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Last active January 18, 2017 09:15
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Some Swift code examples
// A constant Int
let meaningOfLife = 42
// A variable String
var greeting = "Hello!"
// Type inference on enum members
var directionToHead = CompassPoint.west
directionToHead = .east
var maybeString: String?
var maybeAnotherString: String?
maybeString = "hej"
// Optional binding
if let aString = maybeString {
print("This is a string: \(aString)")
// Optional chaining
let count: Int? = maybeAnotherString?.characters.count
let point = (9, 0)
switch point {
case (let distance, 0), (0, let distance):
print("On an axis, \(distance) from the origin")
print("Not on an axis")
enum Flavor {
enum ASCIIControlCharacter: Character {
case tab = "\t"
case lineFeed = "\n"
case carriageReturn = "\r"
// Sum type
enum Result<T> {
let result = Result.success("👍")
// Recursive
enum ArithmeticExpression {
case number(Int)
indirect case addition(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
indirect case multiplication(ArithmeticExpression, ArithmeticExpression)
// Obj-C style
asyncFunction() {
value, error in
if error == nil {
assert(value == nil)
// Handle error
assert(value != nil)
// Do something with value
asyncFunction() {
result in
switch result {
case let .error(error):
// Handle errors
case let .success(value):
// Do something with value
// Protocols
protocol YamlSerializable {
func toYaml() -> String
extension Date: YamlSerializable {
func toYaml() -> String {
return ISO8601DateFormatter().string(from: self)
["foo", "", "bar"].filter(.isEmpty)
extension Collection where Iterator.Element: YamlSerializable {
var textualDescription: String {
let itemsAsText = { $0.textualDescription }
return "[" + itemsAsText.joined(separator: ", ") + "]"
func foo() {
var foobar = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
var bar = foobar[0]
bar[0] = [10]
return foobar
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