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Created August 26, 2011 17:50
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* @name backtype
* @author Nithin Meppurathu
* @author_url
* @version 1.1
* @license Do Not distribute under any terms
* Backtype library for Codeigniter.
* Class Helps us connect with the backtype api and get back results.
* Api URL's
* ---------------------------------
* Homepage :
* Comments Search :
* Comments Connect :
* Comments Stats :
* Url Comments :
* Post Comments :
* Post Stats :
* Tweetcount :
class Backtype {
var $key = '2637236273672'; //replaces with your backtype api
// Also xml is a valid format
var $format = 'json';
var $api_url = '';
var $website = '';
* Callback defined by the backtype api
* @string comments_search : searches backtypes comments by specifi page, query, or domain
* @string comments_connect : seraches against different sources native, blog, digg, reddit, yc, friendfeed, twitter
* @string comments_connect_stats : searched for statistics a specific domain
* @mixed url_comments : searches backtypes comments by a specific author
* @string post_comments : searches excerpts of comments published on a particular page
* @string post_stats : searches for statistics for a specific page
* @string tweetcount : searches for twitter hits count on specific page
var $callbacks = array(
'comments_search' => 'comments/search',
'comments_connect' => 'comments/connect',
'comments_connect_stats' => 'comments/connect/stats',
'url_comments' => 'url/{$q}/comments',
'post_comments' => 'post/comments',
'post_stats' => 'post/stats',
'tweetcount' => 'tweetcount'
* Constructs the class
* Intiializes code igniter
* Calls a curl helper from our codeigniter instalation
function __construct()
$this->CI = get_instance();
// loads curl helper php curl wrapper with timeout
* Curl Constructor
* Takes a query and builds it with our above settings
* @param var callback : the object url
* @param array params : (optional) the paramaters for constructing a query string
* @param string : (optional) the format wither json or xml
* @return curled url
function connect($callback, $params=FALSE, $format=FALSE)
$query_string = ($params) ? http_build_query($params).'&' : '';
$format_type = ($format) ? $format : $this->format;
$parsed_url = $this->api_url.$callback.'.'.$format_type.'?'.$query_string.'key='.$this->key;
return curl_connect(array('url'=> $parsed_url, 'timeout'=> 5));
* Searches backtypes comments by a specific author
* @param string q : the query string
* @return string
function author($q)
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['url_comments']);
* Searches for twitter hits count on specific page
* @param string q : the query string
* @param bool batch : (optional)
* Searches for twitter hits count for muiltiple pages
* on responce provides the specific url of page the tweetcount belongs to
* format, commma deliminated
* @return string
function tweets($q, $batch=FALSE)
$params['q'] = $q;
if($batch) $params['mode'] = 'batch';
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['tweetcount'],$params);
* Gets comments published on a particular page
* @param string url : the query string
* @param bool stats : (optional) get statistics the specific page
* @return string
function page($url, $stats=FALSE)
$params['url'] = $url;
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['post_stats'],$params);
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['post_comments'],$params);
* Global search for all comments
* @param string q : the query string or url
* @param array sources : (optional) enables to search by sources, comma deliminated
* --- string sources['sources']: (optional) searches against different sources native, blog, digg, reddit, yc, friendfeed, twitter
* --- int sources['sort'] : (optional) sort sources by type
* @param array date : (optional) does not work with sources | dates format in 'YYYY/MM/DD'
* @return string
function comments($q, $sources=FALSE, $stats=FALSE, $date=FALSE)
$params['url'] = $q;
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['comments_connect_stats'],$params);
$params['url'] = $q;
$params['sources'] = $sources['sources'];
if($sources['sort']) $params['sort'] = $sources['sort'];
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['comments_connect'],$params);
$params['q'] = $q;
if($start) $params['start'] = $start;
if($end) $params['end'] = $end;
return $this->connect($this->callbacks['comments_search'],$params);
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