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Created April 30, 2014 08:33
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  • Save chr1swallace/11421212 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save chr1swallace/11421212 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fits a two Guassian mixture model, assuming Z ~ N(0,1) with prob pi0, N(0,1+sigma^2) with prob 1-pi0.
##' Fit a specific two Guassian mixture distribution
##' Assumes Z ~ N(0,1) with prob pi0,
##' Z ~ N(0,1+sigma^2) with prob 1-pi0
##' Aims to estimate sigma^2 and pi0.
##' @title fit.em
##' @param Z numeric vector of observed data
##' @param s2 initial value for sigma^2
##' @param pi0 initial proportion of samples from f0
##' @param tol how small a change lhood prompts continued optimization
##' @param maxit maximum number of iterations
##' @return a list of two objects giving fitted values and history
##' @export
##' @author Chris Wallace
##' @examples
##' s2 <- 10
##' pi0 <- 0.8
##' n <- 10000
##' Z <- c(rnorm(round(n*pi0),0,1),rnorm(round(n*(1-pi0)),0,sqrt(1+s2)))
##' fit<-fit.em(Z)
##' fit$pars
##' fit$history
fit.em <- function(Z,pi0=0.9,s2=1,tol=1e-4,verbose=TRUE,maxit=1e4) {
## probabilities of group0, group1 membership
p <- c(pi0,1-pi0)
px <- matrix(p,length(Z),2,byrow=TRUE)
## parameter vector
pars <- c(mu=c(0,0), sigma=sqrt(c(1,1+s2)))
## define lots of functions within this function to use this environment
parvec <- function(pars,index=TRUE) {
mu <- pars[grep("^mu",names(pars))]
sigma <- pars[grep("^sigma",names(pars))]
names(mu) <- sub(".*\\.","",names(mu))
names(sigma) <- sub(".*\\.","",names(sigma))
} <- function(pars) {
if(parvec(pars)$sigma[2] <= 0)
## likelihood for a single group
lhood.single <- function(mu, sigma, pi) {
exp(dnorm(Z,mean=mu,sd=sigma,log=TRUE) + log(pi))
## likelihood function to be maximized
lhood <- function(pars, px, sumlog=TRUE) {
parv <- parvec(pars)
ngroup <- ncol(px)
e <- numeric(length(Z))
for(i in 1:ngroup) {
e <- e + lhood.single(mu=parv$mu[i], sigma=parv$sigma[i], pi=px[,i])
if(!any( & any(e==0)) {
wh <- which(e==0)
e[wh] <- 1e-64
if(!any( & any(is.infinite(e))) {
wh <- which(is.infinite(e))
e[wh] <- 1e64
if(sumlog) {
} else {
nit <- 1
df <- 1
value <- matrix(NA,maxit,3,dimnames=list(NULL,c("pi0","sigma2","lhood")))
value[nit,] <- c(p[1], pars[4]^2 - 1, lhood(pars, px))
while(df>tol & nit<maxit) {
nit <- nit+1
parv <- parvec(pars)
## E step
px.old <- px
p <- colMeans(px)
for(i in 1:2) {
px[,i] <- lhood.single(parv$mu[i], parv$sigma[i], p[i])
px <- px/rowSums(px) ## normalise
px[is.nan(px)] <- 0
## M step
p <- colMeans(px)
pars[4] <- sqrt(max(1, sum( px[,2] * Z^2 ) / sum(px[,2])))
value[nit,] <- c(p[1], pars[4]^2 - 1, lhood(pars, px))
df <- abs(value[nit,3] - value[nit-1,3])
return(list(pars=c(pi0=p[1], sigma2=pars[4]^2 - 1),
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