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Created February 18, 2019 11:31
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Interesting of AAAI accepted papers
AAAI Accepted Papers 관심있는 논문
CircConv: A Structured Convolution with Low Complexity
Look Across Elapse: Disentangled Representation Learning and Photorealistic Cross-Age Face Synthesis for Age-Invariant Face Recognition

Transferable Curriculum for Weakly-Supervised Domain Adaptation

Weighted Channel Dropout for Regularization of Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Zero-Shot Object Detection with Textual Descriptions

Object Detection based on Region Decomposition and Assembly
Single-Label Multi-Class Image Classification by Deep Logistic Regression
DeepChannel: Salience Estimation by Contrastive Learning for Extractive Document Summarization

Augmenting Markov Decision Processes with Advising

Attention-based Multi-Context Guiding for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Multi-view Information-theoretic Co-clustering for Co-occurrence Data

How Does Knowledge of the AUC Constrain the Set of Possible Ground-truth Labelings?
MEAL: Multi-Model Ensemble via Adversarial Learning

Solving Imperfect-Information Games with Discounted Counterfactual Regret Minimization
Adversarial Dropout for Recurrent Neural Networks

Adversarial Learning for Weakly-Supervised Social Network Alignment

Perceptual-Sensitive GAN for Generating Adversarial Patches

Sentence-wise Smooth Regularization for Sequence to Sequence Learning

Residual Attribute Attention Network for Face Image Super-Resolution

Embedding Uncertain Knowledge Graphs

Fully Convolutional Network with Multi-Step Reinforcement Learning for Image Processing
Towards Optimal Fine Grained Retrieval via Decorrelated Centralized Loss with Normalize- Scale layer

Hybrid Attention-based Prototypical Networks for Noisy Few-Shot Relation Classification
Safeguarded Dynamic Label Regression for Noisy Supervision

Learning to Localize Objects with Noisy Labeled Instances

Similarity Learning via Kernel Preserving Embedding

An Affect-Rich Neural Conversational Model with Biased Attention and Weighted Cross- Entropy Loss

3D Object Detection Using Scale Invariant and Feature Reweighting Networks
Deep Bayesian Optimization on Attributed Graphs

Deep Latent Generative Models For Energy Disaggregation

Zero-Shot Adaptive Transfer for Conversational Language Understanding
Efficient Region Embedding with Multi-view Spatial Networks: A Perspective of Locality- Constrained Spatial Autocorrelations

Robust Metric Learning on Grassmann Manifolds with Generalization Guarantees

A Dual Attention Network with Semantic Embedding for Few-shot Learning

Hierarchical Attention Network for Image Captioning

Adversarial Label Learning

Knowledge Distillation with Adversarial Samples Supporting Decision Boundary
Knowledge Transfer via Distillation of Activation Boundaries Formed by Hidden Neurons
Adaptive Region Embedding for Text Classification

Soft Facial Landmark Detection by Label Distribution Learning
Constrained Generation via Metropolis-Hastings Sampling

DAN : Deep Attention Neural Network for News Recommendation

Densely Supervised Grasp Detector (DSGD)

Outlier Aware Network Embedding for Attributed Networks

Gradient Harmonized Single-stage Detector

Non-Local Context Encoder: Robust Biomedical Image Segmentation against Adversarial Attacks

A Two-Stream Mutual Attention Network for Semi-supervised Biomedical Segmentation with Noisy Labels

Variance Reduction in Monte Carlo Regret Minimization for Extensive Games using Baselines

Self-Supervised Video Representation Learning with Space-Time Cubic Puzzles
From Zero-Shot Learning to Cold-Start Recommendation

Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Video Summarization

Backbone Can Not be Trained at Once: Rolling Back to Pre-trained Network for Person Re-Identification

Memory-Augmented Temporal Dynamic Learning for Action Recognition

Video Object Detection with Locally-Weighted Deformable Neighbors

AutoZOOM: Autoencoder-based Zeroth Order Optimization Method for Attacking Black- box Neural Networks

Learning Anytime Predictions in Neural Networks via Adaptive Loss Balancing

Image Block Augmentation for One-Shot Learning

Online Embedding Compression for Text Classification using Low Rank Matrix Factorization

Depthwise Convolution is All You Need for Learning Multiple Visual Domains

Difficulty-Aware Attention Network with Confidence Learning for Medical Image Segmentation

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by Matching Distributions based on the Maximum Mean Discrepancy via Unilateral Transformations

Joint Domain Alignment and Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Deep Domain Adaptation

Fuzzy-Classification Assisted Solution Preselection in Evolutionary Optimization
Semantic Adversarial Network with Multi-scale Pyramid Attention for Video Classification
Residual Invertible Spatio-Temporal Network For Video Super-Resolution

MonoGRNet: A Geometric Reasoning Network for Monocular 3D Object Localization
Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture with Variational Manifold Regularization: Topic Modeling over Short Texts

Dual Semi-Supervised Learning for Facial Action Unit Recognition

Fine-grained search space classification for hard enumeration variants of subset problems
On-Line Learning of Linear Dynamical Systems: Exponential Forgetting in Kalman Filters
I Know the Relationships: Zero-Shot Action Recognition via Two-Stream Graph Convolutional Networks and Knowledge Graphs

Long Short-Term Memory with Dynamic Skip Connections

Argumentation for Explainable Scheduling

A Generalized Language Model in Tensor Space

Greedy maximization of functions with bounded curvature under partition matroid constraints.

Tensor Ring Decomposition with Rank Minimization on Latent Space: An Efficient Approach for Tensor Completion

Submodular Optimization Over Streams with Inhomogeneous Decays

Learning Object Context for Dense Captioning

SDRL: Interpretable and Data-efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning Leveraging Symbolic Planning

Generalized Batch Normalization

Task Embedded Coordinate Update: A Realizable Framework for Multivariate Non-convex Optimization
Interleave Variational Optimization with Monte Carlo Sampling: A Tale of Two Approximate Inference Paradigms

LabelForest: Non-Parametric Semi-Supervised Learning for Activity Recognition
Exploiting Local Feature Patterns for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Smooth Deep Image Generator from Noises

Dual-view Ranking with Hardness Assessment for Zero-shot Learning

f-Similarity Preservation Loss for Soft Labels: A Demonstration on Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition

Angular Triplet-Center Loss for Multi-view 3D Shape Retrieval

Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Internet Price War

Multiple Saliency and Channel Sensitivity Network for Aggregated Convolutional Feature
Quantifying Uncertainties in Natural Language Processing Tasks
Data-Distortion Guided Self-Distillation for Deep Neural Networks

ClusterGAN : Latent Space Clustering in Generative Adversarial Networks

Few-Shot Image and Sentence Matching via Gated Visual-Semantic Embedding

Pareto Optimization for Subset Selection with Dynamic Cost Constraints

Coupled CycleGAN: Unsupervised Hashing Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval

Partial Multi-Label Learning by Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition

Random Walk Decay Centrality

A Sequential Set Generation Method for Predicting Set-Valued Outputs

Inter-Class Angular Loss for Convolutional Neural Networks
Meta Learning for Image Captioning

Transferable Interactive Memory Network for Domain Adaptation in Fine-grained Opinion Extraction
Explainable Recommendation Through Attentive Multi-View Learning

Partial Label Learning with Self-Guided Retraining

Mode Variational LSTM Robust to Unseen Modes of Variation: Application to Facial Expression Recognition

SEGAN: Structure-Enhanced Generative Adversarial Network for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction

Deep Embedding Features for Salient Object Detection

Adaptive Proximal Average based Variance Reducing Stochastic Methods for Optimization with Composite Regularization

Exploiting synthetically generated data with semi-supervised learning for small and imbalanced datasets

A Nonconvex Projection Method for Robust PCA

Robustness Guarantees for Bayesian Inference with Gaussian Processes

Robust Optimization over Multiple Domains
Practical Algorithms for Multi-stage Voting Rules with Parallel Universes Tiebreaking
Measurement Maximizing Adaptive Sampling With Risk Bounding Functions
Generalized Distance Bribery

Zero-shot Neural Transfer for Cross-lingual Entity Linking

Triple Classification Using Regions And Fine-Grained Entity Typing

PCGAN: Partition-Controlled Human Image Generation

Spatially Invariant Unsupervised Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks
Improving GAN with neighbors embedding and gradient matching

Interpretable Predictive Modeling for Climate Variables with Weighted Lasso
ATOMIC: An Atlas of Machine Commonsense for If-Then Reasoning

Marginal Inference in Continuous Markov Random Fields using Mixtures

WK-VQA: World Knowledge-enabled Visual Question Answering

Matrix Completion for Graph-Based Deep Semi-Supervised Learning

A non-convex optimization approach to correlation clustering

High Dimensional Clustering with $r$-nets

Learning Phenotypes and Dynamic Patient Representations via RNN Regularized Collective Non-negative Tensor Factorization

Hierarchical Context enabled Recurrent Neural Network for Recommendation
Randomized Strategies for Robust Combinatorial Optimization

Learning A Key-Value Memory Co-Attention Matching Network for Person Re- Identification

Direct Training for Spiking Neural Networks: Faster, Larger, Better
Bounding Uncertainty for Active Batch Selection
Modeling Local Dependence in Natural Language with Multi-channel Recurrent Neural Networks

Region-based Message Exploration over Spatio-Temporal Data Streams
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