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Created July 17, 2022 19:26
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A simply fuzzy search extension to cheat/cheat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Make this file executable, link it to your PATH and rename it as ch.
Usage: ch arg1 [arg2 ...]
If arg1 starts with '-', execute cheat from
`cheat arg1 [arg2 ...]`.
Otherwise, do a fuzzy search for arg1 which returns 'tag', then execute `cheat tag`.
import os
import sys
from glob import glob
COMMUNITY = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/community")
PERSONAL = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/cheat/cheatsheets/personal")
def find_match(target, elements):
"""Find the matching string in a list of elements.
elements (list): a list of strings to search from
target (str): target string
>>> find_match('good', ['good-stuff', 'bad-stuff']]
exact_match = []
fuzzy_match = []
for ele in elements:
if ele[:len(target)].lower() == target.lower():
if len(ele) == len(target):
except IndexError:
if len(exact_match) > 0:
return exact_match[0], 1
if len(fuzzy_match) > 0:
# return the shortest match
lens = [len(i) for i in fuzzy_match]
pick = lens.index(min(lens))
return fuzzy_match[pick], 0
return None, 0
def main():
cheats_com = [os.path.basename(i) for i in glob(COMMUNITY + "/*")]
cheats_per = [os.path.basename(i) for i in glob(PERSONAL + "/*")]
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
if sys.argv[1][0] == '-':
sys.exit(os.system("cheat " + " ".join(sys.argv[1:])))
tag = sys.argv[1]
sys.exit(print("Usage: ch tag"))
name, exact = find_match(tag, cheats_per + cheats_com)
# name = pick_best(tag, cheats_per)
if name is None:
sys.exit(print("Couldn't find any match"))
if exact:
sys.exit(os.system("cheat " + name))
confirm = input(f"{name} ([y]/n)? ")
if confirm in ['', 'y', 'Y']:
sys.exit(os.system("cheat " + name))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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