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Created September 1, 2016 21:31
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require 'rubygems' # not necessary with ruby 1.9 but included for completeness
require 'twilio-ruby'
# put your own credentials here
account_sid = 'ACxx'
auth_token = 'xx'
# set up a client
@client =, auth_token)
@account = @client.account
totalaccounts = 0 #total subaccoutns we go through
subaccounts = @client.accounts.list
subaccounts.each do |subaccount|
friendly_name = subaccount.friendly_name
totalaccounts = totalaccounts +1
if subaccount.status == "active"
#puts "getting subaccount #{friendly_name} #{subaccount.sid}, #{subaccount.auth_token}, #{subaccount.status}"
@subaccountclient = subaccount.sid, subaccount.auth_token
calls = @subaccountclient.account.calls.list( "start_time>" => '2016-08-30', "start_time<" => '2016-08-31')
calls.each do |call|
puts call.account_sid + "," + friendly_name + "," + call.start_time + "," + call.status + "," + call.sid
calls = calls.next_page
end while not calls.empty?
end #if acttive
subaccounts = subaccounts.next_page
end while not subaccounts.empty?
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