user=%s\001auth=Bearer %s\001\001", $self->{oauth}->{email}, $self->_access_token);
encode_base64($raw, '');
sub _select_or_examine {
my ($self, $folder, $operation) = @_;
$self->SUPER::_select_or_examine($encoding->encode($folder), $operation);
sub search_gmail {
my ($self, $raw_search) = @_;
my ($ok, $lines) = $imap->_tell_imap(SEARCH => [ 'CHARSET UTF-8 X-GM-RAW ', \encode_utf8($raw_search) ], 1) ;
if ($ok) {
my ($joined) = ($lines->[0]->[0] =~ m{^\*\s+(?:SEARCH|SORT)\s+(.+)\s*$});
return [ map { $_ + 0 } split(/\s+/, $joined) ];
} else {
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