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Created November 14, 2009 05:47
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# wrt
# and
bash$ rake db:migrate
(in /Users/choonkeat/test/testbigint)
== CreateMessages: migrating =================================================
-- create_table(:messages)
-> 0.0966s
== CreateMessages: migrated (0.0967s) ========================================
bash$ ruby -rconfig/environment script/populate.rb
1 #<Message id: 1, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
3 #<Message id: 3, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
15 #<Message id: 15, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
255 #<Message id: 255, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
65535 #<Message id: 65535, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
4294967295 #<Message id: 2147483647, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
18446744073709551615 #<Message id: 2147483647, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:43:53">
bash$ echo 'ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter::NATIVE_DATABASE_TYPES[:primary_key] = "BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY"' >> config/environment.rb
bash$ rake db:migrate:redo(in /Users/choonkeat/test/testbigint)
== CreateMessages: reverting =================================================
-- drop_table(:messages)
-> 0.0828s
== CreateMessages: reverted (0.0829s) ========================================
== CreateMessages: migrating =================================================
-- create_table(:messages)
-> 0.0060s
== CreateMessages: migrated (0.0062s) ========================================
bash$ ruby -rconfig/environment script/populate.rb
1 #<Message id: 1, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
3 #<Message id: 3, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
15 #<Message id: 15, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
255 #<Message id: 255, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
65535 #<Message id: 65535, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
4294967295 #<Message id: 4294967295, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
18446744073709551615 #<Message id: 18446744073709551615, content: nil, created_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35", updated_at: "2009-11-14 05:44:35">
bash$ mysql5 -u root testbigint
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 171
Server version: 5.0.85 Source distribution
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> select max(id) from messages;
| max(id) |
| 18446744073709551615 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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