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Created October 24, 2014 02:58
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Custom bootstrap.scss for limiting styles to elements within container with .bootstrap-container class.
// Core variables and mixins
@import "bootstrap/variables";
@import "bootstrap/mixins";
@import "bootstrap/print";
@import "bootstrap/glyphicons";
.bootstrap-container {
// Reset and dependencies
@import "bootstrap/normalize";
// Core CSS
@import "bootstrap/scaffolding";
@import "bootstrap/type";
@import "bootstrap/code";
@import "bootstrap/grid";
@import "bootstrap/tables";
@import "bootstrap/forms";
@import "bootstrap/buttons";
// Components
@import "bootstrap/component-animations";
@import "bootstrap/dropdowns";
@import "bootstrap/button-groups";
@import "bootstrap/input-groups";
@import "bootstrap/navs";
@import "bootstrap/navbar";
@import "bootstrap/breadcrumbs";
@import "bootstrap/pagination";
@import "bootstrap/pager";
@import "bootstrap/labels";
@import "bootstrap/badges";
@import "bootstrap/jumbotron";
@import "bootstrap/thumbnails";
@import "bootstrap/alerts";
@import "bootstrap/progress-bars";
@import "bootstrap/media";
@import "bootstrap/list-group";
@import "bootstrap/panels";
@import "bootstrap/responsive-embed";
@import "bootstrap/wells";
@import "bootstrap/close";
// Components w/ JavaScript
@import "bootstrap/tooltip";
@import "bootstrap/popovers";
@import "bootstrap/carousel";
// Utility classes
@import "bootstrap/utilities";
@import "bootstrap/responsive-utilities";
// Excluded to allow modal-backdrop to work.
@import "bootstrap/modals";
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