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Created June 9, 2016 23:50
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Tic Tac Toe
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import Data.Monoid (Any)
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Control.Lens hiding ((:<))
import Control.Lens.Internal.Context (runPretext)
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
-- Types
type Grid = Vector (Maybe Player)
data Player = X | O deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)
data Game = Turn Player Grid | Won Player Grid | Drawn Grid
deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)
-- Lensy accessors
winner :: Fold Game Player
winner f (Won p b) = flip Won b <$> f p
winner _ s = pure s
winning :: Fold Game Grid
winning f (Won p b) = Won p <$> f b
winning _ s = pure s
drawing :: Fold Game Grid
drawing f (Drawn b) = Drawn <$> f b
drawing _ s = pure s
incomplete :: Fold Game (Player, Grid)
incomplete f (Turn p b) = uncurry Turn <$> f (p, b)
incomplete _ s = pure s
-- Utility
size :: Foldable f => Cofree f a -> Integer
size = go 0
go s (_ :< xs) = foldl' go (s + 1) xs
{-# INLINE shoots #-}
shoots :: Traversable g => Traversal' (Cofree g a) a
shoots f = go
go xss@(x :< xs) | null xs = pure xss
| otherwise = (:<) <$> f x <*> traverse go xs
{-# INLINE leaves #-}
leaves :: Traversable g => Traversal' (Cofree g a) a
leaves f = go
go (x :< xs) | null xs = (:< xs) <$> f x
| otherwise = (x :<) <$> traverse go xs
-- not actually named 'eats'
{-# INLINE telescoped_ #-}
telescoped_ :: Functor f => [(Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)) -> g (Cofree g a) -> f (g (Cofree g a))] -> (Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)) -> Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)
telescoped_ = foldr (\l r -> _unwrap . l . r) id
having :: Getting Any s a -> Prism' s s
having = filtered . has
-- Let's play...
new :: Game
new = Turn X . V.replicate 9 $ Nothing
moves :: Game -> M.IntMap Game
moves (Won _ _) = M.empty
moves (Drawn _) = M.empty
moves (Turn p b) = M.fromList $ map (fmap check) boards
boards = addMove <$> holesOf (itraversed <. having _Nothing) b
addMove pt = runPretext pt . Indexed $ \i _ -> (i, Just p)
check board | won board = Won p board
| drawn board = Drawn board
| otherwise = Turn (other p) board
won board = any (all (== Just p)) $ map (map (board !)) lanes
lanes = [ [0,1,2], [3,4,5], [6,7,8], [2,4,6]
, [0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [0,4,8] ]
drawn = V.all (/= Nothing)
other X = O
other O = X
tree :: Cofree M.IntMap Game
tree = coiter moves new
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$ ghci coiter.hs
GHCi, version 8.0.1:  :? for help
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( coiter.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> size tree -- evaluate the whole thing, somewhat slow since it's interpreted
*Main> lengthOf leaves tree -- count the number of completed games of tic-tac-toe
*Main> lengthOf (leaves . winning) tree -- count the number of games where one side wins
*Main> lengthOf (leaves . drawing) tree -- count the number of draws
*Main> lengthOf (leaves . winner . filtered (== X)) tree -- numer of games X wins
*Main> tree ^? telescoped [] -- Examine the game board when no moves have been made
Just (Turn X [Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing])
*Main> tree ^? telescoped [ix 2] -- one move
Just (Turn O [Nothing,Nothing,Just X,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing])
*Main> tree ^? telescoped [ix 2, ix 4] -- two moves
Just (Turn X [Nothing,Nothing,Just X,Nothing,Just O,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing,Nothing])
*Main> tree ^? telescoped [ix 2, ix 4, ix 4] -- Can't move in the same place twice..
*Main> lengthOf (telescoped_ [ix 4] . leaves . winner . filtered (== X)) tree -- how many games does X win when the first move is in the center?
*Main> lengthOf (telescoped_ [ix 4, ix 1] . leaves . winner . filtered (== O)) tree -- how many does O win when the first move is in the center?

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