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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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I've been working on a Gameboy emulator and came up with this trick while trying to make an auto-documenting op table. It's general enough to do Spock-style routing too and doesn't require any language extensions or DataKinds magic.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Applicative.Free
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Coyoneda
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List
import Data.String
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
-- An Applicator. This just encapsulates applying <*>, *> etc to an Applicative.
newtype Appl f x a = Appl (f a -> f x)
-- Applicators compose in reverse order.
instance Category (Appl f) where
id = Appl id
Appl f . Appl g = Appl (g . f)
-- Apply an Applicative.
app :: Applicative f => f a -> Appl f x (a -> x)
app f = Appl (<*> f)
-- Apply an Applicative but ignore its result.
app_ :: Applicative f => f a -> Appl f x x
app_ f = Appl (<* f)
-- Pass the results of the Applicator into a function.
-- Equivalent to the f <$> at the start of a usual Applicative chain,
-- but here it happens at the end.
(==>) :: Applicative f => Appl f r t -> t -> f r
(==>) (Appl f) = f . pure
infixr 3 ==>
-- Spock routing example
-- it would also be easy to extend this to produce API documentation for REST
-- interfaces by also including a Monoid that gets appended in the applicative instance
type RouteParser = StateT [ String ] Maybe
consume :: RouteParser String
consume = do
p : ps <- get
put ps
return p
instance IsString (Appl RouteParser x x) where
fromString s = app_ $ do
p <- consume
guard (p == s)
var :: Appl RouteParser x (String -> x)
var = app consume
route :: RouteParser (IO ())
route = var . "foo" . var ==> \x y -> putStrLn (x ++ y)
-- emulator example
-- op arguments which can be extracted from an instruction
data Arg a = Arg
{ argParse :: Int -> a -- parse argument from instruction
, argName :: String -- name of argument, i.e. IMM
, argShow :: a -> String -- print an argument, i.e. $2321
-- wrap Arg in Coyoneda to make it a functor, then make a Free applicative
type Args = Ap (Coyoneda Arg)
-- an op has an Args that produces an IO () to execute
data Op = Op String (Args (IO ()))
-- turn an Arg into an Args applicator
arg :: Arg a -> Appl Args x (a -> x)
arg = app . liftAp . liftCoyoneda
-- immediate argument
imm :: Appl Args x (Int -> x)
imm = arg $ Arg { argParse = const 42, argName = "IMM", argShow = show }
data Register = EAX
-- register argument
eax :: Appl Args x (Register -> x)
eax = arg $ Arg { argParse = const EAX, argName = "EAX", argShow = const "EAX" }
-- regular old curried function
writeReg :: Register -> Int -> IO ()
writeReg r i = print "writing register"
-- now we can implement ops really cleanly and get disassembly
-- and documentation for free!
opTable :: [ ( Int, Op ) ]
opTable = [ ( 0x42, Op "LD" $ eax . imm ==> writeReg ) ]
-- Op "CALL" $ imm ==> \addr -> view pc >>= push >> jmp addr
-- Op "RET" $ pure $ pop >>= jmp
-- etc, etc
-- execute an op
execute :: Int -> Op -> IO ()
execute instr (Op _ as)
= runIdentity $ runAp (\(Coyoneda f a) -> Identity (f $ argParse a instr)) as
-- show an op statically
instance Show Op where
show (Op mn as) = mn ++ " " ++ intercalate ", " args
where args = runAp_ (\(Coyoneda _ a) -> [ argName a ]) as
-- disassemble an instruction
disassemble :: Int -> Op -> String
disassemble instr (Op mn as)
= mn ++ intercalate ", " args
where args = runAp_ (\(Coyoneda _ a) -> [ argShow a $ argParse a instr ]) as
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