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Last active November 29, 2021 09:03
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PyCrypto AES using ECB mode implementation in Python 3.3. This uses very basic 0x00 padding, I would recommend PKCS5/7
Created on Mar 20, 2014, uses PyCrypto/Python 3.3
@author: Chris Coe
import binascii
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
class AESCipher:
PyCrypto AES using ECB mode implementation in Python 3.3.
This uses very basic 0x00 padding, I would recommend PKCS5/7.
def __init__(self, key):
The constructor takes in a PLAINTEXT string as the key and converts it
to a byte string to work with throughout the class.
# convert key to a plaintext byte string to work with it
self.key = bytes(key, encoding='utf-8')
self.BLOCK_SIZE = 16
def __pad(self, raw):
This right pads the raw text with 0x00 to force the text to be a
multiple of 16. This is how the CFX_ENCRYPT_AES tag does the padding.
@param raw: String of clear text to pad
@return: byte string of clear text with padding
if (len(raw) % self.BLOCK_SIZE == 0):
return raw
padding_required = self.BLOCK_SIZE - (len(raw) % self.BLOCK_SIZE)
padChar = b'\x00'
data = raw.encode('utf-8') + padding_required * padChar
return data
def __unpad(self, s):
This strips all of the 0x00 from the string passed in.
@param s: the byte string to unpad
@return: unpadded byte string
s = s.rstrip(b'\x00')
return s
def encrypt(self, raw):
Takes in a string of clear text and encrypts it.
@param raw: a string of clear text
@return: a string of encrypted ciphertext
if (raw is None) or (len(raw) == 0):
raise ValueError('input text cannot be null or empty set')
# padding put on before sent for encryption
raw = self.__pad(raw)
cipher = AES.AESCipher(self.key[:32], AES.MODE_ECB)
ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(raw)
return binascii.hexlify(bytearray(ciphertext)).decode('utf-8')
def decrypt(self, enc):
Takes in a string of ciphertext and decrypts it.
@param enc: encrypted string of ciphertext
@return: decrypted string of clear text
if (enc is None) or (len(enc) == 0):
raise ValueError('input text cannot be null or empty set')
enc = binascii.unhexlify(enc)
cipher = AES.AESCipher(self.key[:32], AES.MODE_ECB)
enc = self.__unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc))
return enc.decode('utf-8')
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