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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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" Nested declarations
" ------------------
" This takes something like "let x a = ..." and gives the following syntax
" highlights: x : hsNestedName, a : hsNestedArg.
" NOTE: This is very fragile and took a couple days to figure out!
" Cribbing off of the example given in nextgroup documentation, here is how
" it works. The example is a two-step, going from Foo to Bar to Foo, But
" what I want a right-recursive nesting of Args (Bars) following the
" initial Name (Foo).
" To be right-recursive, each match or region will always end at ' ='.
" The top-most, outer region will have to jump over 'let' and 'where'. That
" is accomplished by making them keywords.
syn keyword hsDeclKeyword let
" This is analogous to "ccFoobar" in the nextgroup example. It matches
" everything from the beginning of the name being declared to the ' =' at
" the end.
syn match hsNestedNameArg /\l\w*.\{-} =/ contains=hsNestedName
" This is "ccFoo" in the example. It matches just the head of the list, and
" links to the tail.
syn match hsNestedName /\l\w*/ contained nextgroup=hsNestedArgRec
" This is where we deviate from the example. Rather than ending at the next
" "Foo", we continue to the " =" at the end of the original match. In other
" words, we match the whole tail.
" NOTE: Probably a bug: If 'oneline' is removed, the following group goes active
" even at the top level (i.e. not contained in any group), in spite of
" being marked 'contained'.
syn region hsNestedArgRec start=/\s/ end=/ =/
\ oneline contained contains=hsNestedArg
" Now we match the 'head' arg inside of ArgRec, then recurse to the next
" ArgRec. Think (head (tail ...))
syn match hsNestedArg /\l\w*/ contained nextgroup=hsNextedArgRec
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