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Created March 24, 2016 18:13
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Use paging with the Twilio API to cycle through all of your phone numbers. Filter the results by the app sid associated with it.
//Cycle through all phone numbers, and filter on appsid
//you can't query by Appsid via the API, so getting all numbers and iterating is the way to do it.
//npm install request async
var request = require('request');
var async = require('async');
//Twilio account variables
var sid = 'ACxxxx';
var auth = '52xxxxxx';
var appSid = 'APxxxxxx'; //appsid for a phone number you are looking for.
var baseUrl = '' + sid + '/IncomingPhoneNumbers.json?PageSize=1000&Page=0';
var auth = {
user: sid,
pass: auth
var parameters = {}
var count = 0;
function pullNumbers(uri) {
parameters = {
url: uri,
auth: auth,
request.get(parameters, function(error, httpResponse, body){
//don't really need async, but if you call pullNumbers with
async.forEachOf(JSON.parse(body).incoming_phone_numbers, function(item,key){
count = count +1;
if (item.voice_application_sid == appSid) {
console.log( count + " found appsid " + item.phone_number + " appsid = " + item.voice_application_sid ) ;
console.log("getting nextpage, count = " + count);
pullNumbers('' + JSON.parse(body).next_page_uri);
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