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Created October 4, 2016 07:26
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Example Git configuration
; Aliases lets you define shortcuts for common git commands,
; so you can type "git st" instead of "git status", for example.
st = status
ci = commit --verbose
br = branch
co = checkout
; IMPORTANT! Please specify the same email address here as the one
; you use on GitHub!
name = <Your name>
email = <Your e-mail>
; Get colors in diffs:
branch = auto
diff = auto
interactive = auto
status = auto
; You don't HAVE to use Vim ;)
editor = vim
; These settings are used to configure a tool for handling conflicts.
; If you have OSX and the P4 suite these commands might work out of
; the box. Otherwise you may have to do some configuration.
; NB: If you're using a graphical client you probably won't need
; these settings
keepBackup = false
tool = p4mergetool
prompt = false
keepBackup = false
[mergetool "p4mergetool"]
cmd = /Applications/ $PWD/$BASE $PWD/$REMOTE $PWD/$LOCAL $PWD/$MERGED
trustExitCode = false
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