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Created July 2, 2024 19:29
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// ContentView.swift
// NestedObservables
// Created by Craig Hockenberry on 7/2/24.
import SwiftUI
class Group: Identifiable {
init(name: String) { = name
self.options = []
let name: String
var options: [Option]
class Option: Identifiable {
init(title: String) {
self.title = title
self.selected = false
let title: String
var selected: Bool
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var groups: [Group] = []
var body: some View {
Form {
ForEach(groups) { group in
Section {
ForEach(group.options) { option in
//Toggle(option.title, isOn: $option.selected) // Cannot find '$option' in scope
//@Bindable var selected = option.selected // Cannot reference invalid declaration 'option'
//Toggle(option.title, isOn: $selected)
let selectedBinding = Binding(get: { option.selected }, set: { option.selected = $0 })
Toggle(option.title, isOn: selectedBinding)
} header: {
Button("Check") {
for group in groups {
for option in group.options {
print(" \(option.title) = \(option.selected)")
.task {
for groupName in ["First", "Second", "Third"] {
let group = Group(name: groupName)
group.options.append(Option(title: "A"))
group.options.append(Option(title: "B"))
#Preview {
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The solution is to bind on the option (Observable), not the property:

@Bindable var option = option
Toggle(option.title, isOn: $option.selected)

Thanks to Helge Heß for the answer:

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