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Last active April 21, 2016 18:07
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%% Iterative SVD
% Calculate the largetst singular value and it's corrsponding
% left-singular vector and right-singular vector
% Author: chouclee
% Date: 10/01/2014
function [L,w,R] = SVD(S)
% S=[6,8,5,9;
% 8,5,4,6;
% 9,8,7,7;
% 6,7,3,8;
% 2,4,5,6;
% 9,8,9,6;
% 7,6,8,6;
% 7,8,6,8];
m = size(S,1); % number of rows
n = size(S,2); % number of columns
epsilon = 1e-6; % when sum of squared error is less than epsilon, stop iteration
%% Generate random vector whose L2-norm equals to 1.
% generate a random vector, then normalize it
L = rand(m, 1);
L = L / sqrt(sum(L.^2, 1));
%% Iterate until ||S-w*L*R_transpose||=1
% initialize empty vector
R = zeros(1, n);
% initialize covergent flag
isConvergent = 0;
% variable to store sum of squared error of previous iteration
prevDelta = 0;
while ~isConvergent
unnormalizedR = S'* L; % estimate unormalized R using L
w = sqrt(sum(unnormalizedR.^2, 1)); % calculate L2-norm of unnormalized R
R = unnormalizedR / w; % update normalized R
unnormalizedL = S * R; % estimate unnormalized L using R
w = sqrt(sum(unnormalizedL.^2, 1)); % calculate L2-norm of unnormalized L
L = unnormalizedL / w; % update normalized L
estimS = w * L * R'; % update estimated S
delta = sum(sum((estimS - S).^2, 1), 2); % calculate sum of squared error
if abs(delta - prevDelta) < epsilon
isConvergent = 1;
prevDelta = delta;
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