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Last active May 16, 2020 17:23
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-- The ancient symbol consisting of a serpent or dragon devouring its
-- own tail. This is the central loop of a BFS implementation that
-- used laziness to share the list of enqueued elements for future
-- processing with the output list of visited elements.
-- That implementation detail isn't that important for using it,
-- though. The first argument is a processing function that takes the
-- current element and state, and returns any number of new elements
-- to process along with a new state for processing the next
-- element. The second argument is an initial list of elements to
-- process. They are processed in order, observable by changes to the
-- current state when each is processed. The third argument is the
-- initial state value. The output is the list of elements processed,
-- in order.
ouroboros :: (a -> b -> ([a], b)) -> [a] -> b -> [a]
ouroboros f seeds initialState = result
-- Assign a name to the output, so that it can refer to itself.
-- The reference back to itself establishes the sharing between
-- the queue and the output.
result = countAppend seeds (go initialState result) 0
-- Processes enqueued elements. The first argument is the current
-- state, the second is the unprocessed portion of the queue, and
-- the third is the number of elements remaining in the queue. The
-- output is all elements returned by processing those currently
-- in the queue and those added by further processing.
-- This both produces and consumes the same data structure for the
-- queue, thanks to the self-referentiality in the definition of
-- result. A consequence of that is that the function's output is
-- an eventual tail of the input queue. This apparent causality
-- violation *usually* works out fine, thanks to laziness, but if
-- the current position in the queue ever catches up with the
-- output, a circular evaluation dependency arises. It needs to
-- examine the current element to determine what the current
-- element is. This is a logical paradox that laziness can't save
-- it from, which is why the remaining queue size is passed as an
-- additional parameter and checked before the queue contents are
-- inspected. If the remaining queue size is 0, processing is
-- complete.
-- The third equation never matches in this implementation. It's
-- provided to satisfy the check for exhaustive pattern matching
-- and provide some slightly snarky hint where to look for
-- problems if a future refactoring breaks things.
go _ _ 0 = []
go s (x:xs) n = case f x s of (ys, s') -> countAppend ys (go s' xs) (n - 1)
go _ [] _ = error "you rewrote ouroboros and got it wrong"
-- Fused list append and length passing. Exists only to make the
-- termination condition check in ouroboros work without an extra pass
-- over the enqueued elements to count them. Passing in an extra value
-- to add to the length is an additional aid to readability in
-- ouroboros.
-- semantics:
-- countAppend xs next n == xs ++ next (length xs + n)
countAppend :: [a] -> (Int -> [a]) -> Int -> [a]
countAppend xs next = foldr (\x go i -> x : (go $! i + 1)) next xs
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