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Created April 25, 2022 17:13
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possible replacement merge-configs.escript
#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% vim: sw=4 ts=4 et ft=erlang
%% This will merge the files matching ./etc/*.config and merge them into a single app.config, removing the source files, this assumes that those files are proplists. This is way to work around the fact that werl doesn't accept multiple -config files, apparently.
main([BaseDir]) ->
LastChar = lists:last(BaseDir),
LastChar == $/;
LastChar == $\ ->
NewBaseDir = lists:sublist(BaseDir,length(BaseDir)-1),
true -> do_main(BaseDir)
main(_) ->
?P("Usage ./merge-configs.escript <ConfigDirectory>"),
?P("Example: ./merge-configs.escript ./etc").
do_main(BaseDir) ->
TargetFile = BaseDir ++ "/app.generated.config",
Files = get_file_list(BaseDir,TargetFile),
io:format("TargetFile: ~p~nFiles: ~p~n", [TargetFile, Files]),
Config = build_config(Files),
get_file_list(BaseDir,TargetFile) ->
?P("Compiling list of .config files"),
Files = filelib:wildcard(BaseDir ++ "/*.config"),
%% Windows is case insensitive - so let's just make everything lowercase
TargetFileBase = string:to_lower(filename:basename(TargetFile)),
%% We don't want to read the TargetFile, since this is what will be generated, so let's remove it from the response
lists:filter(fun(F) ->
end, Files).
build_config(Files) ->
?P("Loading and appending Configuration files..."),
NewConfig = lists:foldl(fun(File,AccConf) ->
?P("..." ++ File),
{ok,ThisConf} = file:consult(File),
ThisConf ++ AccConf
write_generated(Config,TargetFile) ->
?P("Writing generated config file"),
%% finalize_config() ->
%% ?P("Moving temporary config file to app.config"),
%% file:rename("./etc/app.config.temp","./etc/app.config").
%% delete_configs(Files) ->
%% ?P("Deleteing config files..."),
%% lists:foreach(fun(F) ->
%% ?P("..." ++ F),
%% ok = file:delete(F)
%% end,Files).
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