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Last active December 11, 2015 18:38
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Save chrK/4642764 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
********* Moved to: ********* A Simple script to parse dates from pdfs and rename them with a date prefix and a keyword. Run the script inside the folder with the pdfs you want to rename. ! Attention: This renames and moves your files. Be sure to have backups of the data you're working on.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys, getopt, os, re, time, locale, csv
from cStringIO import StringIO
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, process_pdf
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
except ImportError:
print "\nError: Could not import PDFMiner. Please '$pip install pdfminer'.\n"\
"\tModule description:"
def ensure_folder(path, folder_name):
# Check for folder. If it doesn't exist create it.
folder_path = (os.path.join(path, folder_name))
if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
print "Created result folder '%s'.\n" % folder_name
return folder_path
def download_raw_gist(gist_id, file_to_save='gist.txt'):
# Import the additional modules needed.
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, HTTPError
# Create the url and the request.
gist_raw_url = '' % gist_id
request = Request(gist_raw_url)
# Open url and write it to the file.
print "Trying to download %s" % gist_raw_url
keyword_file = urlopen(request)
with open(file_to_save, 'w') as local_keyword_file:
print "Successfully downloaded gist #%s.\n" % gist_id
except HTTPError, e:
print "Error: HTTP", e.code, gist_raw_url
def create_dict_from_csv(csv_file, gist_id):
# If csv doesn't exist download it from github.
if not os.path.exists(csv_file):
print "Didn't find %s." % csv_file
download_raw_gist(gist_id, csv_file)
# Open file and parse the file line per line.
keywords = {}
with open(csv_file, 'rb') as file:
keyword_lists = csv.reader(file, delimiter=';')
for row in keyword_lists:
if len(row) == 1:
keywords[row[0].strip(' \t')] = row[0].strip(' \t')
keywords[row[0].strip(' \t')] = row[1].strip(' \t')
print "Couldn't create dictionary from csv."
return keywords
def convert_pdf_to_text(path, maxpages=1):
Conversion of a pdf content to text.
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
retstr = StringIO()
codec = 'utf-8'
laparams = LAParams()
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
process_pdf(rsrcmgr, device, fp, maxpages=maxpages)
str = retstr.getvalue()
return str
def find_date_in_string(text, debug=False):
# The dictionary with all necessary data for the different date formats
# For each date format we need:
# - regular expression
# - corresponding python date formats
# - locales which should be supported
# - a placeholder for the regex match object
date_formats = {
'alphanumeric' : {
'regex' : r'([1-9]|[0-2][\d]|3[01])(\.\ |\.|\-|\/|\ )(Jan|JAN|Feb|FEB|Mar|MAR|Apr|APR|May|MAY|Jun|JUN|Jul|JUL|Aug|AUG|Sep|SEP|Oct|OCT|Nov|NOV|Dec|DEC|Mär|MÄR|Mai|MAI|Okt|OKT|Dez|DEZ|January|February|March|April|June|July|August|September|October|November|December|Januar|Februar|März|Juni|Juli|Oktober|Dezember)[\.\ \-\/]((199[\d]|20[0-2][\d]|2030)|9[\d]|(9[\d]|[12][\d]|30))',
'python_date_formats' : [
'%d. %B %Y', '%d. %B %y',
'%d %B %Y', '%d %B %y',
'%d. %b %Y', '%d. %b %y',
'%d %b %Y', '%d %b %y',
'%d-%b-%Y', '%d-%b-%y',
'%d/%b/%Y', '%d/%b/%y',
'%d.%B.%Y', '%d.%B.%y',
'%d.%b.%Y', '%d.%b.%y',
'%d-%B-%Y', '%d-%B-%y',
'%d/%B/%Y', '%d/%B/%y',
'locales' : [
'regex_match' : False,
'reverse numeric' : {
'regex' : r'(199[\d]|20[0-2][\d]|2030)[\.\-\/\ ]([1-9]|[0-2][\d]|3[01])[\.\-\/\ ]([1-9]|[0-2][\d]|3[01])',
'python_date_formats' : [
'regex_match' : False,
'locales' : [ 'de_DE', ],
'numeric' : {
'regex' : r'([1-9]|[0-2][\d]|3[01])[\.\-\/\ ]([1-9]|[012][\d]|3[01])[\.\-\/\ ]((199[\d]|20[0-2][\d]|2030)|9[\d]|(9[\d]|[0-2][\d]|30))',
'python_date_formats' : [
# 'Normal' dates
'%d.%m.%Y', '%d.%m.%y',
'%d-%m-%Y', '%d-%m-%y',
'%d/%m/%Y', '%d/%m/%y',
# US dates
'%m.%d.%Y', '%m.%d.%y',
'%m-%d-%Y', '%m-%d-%y',
'%m/%d/%Y', '%m/%d/%y',
'locales' : [ 'de_DE', ],
'regex_match' : False,
'domaindiscount' : {
'regex' : r'\d{2}/\d{2}th/\d{4}',
'python_date_formats' : [
'locales' : [ 'de_DE', ],
'regex_match' : False,
# Iterate over date formats.
parsed_date = ''
for date_format_name, date_format_data in date_formats.iteritems():
found_date = False
# Iterate over locales to have i18n date matching.
# (String formatting directives '%b' & '%B' are locale dependant.)
for locale_value in date_format_data['locales']:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_value)
date_format_data['regex_match'] =['regex'], text)
if date_format_data['regex_match']:
if debug: print "\tRegex match: %s" % date_format_data['regex_match'].group(0)
for date_format in date_format_data['python_date_formats']:
parsed_date = time.strptime(date_format_data['regex_match'].group(0), date_format)
if debug: print "\tFound %s date with the format of '%s'." % (date_format_name, date_format)
return parsed_date
if debug: print "\tNotice: Could not retrieve a date."
def find_first_keyword_in_string(text, keywords, debug=False):
keyword_string = ''
# Convert pdf_content to list.
text_as_list = text.split()
# Check for keywords:
for word in text_as_list:
for keyword, replacement in keywords.iteritems():
if keyword in word:
keyword_string += "%s_" % replacement
if debug: print "\tFound the keyword '%s'." % keyword
return keyword_string
if debug: print "\tDidn't find a keyword."
if debug: print "\tError: Could not process for keywords."
return keyword_string
def prefix_filename(filename, prefix):
new_filename = prefix + filename
os.rename(filename, new_filename)
return new_filename
def main(argv):
script_name = argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1]
def usage():
print ('Usage: %s [-v --verbose] [-d --debug] [-g --gist <gist-id>][-p --path <path-name>] '
'[-f --date-format <python-date-format-string>] [-r --result-folder <result-folder>] '
'[-a --all-pages] [-h --help]' % script_name)
opts, arguments = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hvdg:f:r:p:ak:", ['help', 'verbose', 'debug', 'gist-id=', 'date-format=', 'result-folder=', 'path=', 'all-pages', 'keywords-file='])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# Print help information and exit.
print "Error: %s.\nTry '%s --help' for more information." % (str(err), script_name)
verbose = False
debug = False
pages_of_pdf_to_parse = 1
prefix_date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
result_folder_name = 'processed'
working_directory = os.getcwd()
keywords_file = 'pdf-keywords.txt'
gist_id = 4660290
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-v', '--verbose'):
verbose = True
elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'):
debug = True
elif opt in ('-g', '--gist-id'):
gist_id = arg
elif opt in ('-f', '--date-format'):
prefix_date_format = arg
elif opt in ('-r', '--result-folder'):
result_folder_name = arg
elif opt in ('-p', '--path'):
working_directory = os.getcwd()
elif opt in ('-a', '--all-pages'):
pages_of_pdf_to_parse = 0
elif opt in ('-h', '--help'):
elif opt in ('-k', '--keywords-file'):
keywords_file = arg
assert False, "unhandled option"
# Get list of files and check if there are any files to work on.
pdfs_to_process = [file for file in os.listdir(working_directory) if file.endswith('.pdf') or file.endswith('.PDF')]
if len(pdfs_to_process) > 0:
print '\nFound %s pdf-files to process.\n' % str(len(pdfs_to_process))
if prefix_date_format != '%Y-%m-%d':
print "Will use custom date format '%s'" % prefix_date_format
print "\nDidn't find any pdf-files in the given folder.\n"
# Check if result folder exists.
result_folder = ensure_folder(working_directory, result_folder_name)
# Define keywords:
keywords = create_dict_from_csv(keywords_file, gist_id)
# Iterate over these files, try to parse the dates and build
# a dictionary with all data we need to rename them.
pdfs_to_rename = {}
for pdf in pdfs_to_process:
if verbose or debug: print "Processing '%s'" % pdf
# Reset loop variables.
pdf_content, pdf_date, pdf_keyword = '', '', ''
pdf_content = convert_pdf_to_text(pdf, pages_of_pdf_to_parse)
if pdf_content:
pdf_date = time.strftime(prefix_date_format, find_date_in_string(pdf_content, debug)) # TODO: A Fail of find_date_in_sting() should be escaped separated.
pdf_keyword = find_first_keyword_in_string(pdf_content, keywords, debug)
pdfs_to_rename[pdf] = "%s_%s" % (pdf_date, pdf_keyword)
print "Notice: Could not parse '%s'" % pdf
# Rename & move the pdfs.
for pdf, prefix in pdfs_to_rename.iteritems():
new_pdf = prefix_filename(pdf, prefix)
os.rename(new_pdf, os.path.join(result_folder, new_pdf))
# Report how many PDFs could be matched to a date.
print "\nI could extract a date from %s of %s PDFs.\n" % (str(len(pdfs_to_rename)), str(len(pdfs_to_process)))
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
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ierror commented Jan 28, 2013

sweet :-)

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