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Last active February 16, 2017 09:55
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TimeAndDate Feedback

South Korean Holidays Feedback

Hello timeanddate. I've recently looked through the holidays of South Korea in timeanddate and found out some of them are wrong, have weird translation, or some holidays are missing. (link) As a native Korean, I'd like to give you some thorough feedback on it.

1. Typo in New Year's Day.

There's no closing parenthesis in new-year-day's Korean Translation. (reference) The better translation is to remove Chinese characters within parenthesis, because these days Chinese characters are barely used in Korea.

Target Current Translation Fix Reason
new-year-day 신정(新正 신정 Removed Chinese characters since it's barely used in now.

1. Seollal Holiday Series.

There are four holidays related to Seollal holiday in timeanddate: seollal-holiday-1, seollal-holiday-2, seollal-holiday-3, and seollal-holiday-4.

Here are some facts:

  • Seollal is a new year’s day of lunar calendar, so it's really a one day, not four days consecutive.
  • Other Seollal holidays are just extended holidays around the Seollal because Seollal is the biggest holiday in Korea.
  • There's no 4th day in extended Seollal holidays. There's a substituted holiday of Seollal holiday in case Seollal holidays overlaps weekend, and it's called seollal-holiday-4 in timeanddate. It should be an observed holiday of seoll-holiday-x, not an seollal-holiday-4!

Here's how it should be fixed:

Target Fix
Real Seollal (1.1. in lunar calendar) English Name: Seollal (Removed unnecessary expressions)
Korean Name: 설날
urlid: seollal-holiday-2 or create new ID seollal
Holidays around Seollal
(12.30. and 1.2 in lunar calendar)
English Name: Seollal Holiday (Added 'Holiday' because it's not real Seollal)
Korean Name: 설날 연휴
seollal-holiday-4 Should be removed; It's an observed holiday of Seollal holidays.
Observed Seollal English Name: Observed Seollal
Korean Name: 설날 (대체공휴일) (Means 'observed holidays')
Observed holidays around Seollal English Name: Observed Seollal Holiday (Same as above since
Korean Name: 설날 연휴 (대체공휴일) (Same as Observed Seollal)

2. Mid Autumn Festival Day Series

Chuseok, which is called Mid Autumn Festival Day in timeanddate, is the second biggest holiday in South Korea. Just like Seollal, Chuseok should be written as Chuseok not not Mid Autumn Festival Day, not only for consistency in translation but also it looks really weird to Korean.

As a second biggest holiday in Korea, Chuseok also has extended holidays around the actual Chuseok day. Since Chuseok is also a lunar calendar based holiday (of date 8.15.), holidays around Chuseok are 8.14. and 8.16. in lunar calendar respectively. And their observed date might be difference if Chuseok holidays overlap other holidays or weekends. And timeanddate made mistake again to reference this observed holiday as mid-autumn-festival-day-4.

Here's how it should be fixed:

Target Fix
Real Chuseok (8.15. in lunar calendar) English Name: Chuseok (as Seollal)
Korean Name: 추석 (Removed Chinese characters within parenthesis)
urlid: mid-autumn-festival-2 or create new ID chuseok
Holidays around Chuseok
(8.14. and 8.16. in lunar calendar)
English Name: Chuseok Holiday (as Seollal Holiday)
Korean Name: 추석 연휴 (Be consistent to Seollal Holiday)
mid-autumn-festival-day-4 Should be removed; It's an observed holiday of Chuseok holidays.
Observed Chuseok English Name: Observed Chuseok (as Observed Seollal)
Korean Name: 추석 (대체공휴일)
Observed holidays around Chuseok English Name: Observed Chuseok Holiday (as Observed Seollal Holiday)
Korean Name: 추석 연휴 (대체공휴일)

3. Korean Translations Fix

There's some error in Korean translation that needs fix. Apart from it, I highly recommends to remove Chinese characters within parenthesis in current Korean translations. Here's the table for fix.

Date Current Translation Fix Reason
March 1 3.1절(三一節) 삼일절 This is official name in many influential sites.
(e.g. Namu Wiki, current biggets public wiki site in Korea)
Apple Calendar uses this as well
May 1 1. 노동절 노동절 Typo; prefix 1. is accidently included from May "first"
May 3 석가탄신일(釋迦誕辰日) 석가탄신일 Removed Chinese characters
(As explained above, Chinese characters are barely used in Korea)
May 8 학부모날 어버이날 Wrong translation. 어버이날 is the correct translation that everyone uses.
June 6 현충일(顯忠日) 현충일 Removed Chinese characters
July 17 제헌절(制憲節) 제헌절 Removed Chinese characters
August 15 광복절(光復節) 광복절 Removed Chinese characters
October 1 국군 의 날 국군의날 Wrong spacing
October 3 개천절(開天節) 개천절 Removed Chinese characters
December 25 크리스마스 주 크리스마스 Wrong translation. No human translator would tranlate Christmas Day like this.

4. Suggest Addition

Some important Observance holidays are missing.

Date Name (ko) Name (en) Type Description
May 15 스승의날 Teacher's day Important Observance This observance is often compared to Parent's Day (5.8.) in Korea (which means it's equally important)
See description in Wikipedia's South Korea section
February 14 발렌타인데이 Valentine's day Common Observance Majority of Korean celebrate Valentine's day now.
Octobor 31 할로윈 Halloween Common Observance Korean don't celebrate Halloween as much as Valentine's day,
but its impact is increasing as the day is commercially well recognized.
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