2023-12-01 19:19:11,459 5032 [DEBUG] - XmlConfiguration is now operational
2023-12-01 19:19:11,816 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,816 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CygwinService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,833 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,850 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IListSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,850 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,865 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PythonService' for type 'IUninstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,880 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IAlternativeSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,894 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IListSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,911 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RubyGemsService' for type 'IInstallSourceRunner' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,927 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'SystemStateValidation' for type 'IValidation' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:11,942 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'CacheFolderLockdownValidation' for type 'IValidation' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,161 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'EmptyOrInvalidUrlMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,177 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'FrameWorkReferencesMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,177 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'IconMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,194 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'LicenseMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,194 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'PackageTypesMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,210 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'ReadmeMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,224 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RepositoryMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,224 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'RequireLicenseAcceptanceMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,239 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'ServicableMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,255 5032 [DEBUG] - Adding new type 'VersionMetadataRule' for type 'IMetadataRule' from assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,302 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'cache' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,317 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'list' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,333 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'template' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,351 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'export' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,351 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'info' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,365 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'help' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,365 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'config' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,380 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'feature' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,380 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'new' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,396 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'outdated' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,411 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'pack' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,411 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'pin' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,427 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'push' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,427 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'apikey' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,442 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'source' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,442 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'uninstall' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,458 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'upgrade' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,473 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'search' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,505 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'unpackself' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,505 5032 [DEBUG] - Registering new command 'install' in assembly 'choco'
2023-12-01 19:19:13,975 5032 [INFO ] - ============================================================
2023-12-01 19:19:14,771 5032 [INFO ] - Chocolatey v2.2.2
2023-12-01 19:19:14,801 5032 [DEBUG] - Chocolatey is running on Windows v 10.0.17763.0
2023-12-01 19:19:14,816 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:/ProgramData/chocolatey/choco.exe.old".
2023-12-01 19:19:14,833 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe.old".
2023-12-01 19:19:14,896 5032 [DEBUG] - Command line: "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\choco.exe" uninstall maven --version 3.9.6 -dvy --execution-timeout=2700
2023-12-01 19:19:14,911 5032 [DEBUG] - Received arguments: uninstall maven --version 3.9.6 -dvy --execution-timeout=2700
2023-12-01 19:19:15,208 5032 [DEBUG] - RemovePendingPackagesTask is now ready and waiting for PreRunMessage.
2023-12-01 19:19:15,270 5032 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PreRunMessage' out if there are subscribers...
2023-12-01 19:19:15,302 5032 [DEBUG] - [Pending] Removing all pending packages that should not be considered installed...
2023-12-01 19:19:15,551 5032 [DEBUG] - Performing validation checks.
2023-12-01 19:19:15,584 5032 [DEBUG] - Global Configuration Validation Checks:
2023-12-01 19:19:15,599 5032 [DEBUG] - - Package Exit Code / Exit On Reboot = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,613 5032 [DEBUG] - System State Validation Checks:
2023-12-01 19:19:15,646 5032 [DEBUG] - Reboot Requirement Checks:
2023-12-01 19:19:15,662 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending Computer Rename = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,694 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending Component Based Servicing = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,694 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Auto Update = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,724 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending File Rename Operations = Ignored
2023-12-01 19:19:15,741 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,757 5032 [DEBUG] - - Pending Windows Package Installer SysWow64 = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,770 5032 [DEBUG] - Cache Folder Lockdown Checks:
2023-12-01 19:19:15,786 5032 [DEBUG] - - Elevated State = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,804 5032 [DEBUG] - - Folder Exists = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,833 5032 [DEBUG] - - Folder lockdown = Checked
2023-12-01 19:19:15,864 5032 [INFO ] - 3 validations performed. 3 success(es), 0 warning(s), and 0 error(s).
2023-12-01 19:19:16,037 5032 [DEBUG] - The source 'c:\cached-packages;https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/' evaluated to a 'normal' source type
2023-12-01 19:19:16,052 5032 [DEBUG] -
NOTE: Hiding sensitive configuration data! Please double and triple
check to be sure no sensitive data is shown, especially if copying
output to a gist for review.
2023-12-01 19:19:16,160 5032 [DEBUG] - Configuration: CommandName='uninstall'|
Information.PlatformName='Windows Server 2016'|
Information.FullName='choco, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=79d02ea9cad655eb'|
2023-12-01 19:19:16,176 5032 [DEBUG] - _ Chocolatey:ChocolateyUninstallCommand - Normal Run Mode _
2023-12-01 19:19:16,208 5032 [INFO ] - Uninstalling the following packages:
2023-12-01 19:19:16,225 5032 [INFO ] - maven
2023-12-01 19:19:16,271 5032 [DEBUG] - Current environment values (may contain sensitive data):
2023-12-01 19:19:16,271 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'Path'='C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;' ('User')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,288 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'TEMP'='C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Local\Temp' ('User')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,303 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'TMP'='C:\Users\vagrant\AppData\Local\Temp' ('User')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,366 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'ChocolateyLastPathUpdate'='133459319118949566' ('User')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,366 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'ComSpec'='C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,383 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'DriverData'='C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\DriverData' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,396 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'OS'='Windows_NT' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,396 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'Path'='C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\apache-maven-3.9.6\bin;' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,412 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PATHEXT'='.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,429 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'='AMD64' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,429 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PSModulePath'='C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,444 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'TEMP'='C:\Windows\TEMP' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,460 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'TMP'='C:\Windows\TEMP' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,475 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'USERNAME'='SYSTEM' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,491 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'windir'='C:\Windows' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,491 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'='4' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,505 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PROCESSOR_LEVEL'='6' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,522 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER'='Intel64 Family 6 Model 85 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,537 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'PROCESSOR_REVISION'='5507' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,537 5032 [DEBUG] - * 'ChocolateyInstall'='C:\ProgramData\chocolatey' ('Machine')
2023-12-01 19:19:16,927 5032 [DEBUG] - Running list with the following filter = ''
2023-12-01 19:19:16,942 5032 [DEBUG] - --- Start of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:17,349 5032 [DEBUG] - Resolving resource PackageSearchResource for source C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib
2023-12-01 19:19:18,099 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey 2.2.2
2023-12-01 19:19:18,131 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,178 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919355 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,195 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919442 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,208 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2999226 1.0.20181019
2023-12-01 19:19:18,225 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3035131 1.0.3
2023-12-01 19:19:18,239 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3118401 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,333 5032 [DEBUG] - maven 3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:18,364 5032 [DEBUG] - virtualbox-guest-additions-guest.install 7.0.12
2023-12-01 19:19:18,364 5032 [DEBUG] - --- End of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:18,396 5032 [DEBUG] - Running list with the following filter = ''
2023-12-01 19:19:18,396 5032 [DEBUG] - --- Start of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:18,427 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey 2.2.2
2023-12-01 19:19:18,458 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,474 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919355 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,490 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919442 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,505 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2999226 1.0.20181019
2023-12-01 19:19:18,520 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3035131 1.0.3
2023-12-01 19:19:18,552 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3118401 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,615 5032 [DEBUG] - maven 3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:18,630 5032 [DEBUG] - virtualbox-guest-additions-guest.install 7.0.12
2023-12-01 19:19:18,646 5032 [DEBUG] - --- End of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:18,755 5032 [DEBUG] - Running list with the following filter = ''
2023-12-01 19:19:18,771 5032 [DEBUG] - --- Start of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:18,803 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey 2.2.2
2023-12-01 19:19:18,817 5032 [DEBUG] - chocolatey-windowsupdate.extension 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,834 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919355 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,849 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2919442 1.0.20160915
2023-12-01 19:19:18,866 5032 [DEBUG] - KB2999226 1.0.20181019
2023-12-01 19:19:18,880 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3035131 1.0.3
2023-12-01 19:19:18,912 5032 [DEBUG] - KB3118401 1.0.5
2023-12-01 19:19:18,961 5032 [DEBUG] - maven 3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:18,976 5032 [DEBUG] - virtualbox-guest-additions-guest.install 7.0.12
2023-12-01 19:19:18,976 5032 [DEBUG] - --- End of List ---
2023-12-01 19:19:19,083 5032 [INFO ] -
maven v3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:19,161 5032 [DEBUG] - Running beforeModify step for 'maven'
2023-12-01 19:19:19,239 5032 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for maven
2023-12-01 19:19:19,256 5032 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for maven
2023-12-01 19:19:19,256 5032 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1':
2023-12-01 19:19:19,271 5032 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' |
$toolsDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition |
$installFolders = Split-Path $toolsDir |
. $toolsDir\helpers.ps1 |
# Delete any folders from older versions before upgrading or uninstalling |
Remove-PreviousVersions -installFolders $installFolders
2023-12-01 19:19:19,333 5032 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = '';[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '' -preRunHookScripts $null -postRunHookScripts $null']
2023-12-01 19:19:19,366 5032 [DEBUG] - Redirecting System.Management.Automation.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by ''
2023-12-01 19:19:21,336 5032 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.17763.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.17763.3770' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,223 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,238 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,255 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,270 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,287 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,287 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,301 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,317 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,332 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,349 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,349 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,364 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,379 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,399 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,411 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,411 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,458 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,477 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,488 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,504 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,519 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,519 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,546 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,546 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,566 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,582 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,598 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,598 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,612 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,612 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,629 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,644 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,644 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,661 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,677 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,691 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,706 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,723 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,740 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,755 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,785 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,785 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,801 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,817 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,833 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,849 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,849 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,877 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:22,941 5032 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions
2023-12-01 19:19:22,971 5032 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'
2023-12-01 19:19:22,988 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,130 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,145 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,160 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,192 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,254 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,270 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,284 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,284 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,300 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,316 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,316 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,332 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,349 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,363 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,363 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,379 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,379 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,394 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,412 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,412 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,442 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,442 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,457 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,472 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,472 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,488 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,505 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,505 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,521 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,551 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,567 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,567 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,583 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,597 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,597 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,613 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,613 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,630 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,643 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,643 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,660 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,676 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,676 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,691 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,707 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,707 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,722 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,737 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,737 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,754 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,770 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,770 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,785 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,802 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,802 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,816 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,832 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,832 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,848 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,862 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,862 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,879 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,894 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,909 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,924 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,940 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,957 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,971 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,971 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:23,988 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,004 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,004 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,020 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,034 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,050 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,050 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,065 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,082 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,082 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,097 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,114 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,114 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,128 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,144 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,159 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,159 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,175 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,192 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,206 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,222 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,222 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,237 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,253 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,269 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,284 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,284 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,300 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,315 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,331 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,331 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,351 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,351 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,379 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,395 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,408 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,426 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,441 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,457 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:24,595 5032 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------Script Execution---------------------------
2023-12-01 19:19:24,689 5032 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for maven v3.9.6 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '', preRunHookScripts: '', postRunHookScripts: '',
2023-12-01 19:19:24,783 5032 [DEBUG] - Running package script 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1'
2023-12-01 19:19:24,940 5032 [INFO ] - Removing old version apache-maven-3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:25,345 5032 [DEBUG] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-01 19:19:25,377 5032 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = '';[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '' -preRunHookScripts $null -postRunHookScripts $null'] exited with '0'.
2023-12-01 19:19:25,393 5032 [DEBUG] - Backing up package files for 'maven'
2023-12-01 19:19:25,610 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to create directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven".
2023-12-01 19:19:25,610 5032 [DEBUG] - Moving C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven to C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6
2023-12-01 19:19:25,642 5032 [DEBUG] - Moving 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven'
to 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6'
2023-12-01 19:19:27,709 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to create directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,725 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\maven.nupkg"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nupkg".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,765 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\maven.nuspec"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nuspec".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,781 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to create directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,796 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\legal\LICENSE.txt"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\LICENSE.txt".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,811 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\legal\VERIFICATION.txt"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\VERIFICATION.txt".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,828 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to create directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,844 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,858 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,858 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:27,875 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to copy "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven\3.9.6\tools\helpers.ps1"
to "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\helpers.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:29,438 5032 [DEBUG] - Capturing package files in 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,498 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nupkg'
with checksum 'EA1730F54D5BAAC6D360D8CE1E8E382C'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,498 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nuspec'
with checksum '487269FF39AB698415CE19399358F3F5'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,517 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\LICENSE.txt'
with checksum '234B86273692BC282D5F643C393BEDF1'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,530 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\VERIFICATION.txt'
with checksum '24784B7E8D99809B650D2FD4744DEEA6'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,546 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1'
with checksum 'AD147220AFFA2FDA198E864FBDFE6B16'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,546 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1'
with checksum '7BD25E0F1E2D6039C635B903DE4A681B'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,562 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1'
with checksum 'FFEDD1FB45249AD618EDBED4F655FDD7'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,577 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\helpers.ps1'
with checksum '98DC2B0D4E49651462BCBAEC44D8E4CD'
2023-12-01 19:19:29,623 5032 [DEBUG] - Setting installer args for maven
2023-12-01 19:19:29,638 5032 [DEBUG] - Setting package parameters for maven
2023-12-01 19:19:29,655 5032 [DEBUG] - Contents of 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1':
2023-12-01 19:19:29,670 5032 [DEBUG] - $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' |
$toolsDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition |
$installFolders = Split-Path $toolsDir |
. $toolsDir\helpers.ps1 |
# Clean Old Environment variables |
Uninstall-OldM2PathFromRegistry |
Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable -VariableName 'M2_HOME' -VariableType Machine |
# Delete any folders from older versions before upgrading or uninstalling |
Remove-PreviousVersions -installFolders $installFolders |
2023-12-01 19:19:29,686 5032 [DEBUG] - Calling built-in PowerShell host with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = '';[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '' -preRunHookScripts $null -postRunHookScripts $null']
2023-12-01 19:19:29,732 5032 [DEBUG] - Redirecting Microsoft.WSMan.Management.resources, Version=, Culture=en-US, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, requested by ''
2023-12-01 19:19:29,859 5032 [DEBUG] - Host version is 5.1.17763.1, PowerShell Version is '5.1.17763.3770' and CLR Version is '4.0.30319.42000'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,185 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,201 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,217 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,372 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,405 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,422 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,435 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,451 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,467 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,483 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,499 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,529 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,549 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,575 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,591 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,591 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,623 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,658 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,669 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,685 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,701 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,732 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,749 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,778 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,795 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,825 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,825 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,857 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,873 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,904 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,920 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,952 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,968 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:30,997 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,013 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,013 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,030 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,060 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,060 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,090 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,107 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,107 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,137 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,170 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,186 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,200 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,217 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,248 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,264 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,278 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,294 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,310 5032 [DEBUG] - Loading community extensions
2023-12-01 19:19:31,343 5032 [DEBUG] - Importing 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'
2023-12-01 19:19:31,358 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\extensions\chocolatey-windowsupdate\chocolatey-windowsupdate.psm1'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,405 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,435 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,454 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,466 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,483 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,497 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,513 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,529 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,566 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,577 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,606 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,622 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,654 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,720 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,748 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,763 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,779 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,810 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,825 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,825 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,857 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,857 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,872 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,888 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,903 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,920 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,951 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,965 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,982 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:31,997 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,012 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,029 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,044 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,059 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,076 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,091 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,106 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,126 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,138 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,154 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,169 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,185 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,201 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,216 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,232 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,246 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,262 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,278 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,295 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,310 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,324 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,344 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,357 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,403 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,419 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,449 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,449 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Exporting alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,481 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Format-FileSize'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,496 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChecksumValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,513 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyConfigValue'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,528 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,544 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyUnzip'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,558 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ChocolateyWebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,576 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,605 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-EnvironmentVariableNames'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,638 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-FtpFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,668 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-OSArchitectureWidth'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,685 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParameters'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,702 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-PackageParametersBuiltIn'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,731 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-ToolsLocation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,749 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UACEnabled'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,763 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-UninstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,793 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-VirusCheckValid'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,809 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,809 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebFileName'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,841 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Get-WebHeaders'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,888 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,888 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,919 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyExplorerMenuItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,951 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyFileAssociation'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,951 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyInstallPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,981 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:32,997 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPath'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,013 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPinnedTaskBarItem'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,027 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,152 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyShortcut'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,184 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyVsixPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,200 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,231 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-Vsix'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,246 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Install-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,262 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-EnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,278 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Set-PowerShellExitCode'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,294 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,309 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-ProcessAdminRights'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,309 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Test-WindowsUpdate'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,341 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,341 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,356 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,387 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Uninstall-ChocolateyZipPackage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,387 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Update-SessionEnvironment'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,403 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing function 'Write-FunctionCallLogMessage'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,434 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Add-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,466 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Generate-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,483 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-InstallRegistryKey'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,498 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-OSBitness'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,514 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Get-ProcessorBits'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,543 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Invoke-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,558 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'refreshenv'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,576 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Remove-BinFile'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,591 5032 [INFO ] - VERBOSE: Importing alias 'Start-ChocolateyProcess'.
2023-12-01 19:19:33,621 5032 [DEBUG] - ---------------------------Script Execution---------------------------
2023-12-01 19:19:33,621 5032 [DEBUG] - Running 'ChocolateyScriptRunner' for maven v3.9.6 with packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1', packageFolder:'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven', installArguments: '', packageParameters: '', preRunHookScripts: '', postRunHookScripts: '',
2023-12-01 19:19:33,653 5032 [DEBUG] - Running package script 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1'
2023-12-01 19:19:34,026 5032 [DEBUG] - Running Uninstall-ChocolateyEnvironmentVariable -variableName 'M2_HOME' -variableType 'Machine'
2023-12-01 19:19:34,293 5032 [DEBUG] - Test-ProcessAdminRights: returning True
2023-12-01 19:19:34,470 5032 [DEBUG] - Running Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name 'M2_HOME' -Value '' -Scope 'Machine'
2023-12-01 19:19:34,653 5032 [DEBUG] - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2023-12-01 19:19:34,684 5032 [DEBUG] - Built-in PowerShell host called with ['[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = '';[System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = '';[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault; & import-module -name 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1'; & 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\helpers\chocolateyScriptRunner.ps1' -packageScript 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1' -installArguments '' -packageParameters '' -preRunHookScripts $null -postRunHookScripts $null'] exited with '0'.
2023-12-01 19:19:34,764 5032 [INFO ] - Skipping auto uninstaller - No registry snapshot.
2023-12-01 19:19:34,794 5032 [DEBUG] - Calling command ['"C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe" /a']
2023-12-01 19:19:35,059 5032 [DEBUG] - Command ['"C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe" /a'] exited with '1116'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,092 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib-bkp\maven".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,199 5032 [DEBUG] - Ensuring removal of installation files.
2023-12-01 19:19:35,310 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nupkg'
with checksum 'EA1730F54D5BAAC6D360D8CE1E8E382C'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,325 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nupkg".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,354 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nuspec'
with checksum '487269FF39AB698415CE19399358F3F5'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,386 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\maven.nuspec".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,403 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\LICENSE.txt'
with checksum '234B86273692BC282D5F643C393BEDF1'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,418 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\LICENSE.txt".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,448 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\VERIFICATION.txt'
with checksum '24784B7E8D99809B650D2FD4744DEEA6'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,466 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\legal\VERIFICATION.txt".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,466 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1'
with checksum 'AD147220AFFA2FDA198E864FBDFE6B16'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,479 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateybeforemodify.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,496 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1'
with checksum '7BD25E0F1E2D6039C635B903DE4A681B'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,496 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,512 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1'
with checksum 'FFEDD1FB45249AD618EDBED4F655FDD7'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,527 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\chocolateyuninstall.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,543 5032 [DEBUG] - Found 'C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\helpers.ps1'
with checksum '98DC2B0D4E49651462BCBAEC44D8E4CD'
2023-12-01 19:19:35,543 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete file "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven\tools\helpers.ps1".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,560 5032 [DEBUG] - Attempting to delete directory "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\maven".
2023-12-01 19:19:35,574 5032 [INFO ] - maven has been successfully uninstalled.
2023-12-01 19:19:35,590 5032 [DEBUG] - Removing nupkg if it still exists.
2023-12-01 19:19:35,605 5032 [DEBUG] - Ensuring removal of installation files.
2023-12-01 19:19:35,636 5032 [WARN ] - Environment Vars (like PATH) have changed. Close/reopen your shell to
see the changes (or in powershell/cmd.exe just type `refreshenv`).
2023-12-01 19:19:35,651 5032 [DEBUG] - The following values have been added/changed (may contain sensitive data):
2023-12-01 19:19:35,651 5032 [DEBUG] - * Path='C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin' (Machine)
2023-12-01 19:19:35,699 5032 [WARN ] -
Chocolatey uninstalled 1/1 packages.
See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).
2023-12-01 19:19:35,742 5032 [DEBUG] - Sending message 'PostRunMessage' out if there are subscribers...
2023-12-01 19:19:35,748 5032 [DEBUG] - Exiting with 0