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chobby/Main.cpp Secret

Last active October 20, 2018 19:30
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# include <Siv3D.hpp> // OpenSiv3D v0.3.0
enum class State
State GetOpposite(const State& state)
if (state == State::Black)
return State::White;
else if (state == State::White)
return State::Black;
return State::None;
bool IsIn(const Point& pos)
return pos.x >= 0 && pos.x < 8 && pos.y >= 0 && pos.y < 8;
Array<Point> GetPlacablePositions(const Grid<State>& data, const State& state)
Array<Point> result;
const Array<Point> directions = { {-1, -1},{0, -1},{1, -1},{-1, 0},{1, 0},{-1, 1},{0, 1},{1, 1} };
Grid<bool> placable(8, 8);
for (auto i : step(Size(8, 8)))
if (data[i] == state)
for (const auto& direction : directions)
const auto pos = i + direction;
if (IsIn(pos))
if (data[pos] == GetOpposite(state))
Point nextPos = pos;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
nextPos += direction;
if (!IsIn(nextPos))
if (data[nextPos] == State::None)
placable[nextPos] = true;
else if(data[nextPos] == state)
for (auto i : step(Size(8, 8)))
if (placable[i])
return result;
Array<Point> GetTurnPositions(const Grid<State>& data, const State& state, const Point& tPos)
Array<Point> result;
const Array<Point> directions = { {-1, -1},{0, -1},{1, -1},{-1, 0},{1, 0},{-1, 1},{0, 1},{1, 1} };
Grid<bool> turnable(8, 8);
for (const auto& direction : directions)
const auto pos = tPos + direction;
if (IsIn(pos))
if (data[pos] == GetOpposite(state))
Array<Point> buffer;
Point nextPos = pos;
for (int k = 0; k < 8; ++k)
if (!IsIn(nextPos))
if (data[nextPos] == GetOpposite(state))
else if (data[nextPos] == state)
for (const auto& a : buffer)
turnable[a] = true;
nextPos += direction;
for (auto i : step(Size(8, 8)))
if (turnable[i])
return result;
void Main()
Graphics::SetBackground(Color(34, 42, 44));
const Font font(60);
const Size cellSize(70, 70);
Grid<State> data(8, 8);
data[3][3] = State::White;
data[3][4] = State::Black;
data[4][3] = State::Black;
data[4][4] = State::White;
State currentTurn = State::Black;
State playerState = State::None;
Grid<int32> evaluationBoard =
{500, -10, 5, 3, 3, 5, -10, 500},
{-10, -100, 3, 1, 1, 3, -100, -10},
{5, 3, 10, 3, 3, 10, 3, 5},
{3, 1, 3, 30, 30, 3, 1, 3},
{3, 1, 3, 30, 30, 3, 1, 3},
{5, 3, 10, 3, 3, 10, 3, 5},
{-10, -100, 3, 1, 1, 3, -100, -10},
{500, -10, 5, 3, 3, 5, -10, 500}
bool opening = true;
Stopwatch t;
while (System::Update())
for (auto i : step(Size(8, 8)))
const Vec2 pos = Window::Center() - cellSize * 4 + i * cellSize;
const RectF rect = RectF(pos, cellSize);
rect.stretched(-2.0).draw(Color(8, 159, 44));
if (opening)
font(U"オセロ!").drawAt(Window::Center() + Vec2(0.0, -100));
if (SimpleGUI::ButtonAt(U"黒(先手)", Window::Center() + Vec2(-100.0, 0.0)))
playerState = State::Black;
opening = false;
if (SimpleGUI::ButtonAt(U"白(後手)", Window::Center() + Vec2(100.0, 0.0)))
playerState = State::White;
opening = false;
Array<Point> placable = GetPlacablePositions(data, currentTurn);
if (placable.size() == 0)
const auto nextTurn = GetOpposite(currentTurn);
if (GetPlacablePositions(data, nextTurn).size() == 0)
currentTurn = State::None;
currentTurn = nextTurn;
if (currentTurn == playerState)
for (auto i : placable)
const Vec2 pos = Window::Center() - cellSize * 4 + i * cellSize;
const RectF rect = RectF(pos, cellSize);
if (rect.leftClicked())
data[i] = currentTurn;
const auto turnable = GetTurnPositions(data, currentTurn, i);
for (const auto pos : turnable)
data[pos] = currentTurn;
currentTurn = GetOpposite(currentTurn);
if ( > 1000)
Array<std::pair<Point, int32>> values;
for (const auto& p : placable)
const auto turnables = GetTurnPositions(data, currentTurn, p);
int32 sum = 0;
for (const auto& t : turnables)
sum += evaluationBoard[t];
values.emplace_back(p, sum);
std::sort(values.begin(), values.end(), [](const std::pair<Point, int32>& a, const std::pair<Point, int32>& b) {return a.second < b.second; });
data[values[0].first] = currentTurn;
const auto turnable = GetTurnPositions(data, currentTurn, values[0].first);
for (const auto pos : turnable)
data[pos] = currentTurn;
currentTurn = GetOpposite(currentTurn);
for (auto i : step(Size(8, 8)))
const Vec2 pos = Window::Center() - cellSize * 4 + i * cellSize;
if (data[i] == State::Black)
Circle(pos + cellSize / 2.0, 30).draw(Palette::Black);
else if (data[i] == State::White)
Circle(pos + cellSize / 2.0, 30).draw(Palette::White);
if (currentTurn == playerState)
for (const auto& p : placable)
const Vec2 pos = Window::Center() - cellSize * 4 + p * cellSize;
Circle(pos + cellSize / 2.0, 20).drawFrame(5.0, ColorF(1.0, 0.5));
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