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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Composable Applicative bidirectional serialization
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- actual imports :)
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
-- example imports
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Aeson hiding (parseJSON)
import Data.Aeson.Types hiding (parse, parseJSON)
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Word
-- TL;DR you can do this:
-- a regular Haskell type
data TestType = Const1 { arg1 :: Word8, arg2 :: Word16 }
deriving Show
-- specify TestType's representation
testTypeCodec :: Codec Get PutM TestType
= codec Const1
$ field r_arg2 word16be -- fields will be de/serialized in this order
. field r_arg1 word8
-- and you get these for free!
parseTest :: Get TestType
parseTest = parse testTypeCodec
produceTest :: TestType -> Put
produceTest = produce testTypeCodec
-- works for JSON too
testTypeJSON :: Codec ObjectParser ObjectBuilder TestType
= codec Const1
$ field r_arg2 (entry "arg2")
. field r_arg1 (entry "arg1")
parseJSONTest :: Value -> Parser TestType
parseJSONTest = parseJSON testTypeJSON
produceJSONTest :: TestType -> Value
produceJSONTest = produceJSON testTypeJSON
-- here's how it works
-- a "knocked-out" constructor parameter (we could use ())
data X = X
-- produce an r from a fully knocked-out function
class KO r a where
give :: a -> r
instance KO r b => KO r (X -> b) where
give f = give $ f X
instance KO r r where
give = id
-- describes how to apply a constructor argument and how to extract from a record
-- y should be x with one argument knocked out: e. g.
-- x: (Int -> a2 -> MyRecord) y: (X -> a2 -> MyRecord)
data Field r a x y = Field (a -> x -> y) (r -> a)
-- Field application equipped with serializers and deserializers
data Build fr fw r x y = Build (fr (x -> y)) (r -> fw ())
-- Finished product with serializer and deserializer
data Codec fr fw r = Codec { parse :: fr r, produce :: r -> fw () }
-- turn an Field into an Build with the given serializers
build :: Functor fr => Field r a x y -> fr a -> (a -> fw ()) -> Build fr fw r x y
build (Field ct ex) r w = Build (ct <$> r) (w . ex)
-- Category instance for Build to make it composable
instance (Applicative fr, Applicative fw) => Category (Build fr fw r) where
id = Build (pure id) (const $ pure ())
Build r1 w1 . Build r2 w2
= Build ((.) <$> r1 <*> r2) (\x -> w1 x *> w2 x)
-- turn a Build into a Codec with a given constructor
codec :: (Functor fr, KO r y) => x -> Build fr fw r x y -> Codec fr fw r
codec f (Build r w) = Codec ((\g -> give $ g f) <$> r) w
-- Niceties
-- A pair of complementary serializers/deserializers
type FieldCodec fr fw a = ( fr a, a -> fw () )
-- Apply a pair to an Field to produce an Build
field :: Functor fr => Field r a x y -> FieldCodec fr fw a -> Build fr fw r x y
field a = uncurry (build a)
-- example cont'd
-- ugly type but easy to generate!
r_arg1 :: Field TestType Word8 (Word8 -> arg2 -> TestType) (X -> arg2 -> TestType)
r_arg1 = Field (\x field X a2 -> field x a2) arg1
r_arg2 :: Field TestType Word16 (arg1 -> Word16 -> TestType) (arg1 -> X -> TestType)
r_arg2 = Field (\x field a1 X -> field a1 x) arg2
word8 :: FieldCodec Get PutM Word8
word8 = ( getWord8, putWord8 )
word16be :: FieldCodec Get PutM Word16
word16be = ( getWord16be, putWord16be )
-- JSON-specific stuff
type ObjectParser = ReaderT Object Parser
type ObjectBuilder = Writer [ Pair ]
type JSONCodec = Codec ObjectParser ObjectBuilder
entry :: (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => T.Text -> FieldCodec ObjectParser ObjectBuilder a
entry fn = ( ReaderT $ \o -> o .: fn, \x -> tell [ fn .= x ] )
-- suitable for FromJSON
parseJSON :: Codec ObjectParser fw a -> Value -> Parser a
parseJSON cd = withObject "" $ runReaderT (parse cd)
-- suitable for ToJSON
produceJSON :: Codec fr ObjectBuilder a -> a -> Value
produceJSON cd x = object $ execWriter $ produce cd x
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