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Created March 21, 2012 05:08
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Save cholick/2144619 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to export issues with comments for a github project
* This script pulls all the issues from github for the project in the working directory
* and tosses them onto standard out
* Prerequisites: configure git with a username:
* $ git config --global github.user username
* @author Matt Cholick
* todo: Deal with rate limiting
@Grab(group = 'org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module = 'http-builder', version = '0.5.2')
// specifying explicit groovy version due to problem with grab and dependency range
// see
@Grab(group = "org.codehaus.groovy", module = "groovy", version = "1.8.6")
import static
import static
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
//harvest username and repository information to connect with
String user = 'git config --get github.user'.execute().text.trim()
assert user
String origin = 'git remote show origin'.execute().text.trim()
assert origin
def repo = (origin =~ (/.*\w*)\/(\w*).*/))
String repoUser = repo[0][1]
assert repoUser
String repoName = repo[0][2]
assert repoName
String password = null { reader ->
//print password prompt to error (so script output can be tossed into a file)
System.err.print "Password: "
password = reader.readLine().trim()
assert (password)
//perform a request to github's api and execute the callback on the returned json
def githubRequest = { url, callback ->
def github = new HTTPBuilder(url)
github.request(GET, JSON) { req ->
headers.'Accept' = 'application/vnd.github.VERSION.raw+json'
String encoded = "${user}:${password}".toString().bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
headers.'Authorization' = "Basic ${encoded}"
response.success = { resp, json ->
response.failure = { resp ->
println "Failure: ${resp.statusLine.statusCode} : ${resp.statusLine.reasonPhrase}"
//base repo url, pulled from project the script is run under
String baseUrl = "${repoUser}/${repoName}/issues"
//get both opened and closed issues
["${baseUrl}?state=closed", "${baseUrl}?state=open"].each { issueUrl ->
githubRequest(issueUrl, { issuesJson ->
//pull just the numbers for each issue to iterate over
issuesJson.number.reverse().each { number ->
//get the full issue and output
githubRequest("${baseUrl}/${number}", { issueJson ->
//println JsonOutput.prettyPrint(issueJson.toString())
String header = "${number}: ${issueJson.title} by ${issueJson.user.login}, ${issueJson.state} (${issueJson.created_at})"
println "<h3>${header}</h3>"
if (issueJson.body) {
println "<p>${issueJson.body}</p>"
//get the list of comments and output
githubRequest("${baseUrl}/${number}/comments", { commentJson ->
//println JsonOutput.prettyPrint(commentJson.toString())
Integer commentCount = 1
//commentJson is an array of comments, loop over each and print
commentJson.each { commentJsonElement ->
println "<div style='margin-left: 2em'>"
String header = "Comment ${commentCount++} of ${commentJson.size()} by ${commentJsonElement.user.login} (${commentJsonElement.created_at})"
println "<h4>${header}</h4>"
println "<hr/>"
println "<p>${commentJsonElement.body}</p>"
println "</div>"
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