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Last active January 18, 2019 14:31
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/// <summary>
/// 渡された処理をwaitTime(単位:秒)の間隔でtime_count回実行される。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firsttime_action_no_wait">初回は遅延時間経過後に実行かのフラグ、trueの場合、初回は即座に実行される。falseの場合、遅延時間経過後、初回が実行される</param>
/// <param name="time_count">実行回数 1以上の整数値を設定してください。-1を設定すると、回数制限は無しとなる(つまり無限ループ)。</param>
/// <param name="waitTime">遅延時間/実行の間の間隔時間[秒]</param>
/// <param name="action">実行したい処理</param>
/// <param name="index">今実行しているのは何回目かの値 actionの一つ目のパラメータ</param>
/// <param name="total_count">今実行している処理のトータル回数 actionの二つ目のパラメータ</param>
/// <param name="prev_action_result">前回実行処理の返却値 actionの三つ目のパラメータ</param>
/// <param name="condition">続行可能かの判定処理 返却値がtrueの場合、続行、falseの場合、続行しない。conditionをnullにすることで、判定処理自体を機能させないようにできる(この場合、常に続行可能という判定)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IEnumerator DelayMethodByByGivenTimeCounter(bool firsttime_action_no_wait,int time_count, float waitTime, System.Func<object, object, object, object> action, System.Func<object, object, object, bool> condition = null, object prev_action_result = null, int? total_count = null, int? index = null)
if (total_count == null)
total_count = time_count;
if (index == null)
index = 0;
if (condition != null)
bool condition_result = condition(index, total_count, prev_action_result);
if (condition_result == false)
yield break;
object result;
if (time_count > 0)
if (firsttime_action_no_wait)
result = action(index, total_count, prev_action_result);
if (condition != null)
bool condition_result = condition(index, total_count, result);
if (condition_result == false)
yield break;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
else {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
result = action(index, total_count, prev_action_result);
if (condition != null)
bool condition_result = condition(index, total_count, result);
if (condition_result == false)
yield break;
if (time_count == 0)
else {
StartCoroutine(DelayMethodByByGivenTimeCounter(firsttime_action_no_wait,time_count, waitTime, action, condition, result, total_count, index));
else if (time_count == -1)
if (firsttime_action_no_wait)
result = action(index, total_count, prev_action_result);
if (condition != null)
bool condition_result = condition(index, total_count, result);
if (condition_result == false)
yield break;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
else {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
result = action(index, total_count, prev_action_result);
if (condition != null)
bool condition_result = condition(index, total_count, result);
if (condition_result == false)
yield break;
StartCoroutine(DelayMethodByByGivenTimeCounter(firsttime_action_no_wait, time_count, waitTime, action, condition, result, total_count, index));
void Start()
StartCoroutine(DelayMethodByByGivenTimeCounter(false,-1,5f, (_p_index,_p_total,_p_prev_result) =>
var this_result = Convert.ToInt64(_p_prev_result) - 1;
Debug.Log("_p_index:" + _p_index + "_p_total:" + _p_total + "_p_prev_result:" + _p_prev_result + " this_result:" + this_result);
return this_result;
}, (_p_index, _p_total, _p_prev_result) =>
if (Convert.ToInt64(_p_prev_result) == 94)
return false;
else {
return true;
, 99));
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