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Created February 1, 2015 13:32
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import System.Environment
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
data Field = Field (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
size :: Field -> (Int, Int)
size (Field (w, h) _) = (w, h)
pos :: Field -> (Int, Int)
pos (Field _ (x, y)) = (x, y)
moveTo :: Field -> (Int, Int) -> Field
moveTo (Field (w, h) (x, y)) (nx, ny)
| nx < 0 || nx >= w = (Field (w, h) (x, y))
| ny < 0 || ny >= h = (Field (w, h) (x, y))
| otherwise = (Field (w, h) (nx, ny))
showField :: Field -> String
showField (Field (w, h) (x, y)) =
concat $ replRow $ replicate h $ (replicate w '.') ++ "\n"
replCell row = map (\(c, i) -> if i == x then '@' else c) $ zip row [0..w]
replRow lst = map (\(r, i) -> if i == y then (replCell r) else r) $ zip lst [0..h - 1]
move :: Field -> String -> Field
move field "j" = moveTo field (fst $ pos field, (snd $ pos field) + 1)
move field "l" = moveTo field ((fst $ pos field) + 1, snd $ pos field)
move field "h" = moveTo field ((fst $ pos field) - 1, snd $ pos field)
move field "k" = moveTo field (fst $ pos field, (snd $ pos field) - 1)
move field _ = field
-- main = forever $ interact $ showField . (move (Field (20, 20) (0, 0)))
mainLoop field = do
putStrLn $ showField field
newField <- move field <$> getLine
mainLoop newField
main = mainLoop $ Field (20, 20) (0, 0)
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