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Created February 2, 2012 20:33
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"Blog" 2012-02-02: More fun with Yesod authorization

I was inspired by Felipe Lessa's post about abstracting Yesod permissions. Thanks for writing it, Felipe! I had only just discovered isAuthorized, and that post made me all the more excited to go about refactoring my authorization code.

Unfortunately I had a little trouble working Felipe's method into my own project. This was probably due in no small part to my too-recent discovery of isAuthorized and the AuthResult type. After much tinkering, I narrowed the difficulties down to just one (and a half) points of contention:

  1. Permission values are taken to mean actions: "Permission to <do action>". But RESTful routes are also taken to mean actions. The arguments BlogR True clearly mean "Write to BlogR." Thus, permissionsRequiredFor provides superfluous information. Post == BlogR True == "Post a Blog".
  2. (Actually 1.5) To paraphrase hlint, "Why not foldM?" :)

To resolve the first point, I propose this:

-- Permission replacement
data Credential = LoggedIn | IsAdmin

-- permissionsRequiredFor replacement
requiredCredentials :: Route Blog -> Bool -> [Credential]
requiredCredentials BlogR      True = [IsAdmin]
requiredCredentials (EntryR _) True = [LoggedIn]
requiredCredentials _          _    = []

Note that this new function does the same thing as the one it replaces, but reading it gives us more information: we know the action from the route, and we also know what credentials a user needs to perform that action.

If that doesn't immediately seem crucial, consider that many actions may be satisfied by the same credential. If I have a box with a key, it is assumed that I may do anything with the contents of that box provided I have the key. In other words,

data Credentials = HasKey

requiredCredentials PutInBoxR ... = [HasKey BoxID] 
requiredCredentials TakeFromBoxR  = [HasKey BoxID]

With Permissions, either you write separate permissions that do the same thing (GetBox, PutBox), or you break your semantic model and use a single Permission for both ("permission to Box?")

For the second point, note that isAuthorizedTo can be written like so (with a couple more name changes to sound sensible with Credential):

isAuthorizedTo :: Maybe (Entity User)
               -> [Credential]
               -> YesodDB sub Blog AuthResult
Nothing `isAuthorizedTo` _  = return AuthenticationRequired
Just u  `isAuthorizedTo` ps = foldM hasCred Authorized ps
    hasCred Authorized p = u `hasCredential` p
    hasCred badAuth    _ = return badAuth
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chreekat commented Feb 2, 2012

Added further justification for Credential vs. Permission.

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