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Better Mithril J/TSX Types
import * as CSS from 'csstype';
import m from 'mithril';
declare module 'mithril' {
module JSX {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
interface Element extends m.Vnode {}
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends m.Attributes {}
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
interface IntrinsicClassAttributes extends m.Attributes {}
type NativeAnimationEvent = AnimationEvent;
type NativeClipboardEvent = ClipboardEvent;
type NativeCompositionEvent = CompositionEvent;
type NativeDragEvent = DragEvent;
type NativeFocusEvent = FocusEvent;
type NativeKeyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent;
type NativeMouseEvent = MouseEvent;
type NativeTouchEvent = TouchEvent;
type NativePointerEvent = PointerEvent;
type NativeTransitionEvent = TransitionEvent;
type NativeUIEvent = UIEvent;
type NativeWheelEvent = WheelEvent;
type Booleanish = boolean | 'true' | 'false';
// Browser Interfaces
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interface AbstractView {
styleMedia: StyleMedia;
document: Document;
interface Touch {
identifier: number;
target: EventTarget;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
interface TouchList {
[index: number]: Touch;
length: number;
item(index: number): Touch;
identifiedTouch(identifier: number): Touch;
// Event System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: change any to unknown when moving to TS v3
interface BaseSyntheticEvent<E = object, C = any, T = any> {
currentTarget: C;
target: T;
bubbles: boolean;
cancelable: boolean;
defaultPrevented: boolean;
eventPhase: number;
isTrusted: boolean;
preventDefault(): void;
isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;
stopPropagation(): void;
isPropagationStopped(): boolean;
persist(): void;
timeStamp: number;
type: string;
* currentTarget - a reference to the element on which the event listener is registered.
* target - a reference to the element from which the event was originally dispatched.
* This might be a child element to the element on which the event listener is registered.
* If you thought this should be `EventTarget & T`, see
interface SyntheticEvent<T = Element, E = Event> extends BaseSyntheticEvent<E, EventTarget & T, EventTarget> {}
interface ClipboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeClipboardEvent> {
clipboardData: DataTransfer;
interface CompositionEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeCompositionEvent> {
data: string;
interface DragEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativeDragEvent> {
dataTransfer: DataTransfer;
interface PointerEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativePointerEvent> {
pointerId: number;
pressure: number;
tangentialPressure: number;
tiltX: number;
tiltY: number;
twist: number;
width: number;
height: number;
pointerType: 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch';
isPrimary: boolean;
interface FocusEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeFocusEvent> {
relatedTarget: EventTarget | null;
target: EventTarget & T;
interface FormEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
interface InvalidEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
target: EventTarget & T;
interface ChangeEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
target: EventTarget & T;
interface KeyboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeKeyboardEvent> {
altKey: boolean;
/** @deprecated */
charCode: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
code: string;
* See [DOM Level 3 Events spec]( for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
* See the [DOM Level 3 Events spec]( for possible values
key: string;
/** @deprecated */
keyCode: number;
locale: string;
location: number;
metaKey: boolean;
repeat: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
/** @deprecated */
which: number;
interface MouseEvent<T = Element, E = NativeMouseEvent> extends UIEvent<T, E> {
altKey: boolean;
button: number;
buttons: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
ctrlKey: boolean;
* See [DOM Level 3 Events spec]( for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
movementX: number;
movementY: number;
pageX: number;
pageY: number;
relatedTarget: EventTarget | null;
screenX: number;
screenY: number;
shiftKey: boolean;
interface TouchEvent<T = Element> extends UIEvent<T, NativeTouchEvent> {
altKey: boolean;
changedTouches: TouchList;
ctrlKey: boolean;
* See [DOM Level 3 Events spec]( for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
shiftKey: boolean;
targetTouches: TouchList;
touches: TouchList;
interface UIEvent<T = Element, E = NativeUIEvent> extends SyntheticEvent<T, E> {
detail: number;
view: AbstractView;
interface WheelEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativeWheelEvent> {
deltaMode: number;
deltaX: number;
deltaY: number;
deltaZ: number;
interface AnimationEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeAnimationEvent> {
animationName: string;
elapsedTime: number;
pseudoElement: string;
interface TransitionEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeTransitionEvent> {
elapsedTime: number;
propertyName: string;
pseudoElement: string;
// Event Handler Types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
type EventHandler<E extends SyntheticEvent<any>> = { bivarianceHack(event: E): void }["bivarianceHack"];
type MithrilEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<SyntheticEvent<T>>;
type ClipboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent<T>>;
type CompositionEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<CompositionEvent<T>>;
type DragEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<DragEvent<T>>;
type FocusEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FocusEvent<T>>;
type FormEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FormEvent<T>>;
type ChangeEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ChangeEvent<T>>;
type KeyboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>;
type MouseEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<MouseEvent<T>>;
type TouchEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TouchEvent<T>>;
type PointerEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<PointerEvent<T>>;
type UIEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<UIEvent<T>>;
type WheelEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<WheelEvent<T>>;
type AnimationEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<AnimationEvent<T>>;
type TransitionEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TransitionEvent<T>>;
interface HTMLProps<T> extends AllHTMLAttributes<T>, Attributes {
type DetailedHTMLProps<E extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T> = Attributes & E;
interface SVGProps<T> extends SVGAttributes<T>, Attributes {
interface DOMAttributes<T> extends m.Attributes {
// Clipboard Events
onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
onCopyCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
onCutCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
onPasteCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
// Composition Events
onCompositionEnd?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
onCompositionEndCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
onCompositionStart?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
onCompositionStartCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
onCompositionUpdate?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
onCompositionUpdateCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
// Focus Events
onFocus?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
onFocusCapture?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
onBlur?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
onBlurCapture?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
// Form Events
onChange?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onChangeCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onBeforeInput?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onBeforeInputCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onInput?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onInputCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onReset?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onResetCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onSubmit?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onSubmitCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onInvalid?: FormEventHandler<T>;
onInvalidCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
// Image Events
onLoad?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onError?: MithrilEventHandler<T>; // also a Media Event
onErrorCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>; // also a Media Event
// Keyboard Events
onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
onKeyDownCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
onKeyPress?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
onKeyPressCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
onKeyUp?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
onKeyUpCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
// Media Events
onAbort?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onAbortCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onCanPlay?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onCanPlayCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onCanPlayThrough?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onCanPlayThroughCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onDurationChange?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onDurationChangeCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEmptied?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEmptiedCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEncrypted?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEncryptedCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEnded?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onEndedCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadedData?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadedDataCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadedMetadata?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadedMetadataCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadStart?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onLoadStartCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPause?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPauseCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPlay?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPlayCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPlaying?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onPlayingCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onProgress?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onProgressCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onRateChange?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onRateChangeCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSeeked?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSeekedCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSeeking?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSeekingCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onStalled?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onStalledCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSuspend?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSuspendCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onTimeUpdate?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onTimeUpdateCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onVolumeChange?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onVolumeChangeCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onWaiting?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onWaitingCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
// MouseEvents
onAuxClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onAuxClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onContextMenu?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onContextMenuCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onDoubleClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onDoubleClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onDrag?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragEnd?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragEndCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragEnter?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragEnterCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragExit?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragExitCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragLeave?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragLeaveCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragOver?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragOverCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragStart?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDragStartCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDrop?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onDropCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
onMouseDown?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseDownCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseMove?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseMoveCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseOut?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseOutCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseOver?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseOverCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseUp?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
onMouseUpCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
// Selection Events
onSelect?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
onSelectCapture?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
// Touch Events
onTouchCancel?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchCancelCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchEnd?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchEndCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchMove?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchMoveCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
onTouchStartCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
// Pointer Events
onPointerDown?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerDownCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerMove?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerMoveCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerUp?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerUpCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerCancel?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerCancelCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerEnter?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerEnterCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerLeave?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerLeaveCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerOver?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerOverCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerOut?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onPointerOutCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onGotPointerCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onGotPointerCaptureCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onLostPointerCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
onLostPointerCaptureCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
// UI Events
onScroll?: UIEventHandler<T>;
onScrollCapture?: UIEventHandler<T>;
// Wheel Events
onWheel?: WheelEventHandler<T>;
onWheelCapture?: WheelEventHandler<T>;
// Animation Events
onAnimationStart?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
onAnimationStartCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
onAnimationEnd?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
onAnimationEndCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
onAnimationIteration?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
onAnimationIterationCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
// Transition Events
onTransitionEnd?: TransitionEventHandler<T>;
onTransitionEndCapture?: TransitionEventHandler<T>;
interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
// React-specific Attributes
defaultChecked?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string | number | ReadonlyArray<string>;
suppressContentEditableWarning?: boolean;
suppressHydrationWarning?: boolean;
// Standard HTML Attributes
accessKey?: string;
className?: string;
contentEditable?: Booleanish | "inherit";
contextMenu?: string;
dir?: string;
draggable?: Booleanish;
hidden?: boolean;
id?: string;
lang?: string;
placeholder?: string;
slot?: string;
spellCheck?: Booleanish;
style?: CSSProperties;
tabIndex?: number;
title?: string;
translate?: 'yes' | 'no';
// Unknown
radioGroup?: string; // <command>, <menuitem>
role?: string;
// RDFa Attributes
about?: string;
datatype?: string;
inlist?: any;
prefix?: string;
property?: string;
resource?: string;
typeof?: string;
vocab?: string;
// Non-standard Attributes
autoCapitalize?: string;
autoCorrect?: string;
autoSave?: string;
color?: string;
itemProp?: string;
itemScope?: boolean;
itemType?: string;
itemID?: string;
itemRef?: string;
results?: number;
security?: string;
unselectable?: 'on' | 'off';
// Living Standard
* Hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents
* @see
inputMode?: 'none' | 'text' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'email' | 'numeric' | 'decimal' | 'search';
* Specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a defined custom built-in element
* @see
is?: string;
export interface CSSProperties extends CSS.Properties<string | number> {
* The index signature was removed to enable closed typing for style
* using CSSType. You're able to use type assertion or module augmentation
* to add properties or an index signature of your own.
* For examples and more information, visit:
// All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 attributes from
interface AriaAttributes {
/** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */
'aria-activedescendant'?: string;
/** Indicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute. */
'aria-atomic'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be
* presented if they are made.
'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both';
/** Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user. */
'aria-busy'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Indicates the current "checked" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.
* @see aria-pressed @see aria-selected.
'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true';
* Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex.
'aria-colcount'?: number;
* Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colcount @see aria-colspan.
'aria-colindex'?: number;
* Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-colindex @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-colspan'?: number;
* Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
* @see aria-owns.
'aria-controls'?: string;
/** Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. */
'aria-current'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time';
* Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
* @see aria-labelledby
'aria-describedby'?: string;
* Identifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-details'?: string;
* Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
* @see aria-hidden @see aria-readonly.
'aria-disabled'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup';
* Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
* @see aria-invalid @see aria-describedby.
'aria-errormessage'?: string;
/** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */
'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion,
* allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
'aria-flowto'?: string;
* Indicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation.
* @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
'aria-grabbed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
/** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
'aria-haspopup'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog';
* Indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-hidden'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.
* @see aria-errormessage.
'aria-invalid'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'grammar' | 'spelling';
/** Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element. */
'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string;
* Defines a string value that labels the current element.
* @see aria-labelledby.
'aria-label'?: string;
* Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
* @see aria-describedby.
'aria-labelledby'?: string;
/** Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure. */
'aria-level'?: number;
/** Indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. */
'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite';
/** Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed. */
'aria-modal'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
/** Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line. */
'aria-multiline'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
/** Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants. */
'aria-multiselectable'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
/** Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous. */
'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
* Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship
* between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.
* @see aria-controls.
'aria-owns'?: string;
* Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.
* A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.
'aria-placeholder'?: string;
* Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-setsize.
'aria-posinset'?: number;
* Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-selected.
'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true';
* Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
* @see aria-disabled.
'aria-readonly'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.
* @see aria-atomic.
'aria-relevant'?: 'additions' | 'additions removals' | 'additions text' | 'all' | 'removals' | 'removals additions' | 'removals text' | 'text' | 'text additions' | 'text removals';
/** Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted. */
'aria-required'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
/** Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. */
'aria-roledescription'?: string;
* Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex.
'aria-rowcount'?: number;
* Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowcount @see aria-rowspan.
'aria-rowindex'?: number;
* Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
* @see aria-rowindex @see aria-colspan.
'aria-rowspan'?: number;
* Indicates the current "selected" state of various widgets.
* @see aria-checked @see aria-pressed.
'aria-selected'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
* Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
* @see aria-posinset.
'aria-setsize'?: number;
/** Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order. */
'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other';
/** Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemax'?: number;
/** Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget. */
'aria-valuemin'?: number;
* Defines the current value for a range widget.
* @see aria-valuetext.
'aria-valuenow'?: number;
/** Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget. */
'aria-valuetext'?: string;
interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
// React-specific Attributes
defaultChecked?: boolean;
defaultValue?: string | number | ReadonlyArray<string>;
suppressContentEditableWarning?: boolean;
suppressHydrationWarning?: boolean;
// Standard HTML Attributes
accessKey?: string;
className?: string;
contentEditable?: Booleanish | "inherit";
contextMenu?: string;
dir?: string;
draggable?: Booleanish;
hidden?: boolean;
id?: string;
lang?: string;
placeholder?: string;
slot?: string;
spellCheck?: Booleanish;
style?: CSSProperties;
tabIndex?: number;
title?: string;
translate?: 'yes' | 'no';
// Unknown
radioGroup?: string; // <command>, <menuitem>
role?: string;
// RDFa Attributes
about?: string;
datatype?: string;
inlist?: any;
prefix?: string;
property?: string;
resource?: string;
typeof?: string;
vocab?: string;
// Non-standard Attributes
autoCapitalize?: string;
autoCorrect?: string;
autoSave?: string;
color?: string;
itemProp?: string;
itemScope?: boolean;
itemType?: string;
itemID?: string;
itemRef?: string;
results?: number;
security?: string;
unselectable?: 'on' | 'off';
// Living Standard
* Hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents
* @see
inputMode?: 'none' | 'text' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'email' | 'numeric' | 'decimal' | 'search';
* Specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a defined custom built-in element
* @see
is?: string;
interface AllHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
// Standard HTML Attributes
accept?: string;
acceptCharset?: string;
action?: string;
allowFullScreen?: boolean;
allowTransparency?: boolean;
alt?: string;
as?: string;
async?: boolean;
autoComplete?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
autoPlay?: boolean;
capture?: boolean | string;
cellPadding?: number | string;
cellSpacing?: number | string;
charSet?: string;
challenge?: string;
checked?: boolean;
cite?: string;
classID?: string;
cols?: number;
colSpan?: number;
content?: string;
controls?: boolean;
coords?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
data?: string;
dateTime?: string;
default?: boolean;
defer?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
download?: any;
encType?: string;
form?: string;
formAction?: string;
formEncType?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: boolean;
formTarget?: string;
frameBorder?: number | string;
headers?: string;
height?: number | string;
high?: number;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
htmlFor?: string;
httpEquiv?: string;
integrity?: string;
keyParams?: string;
keyType?: string;
kind?: string;
label?: string;
list?: string;
loop?: boolean;
low?: number;
manifest?: string;
marginHeight?: number;
marginWidth?: number;
max?: number | string;
maxLength?: number;
media?: string;
mediaGroup?: string;
method?: string;
min?: number | string;
minLength?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
muted?: boolean;
name?: string;
nonce?: string;
noValidate?: boolean;
open?: boolean;
optimum?: number;
pattern?: string;
placeholder?: string;
playsInline?: boolean;
poster?: string;
preload?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
rel?: string;
required?: boolean;
reversed?: boolean;
rows?: number;
rowSpan?: number;
sandbox?: string;
scope?: string;
scoped?: boolean;
scrolling?: string;
seamless?: boolean;
selected?: boolean;
shape?: string;
size?: number;
sizes?: string;
span?: number;
src?: string;
srcDoc?: string;
srcLang?: string;
srcSet?: string;
start?: number;
step?: number | string;
summary?: string;
target?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
width?: number | string;
wmode?: string;
wrap?: string;
type HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy =
| ''
| 'no-referrer'
| 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
| 'origin'
| 'origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'same-origin'
| 'strict-origin'
| 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'unsafe-url';
interface AnchorHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
download?: any;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
media?: string;
ping?: string;
rel?: string;
target?: string;
type?: string;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
interface AudioHTMLAttributes<T> extends MediaHTMLAttributes<T> {}
interface AreaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
alt?: string;
coords?: string;
download?: any;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
media?: string;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
rel?: string;
shape?: string;
target?: string;
interface BaseHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
href?: string;
target?: string;
interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
cite?: string;
interface ButtonHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
form?: string;
formAction?: string;
formEncType?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: boolean;
formTarget?: string;
name?: string;
type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button';
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface CanvasHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
height?: number | string;
width?: number | string;
interface ColHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
span?: number;
width?: number | string;
interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
span?: number;
interface DataHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface DetailsHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
open?: boolean;
onToggle?: MithrilEventHandler<T>;
interface DelHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
cite?: string;
dateTime?: string;
interface DialogHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
open?: boolean;
interface EmbedHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
height?: number | string;
src?: string;
type?: string;
width?: number | string;
interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
disabled?: boolean;
form?: string;
name?: string;
interface FormHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
acceptCharset?: string;
action?: string;
autoComplete?: string;
encType?: string;
method?: string;
name?: string;
noValidate?: boolean;
target?: string;
interface HtmlHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
manifest?: string;
interface IframeHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
allow?: string;
allowFullScreen?: boolean;
allowTransparency?: boolean;
/** @deprecated */
frameBorder?: number | string;
height?: number | string;
loading?: "eager" | "lazy";
/** @deprecated */
marginHeight?: number;
/** @deprecated */
marginWidth?: number;
name?: string;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
sandbox?: string;
/** @deprecated */
scrolling?: string;
seamless?: boolean;
src?: string;
srcDoc?: string;
width?: number | string;
interface ImgHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
alt?: string;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "";
decoding?: "async" | "auto" | "sync";
height?: number | string;
loading?: "eager" | "lazy";
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
sizes?: string;
src?: string;
srcSet?: string;
useMap?: string;
width?: number | string;
interface InsHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
cite?: string;
dateTime?: string;
interface InputHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
accept?: string;
alt?: string;
autoComplete?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
capture?: boolean | string; //
checked?: boolean;
crossOrigin?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
enterKeyHint?: 'enter' | 'done' | 'go' | 'next' | 'previous' | 'search' | 'send';
form?: string;
formAction?: string;
formEncType?: string;
formMethod?: string;
formNoValidate?: boolean;
formTarget?: string;
height?: number | string;
list?: string;
max?: number | string;
maxLength?: number;
min?: number | string;
minLength?: number;
multiple?: boolean;
name?: string;
pattern?: string;
placeholder?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
size?: number;
src?: string;
step?: number | string;
type?: string;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
width?: number | string;
onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
interface KeygenHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoFocus?: boolean;
challenge?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
form?: string;
keyType?: string;
keyParams?: string;
name?: string;
interface LabelHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
form?: string;
htmlFor?: string;
interface LiHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface LinkHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
as?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
href?: string;
hrefLang?: string;
integrity?: string;
media?: string;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
rel?: string;
sizes?: string;
type?: string;
charSet?: string;
interface MapHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
name?: string;
interface MenuHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
type?: string;
interface MediaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoPlay?: boolean;
controls?: boolean;
controlsList?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
loop?: boolean;
mediaGroup?: string;
muted?: boolean;
playsInline?: boolean;
preload?: string;
src?: string;
interface MetaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
charSet?: string;
content?: string;
httpEquiv?: string;
name?: string;
interface MeterHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
form?: string;
high?: number;
low?: number;
max?: number | string;
min?: number | string;
optimum?: number;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface QuoteHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
cite?: string;
interface ObjectHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
classID?: string;
data?: string;
form?: string;
height?: number | string;
name?: string;
type?: string;
useMap?: string;
width?: number | string;
wmode?: string;
interface OlHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
reversed?: boolean;
start?: number;
type?: '1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I';
interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
disabled?: boolean;
label?: string;
interface OptionHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
disabled?: boolean;
label?: string;
selected?: boolean;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface OutputHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
form?: string;
htmlFor?: string;
name?: string;
interface ParamHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
name?: string;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface ProgressHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
max?: number | string;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
interface SlotHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
name?: string;
interface ScriptHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
async?: boolean;
/** @deprecated */
charSet?: string;
crossOrigin?: string;
defer?: boolean;
integrity?: string;
noModule?: boolean;
nonce?: string;
referrerPolicy?: HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy;
src?: string;
type?: string;
interface SelectHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoComplete?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
form?: string;
multiple?: boolean;
name?: string;
required?: boolean;
size?: number;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
interface SourceHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
media?: string;
sizes?: string;
src?: string;
srcSet?: string;
type?: string;
interface StyleHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
media?: string;
nonce?: string;
scoped?: boolean;
type?: string;
interface TableHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
cellPadding?: number | string;
cellSpacing?: number | string;
summary?: string;
width?: number | string;
interface TextareaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
autoComplete?: string;
autoFocus?: boolean;
cols?: number;
dirName?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
form?: string;
maxLength?: number;
minLength?: number;
name?: string;
placeholder?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
required?: boolean;
rows?: number;
value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
wrap?: string;
onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
interface TdHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
align?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char";
colSpan?: number;
headers?: string;
rowSpan?: number;
scope?: string;
abbr?: string;
height?: number | string;
width?: number | string;
valign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "baseline";
interface ThHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
align?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char";
colSpan?: number;
headers?: string;
rowSpan?: number;
scope?: string;
abbr?: string;
interface TimeHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
dateTime?: string;
interface TrackHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
default?: boolean;
kind?: string;
label?: string;
src?: string;
srcLang?: string;
interface VideoHTMLAttributes<T> extends MediaHTMLAttributes<T> {
height?: number | string;
playsInline?: boolean;
poster?: string;
width?: number | string;
disablePictureInPicture?: boolean;
disableRemotePlayback?: boolean;
// this list is "complete" in that it contains every SVG attribute
// that React supports, but the types can be improved.
// Full list here:
// The three broad type categories are (in order of restrictiveness):
// - "number | string"
// - "string"
// - union of string literals
interface SVGAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
// Attributes which also defined in HTMLAttributes
// See comment in SVGDOMPropertyConfig.js
className?: string;
color?: string;
height?: number | string;
id?: string;
lang?: string;
max?: number | string;
media?: string;
method?: string;
min?: number | string;
name?: string;
style?: CSSProperties;
target?: string;
type?: string;
width?: number | string;
// Other HTML properties supported by SVG elements in browsers
role?: string;
tabIndex?: number;
crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "";
// SVG Specific attributes
accentHeight?: number | string;
accumulate?: "none" | "sum";
additive?: "replace" | "sum";
alignmentBaseline?: "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "middle" | "central" | "after-edge" |
"text-after-edge" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "hanging" | "mathematical" | "inherit";
allowReorder?: "no" | "yes";
alphabetic?: number | string;
amplitude?: number | string;
arabicForm?: "initial" | "medial" | "terminal" | "isolated";
ascent?: number | string;
attributeName?: string;
attributeType?: string;
autoReverse?: Booleanish;
azimuth?: number | string;
baseFrequency?: number | string;
baselineShift?: number | string;
baseProfile?: number | string;
bbox?: number | string;
begin?: number | string;
bias?: number | string;
by?: number | string;
calcMode?: number | string;
capHeight?: number | string;
clip?: number | string;
clipPath?: string;
clipPathUnits?: number | string;
clipRule?: number | string;
colorInterpolation?: number | string;
colorInterpolationFilters?: "auto" | "sRGB" | "linearRGB" | "inherit";
colorProfile?: number | string;
colorRendering?: number | string;
contentScriptType?: number | string;
contentStyleType?: number | string;
cursor?: number | string;
cx?: number | string;
cy?: number | string;
d?: string;
decelerate?: number | string;
descent?: number | string;
diffuseConstant?: number | string;
direction?: number | string;
display?: number | string;
divisor?: number | string;
dominantBaseline?: number | string;
dur?: number | string;
dx?: number | string;
dy?: number | string;
edgeMode?: number | string;
elevation?: number | string;
enableBackground?: number | string;
end?: number | string;
exponent?: number | string;
externalResourcesRequired?: Booleanish;
fill?: string;
fillOpacity?: number | string;
fillRule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit";
filter?: string;
filterRes?: number | string;
filterUnits?: number | string;
floodColor?: number | string;
floodOpacity?: number | string;
focusable?: Booleanish | "auto";
fontFamily?: string;
fontSize?: number | string;
fontSizeAdjust?: number | string;
fontStretch?: number | string;
fontStyle?: number | string;
fontVariant?: number | string;
fontWeight?: number | string;
format?: number | string;
from?: number | string;
fx?: number | string;
fy?: number | string;
g1?: number | string;
g2?: number | string;
glyphName?: number | string;
glyphOrientationHorizontal?: number | string;
glyphOrientationVertical?: number | string;
glyphRef?: number | string;
gradientTransform?: string;
gradientUnits?: string;
hanging?: number | string;
horizAdvX?: number | string;
horizOriginX?: number | string;
href?: string;
ideographic?: number | string;
imageRendering?: number | string;
in2?: number | string;
in?: string;
intercept?: number | string;
k1?: number | string;
k2?: number | string;
k3?: number | string;
k4?: number | string;
k?: number | string;
kernelMatrix?: number | string;
kernelUnitLength?: number | string;
kerning?: number | string;
keyPoints?: number | string;
keySplines?: number | string;
keyTimes?: number | string;
lengthAdjust?: number | string;
letterSpacing?: number | string;
lightingColor?: number | string;
limitingConeAngle?: number | string;
local?: number | string;
markerEnd?: string;
markerHeight?: number | string;
markerMid?: string;
markerStart?: string;
markerUnits?: number | string;
markerWidth?: number | string;
mask?: string;
maskContentUnits?: number | string;
maskUnits?: number | string;
mathematical?: number | string;
mode?: number | string;
numOctaves?: number | string;
offset?: number | string;
opacity?: number | string;
operator?: number | string;
order?: number | string;
orient?: number | string;
orientation?: number | string;
origin?: number | string;
overflow?: number | string;
overlinePosition?: number | string;
overlineThickness?: number | string;
paintOrder?: number | string;
panose1?: number | string;
path?: string;
pathLength?: number | string;
patternContentUnits?: string;
patternTransform?: number | string;
patternUnits?: string;
pointerEvents?: number | string;
points?: string;
pointsAtX?: number | string;
pointsAtY?: number | string;
pointsAtZ?: number | string;
preserveAlpha?: Booleanish;
preserveAspectRatio?: string;
primitiveUnits?: number | string;
r?: number | string;
radius?: number | string;
refX?: number | string;
refY?: number | string;
renderingIntent?: number | string;
repeatCount?: number | string;
repeatDur?: number | string;
requiredExtensions?: number | string;
requiredFeatures?: number | string;
restart?: number | string;
result?: string;
rotate?: number | string;
rx?: number | string;
ry?: number | string;
scale?: number | string;
seed?: number | string;
shapeRendering?: number | string;
slope?: number | string;
spacing?: number | string;
specularConstant?: number | string;
specularExponent?: number | string;
speed?: number | string;
spreadMethod?: string;
startOffset?: number | string;
stdDeviation?: number | string;
stemh?: number | string;
stemv?: number | string;
stitchTiles?: number | string;
stopColor?: string;
stopOpacity?: number | string;
strikethroughPosition?: number | string;
strikethroughThickness?: number | string;
string?: number | string;
stroke?: string;
strokeDasharray?: string | number;
strokeDashoffset?: string | number;
strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
strokeLinejoin?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit";
strokeMiterlimit?: number | string;
strokeOpacity?: number | string;
strokeWidth?: number | string;
surfaceScale?: number | string;
systemLanguage?: number | string;
tableValues?: number | string;
targetX?: number | string;
targetY?: number | string;
textAnchor?: string;
textDecoration?: number | string;
textLength?: number | string;
textRendering?: number | string;
to?: number | string;
transform?: string;
u1?: number | string;
u2?: number | string;
underlinePosition?: number | string;
underlineThickness?: number | string;
unicode?: number | string;
unicodeBidi?: number | string;
unicodeRange?: number | string;
unitsPerEm?: number | string;
vAlphabetic?: number | string;
values?: string;
vectorEffect?: number | string;
version?: string;
vertAdvY?: number | string;
vertOriginX?: number | string;
vertOriginY?: number | string;
vHanging?: number | string;
vIdeographic?: number | string;
viewBox?: string;
viewTarget?: number | string;
visibility?: number | string;
vMathematical?: number | string;
widths?: number | string;
wordSpacing?: number | string;
writingMode?: number | string;
x1?: number | string;
x2?: number | string;
x?: number | string;
xChannelSelector?: string;
xHeight?: number | string;
xlinkActuate?: string;
xlinkArcrole?: string;
xlinkHref?: string;
xlinkRole?: string;
xlinkShow?: string;
xlinkTitle?: string;
xlinkType?: string;
xmlBase?: string;
xmlLang?: string;
xmlns?: string;
xmlnsXlink?: string;
xmlSpace?: string;
y1?: number | string;
y2?: number | string;
y?: number | string;
yChannelSelector?: string;
z?: number | string;
zoomAndPan?: string;
interface IntrinsicElements {
a: m.Attributes & AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>;
abbr: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
address: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
area: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
article: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
aside: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>;
audio: m.Attributes & AudioHTMLAttributes<HTMLAudioElement>
b: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
base: m.Attributes & BaseHTMLAttributes<HTMLBaseElement>
bdi: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
bdo: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
big: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
blockquote: m.Attributes & BlockquoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
body: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLBodyElement>
br: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLBRElement>
button: m.Attributes & ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>
canvas: m.Attributes & CanvasHTMLAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement>
caption: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
cite: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
code: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
col: m.Attributes & ColHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>
colgroup: m.Attributes & ColgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>
data: m.Attributes & DataHTMLAttributes<HTMLDataElement>
datalist: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDataListElement>
dd: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
del: m.Attributes & DelHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
details: m.Attributes & DetailsHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
dfn: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
dialog: m.Attributes & DialogHTMLAttributes<HTMLDialogElement>
div: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>
dl: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLDListElement>
dt: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
em: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
embed: m.Attributes & EmbedHTMLAttributes<HTMLEmbedElement>
fieldset: m.Attributes & FieldsetHTMLAttributes<HTMLFieldSetElement>
figcaption: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
figure: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
footer: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
form: m.Attributes & FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>
h1: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
h2: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
h3: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
h4: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
h5: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
h6: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>
head: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadElement>
header: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
hgroup: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
hr: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLHRElement>
html: m.Attributes & HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLHtmlElement>
i: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
iframe: m.Attributes & IframeHTMLAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement>
img: m.Attributes & ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>
input: m.Attributes & InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>
ins: m.Attributes & InsHTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement>
kbd: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
keygen: m.Attributes & KeygenHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
label: m.Attributes & LabelHTMLAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>
legend: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLLegendElement>
li: m.Attributes & LiHTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>
link: m.Attributes & LinkHTMLAttributes<HTMLLinkElement>
main: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
map: m.Attributes & MapHTMLAttributes<HTMLMapElement>
mark: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
menu: m.Attributes & MenuHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
menuitem: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
meta: m.Attributes & MetaHTMLAttributes<HTMLMetaElement>
meter: m.Attributes & MeterHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
nav: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
// noindex: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> OLD
noscript: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
object: m.Attributes & ObjectHTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement>
ol: m.Attributes & OlHTMLAttributes<HTMLOListElement>
optgroup: m.Attributes & OptgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptGroupElement>
option: m.Attributes & OptionHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptionElement>
output: m.Attributes & OutputHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
p: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>
param: m.Attributes & ParamHTMLAttributes<HTMLParamElement>
picture: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
pre: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLPreElement>
progress: m.Attributes & ProgressHTMLAttributes<HTMLProgressElement>
q: m.Attributes & QuoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement>
rp: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
rt: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
ruby: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
s: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
samp: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
slot: m.Attributes & SlotHTMLAttributes<HTMLSlotElement> // NEW
script: m.Attributes & ScriptHTMLAttributes<HTMLScriptElement>
section: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
select: m.Attributes & SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement>
small: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
source: m.Attributes & SourceHTMLAttributes<HTMLSourceElement>
span: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>
strong: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
style: m.Attributes & StyleHTMLAttributes<HTMLStyleElement>
sub: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
summary: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
sup: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
table: m.Attributes & TableHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableElement>
template: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTemplateElement>
tbody: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>
td: m.Attributes & TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableDataCellElement>
textarea: m.Attributes & TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>
tfoot: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>
th: m.Attributes & ThHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>
thead: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>
time: m.Attributes & TimeHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
title: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTitleElement>
tr: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>
track: m.Attributes & TrackHTMLAttributes<HTMLTrackElement>
u: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
ul: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>
var: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
video: m.Attributes & VideoHTMLAttributes<HTMLVideoElement>
wbr: m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
// SVG
svg: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGElement>
animate: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGElement> // TODO: It is SVGAnimateElement but is not in TypeScript's lib.dom.d.ts for now.
animateMotion: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGElement>
animateTransform: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGElement> // TODO: It is SVGAnimateTransformElement but is not in TypeScript's lib.dom.d.ts for now.
circle: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGCircleElement>
clipPath: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGClipPathElement>
defs: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGDefsElement>
desc: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGDescElement>
ellipse: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGEllipseElement>
feBlend: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEBlendElement>
feColorMatrix: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEColorMatrixElement>
feComponentTransfer: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEComponentTransferElement>
feComposite: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFECompositeElement>
feConvolveMatrix: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement>
feDiffuseLighting: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement>
feDisplacementMap: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEDisplacementMapElement>
feDistantLight: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEDistantLightElement>
feDropShadow: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEDropShadowElement>
feFlood: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEFloodElement>
feFuncA: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEFuncAElement>
feFuncB: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEFuncBElement>
feFuncG: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEFuncGElement>
feFuncR: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEFuncRElement>
feGaussianBlur: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEGaussianBlurElement>
feImage: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEImageElement>
feMerge: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEMergeElement>
feMergeNode: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEMergeNodeElement>
feMorphology: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEMorphologyElement>
feOffset: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEOffsetElement>
fePointLight: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFEPointLightElement>
feSpecularLighting: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFESpecularLightingElement>
feSpotLight: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFESpotLightElement>
feTile: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFETileElement>
feTurbulence: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFETurbulenceElement>
filter: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGFilterElement>
foreignObject: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGForeignObjectElement>
g: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGGElement>
image: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGImageElement>
line: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGLineElement>
linearGradient: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGLinearGradientElement>
marker: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGMarkerElement>
mask: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGMaskElement>
metadata: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGMetadataElement>
mpath: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGElement>
path: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGPathElement>
pattern: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGPatternElement>
polygon: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGPolygonElement>
polyline: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGPolylineElement>
radialGradient: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGRadialGradientElement>
rect: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGRectElement>
stop: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGStopElement>
switch: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGSwitchElement>
symbol: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGSymbolElement>
text: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGTextElement>
textPath: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGTextPathElement>
tspan: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGTSpanElement>
use: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGUseElement>
view: m.Attributes & SVGProps<SVGViewElement>
// Special m types
'[': m.Attributes & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
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