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Created October 4, 2012 20:17
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RequestInterface handles the basic communication with the web service class, Request has all the individual actions
public class Connect extends ConnectInterface {
* Function parameters come in a few flavors: many arguments with all-optional,
* 1 or a few arguments with all-optional, variable number of arguments with
* some required and some optional, set number of arguments with all required,
* and arguments that can pertain to multiple records (requiring us to delineate which
* of the arguments for a parameter of the same name pertains to which record).
* Information on how each type is handled can be found above the first occurrence
* of that type below.
// This is a function with many all-optional arguments
public ConnectReturn getOrders(String args) {
return new ConnectReturn(Request("getOrders", args));
// Functions with all-optional arguments get overloaded like below
public ConnectReturn getOrders() {
return getOrders(null);
// This function takes no arguments
public ConnectReturn getRaces() {
return new ConnectReturn(Request("getRaces"));
// This function has a single, required argument
public ConnectReturn getEducationHistory(String tempId) {
return new ConnectReturn(Request("getEducationHistory", "tempId:" + tempId));
// This is an example of a function whose arguments need to be formatted differently (under
// an additional parent and child element). Have not yet implemented multiple-record argument capability
public ConnectReturn insertEducationHistory(String tempId,
String institution, String courseOfStudy, String graduationDate,
String degree, String args) {
Hashtable<Integer, String> properties = new Hashtable<Integer, String>();
properties.put(ConnectInterface.PARENT_ELEMENT, "educationHistoryRecords");
properties.put(ConnectInterface.CHILD_ELEMENT, "educationHistoryRecord");
String arguments = String.format("tempId:%s;institution:%s;courseOfStudy:%s;graduationDate:%s;degree:%s;",
tempId, institution, courseOfStudy, graduationDate, degree);
if (args != null) arguments += args;
return new ConnectReturn(Request("insertEducationHistory", arguments, properties));
// This is a function with a single required argument and multiple optional arguments
public ConnectReturn getStateLicenses(String tempId, String args) {
String arguments = String.format("tempId:%s", tempId);
if (args != null) arguments += args;
return new ConnectReturn(Request("getStateLicenses", arguments));
// Functions like the one above get overloaded as seen below
public ConnectReturn getStateLicenses(String tempId) {
return getStateLicenses(tempId, null);
public abstract class ConnectInterface {
// Provide an interface for the Request method
final protected String Request(String action, String args, Hashtable<Integer, String> properties) {
String data = RequestBuilder(action, args, properties);
return service.Request(data);
final protected String Request(String action, String args) {
return Request(action, args, null);
final protected String Request(String action) {
return Request(action, null, null);
private String RequestBuilder(String action, String args, Hashtable<Integer, String> properties) {
String data = null;
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder;
try {
builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.newDocument();
Element rootElement = doc.createElement("Request");
Element sessionKeyElement = doc.createElement("sessionKey");
Element actionElement = doc.createElement("action");
Element resultTypeElement = doc.createElement("resultType");
OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat(doc);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
XMLSerializer serializer = new XMLSerializer(writer, format);
data = writer.toString();
if (args != null) {
args = ArgumentParse(args, properties);
data = data.replaceFirst("</Request>", args + "</Request>");
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return data;
private String ArgumentParse(String args, Hashtable<Integer, String> properties) {
String[] arguments = args.split(";");
String returned = "";
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
String arg = arguments[i].split(":")[0];
String value = arguments[i].split(":")[1];
returned += "<" + arg + ">" + value + "</" + arg + ">";
if (properties != null) {
String startTag = "<" + properties.get(ConnectInterface.PARENT_ELEMENT) + "><"
+ properties.get(ConnectInterface.CHILD_ELEMENT) + ">";
String endTag = "</" + properties.get(ConnectInterface.CHILD_ELEMENT) + "></"
+ properties.get(ConnectInterface.PARENT_ELEMENT);
returned = startTag + returned + endTag;
return returned;
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