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Created May 10, 2014 20:56
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import Keyboard
import Window
import Graphics.Input (Input, input, button, dropDown)
import Graphics.Input.Field (Content, noContent, field, defaultStyle, Forward, Backward)
data Direction = North | East | South | West
type Robot = {x:Int, y:Int, dir:Direction}
type Board = [(Int,Int)]
type Game = {robot:Robot, board:Board}
data Language = Swedish | English
data BoardInput = Circle (Int) | Rectangle (Int,Int)
data Command = GoForward | TurnLeft | TurnRight | StandStill | Move(Int, Int, Direction)
type Inp = {boardInput: BoardInput, robotInput: Command}
defaultGame = {robot={x=0, y=0, dir = North}, board=[]}
stepRobot cmd {robot, board} =
{robot | x <- case cmd of
Move(x,y,_) -> if onBoard (x,y) board then x else 0
_ -> let xx = next robot.x robot.dir cmd East West
in if onBoard (xx,robot.y) board then xx else robot.x,
y <- case cmd of
Move(x,y,_) -> if onBoard (x,y) board then y else 0
_ -> let yy = next robot.y robot.dir cmd North South
in if onBoard (robot.x,yy) board then yy else robot.y,
dir <- case cmd of
Move(_,_,dir) -> dir
_ -> nextDir robot.dir cmd }
stepBoard boardInput = case boardInput of
Circle(radius) -> filter (\(x,y) -> x^2+y^2 < radius^2) <|
coords [-radius..radius] [-radius..radius]
Rectangle(rows,cols) -> coords [0..cols-1] [0..rows-1]
_ -> []
stepGame : Inp -> Game -> Game
stepGame {boardInput, robotInput} game =
{board=stepBoard boardInput, robot=(stepRobot robotInput game)}
game = foldp stepGame defaultGame inp
colInp = input noContent
rowInp = input noContent
radInp = input noContent
startxInp = input noContent
startyInp = input noContent
click = input ()
inp = Inp <~ boardInput ~ robotInput
boardInput = toShape <~ (sampleOn click.signal <| lift4 (,,,) (contentToInt <~ radInp.signal) (contentToInt <~ rowInp.signal) (contentToInt <~ colInp.signal) shape.signal)
robotInput = merge initMoves moves
initMoves = Move <~ (sampleOn click.signal <| lift3 (,,) (contentToInt <~ startxInp.signal) (contentToInt <~ startyInp.signal) (constant North))
moves = toMoveCmd <~ Keyboard.lastPressed ~ (sampleOn click.signal lang.signal)
main = display <~ Window.dimensions ~ colField ~ rowField ~ radField ~ startXField ~ startYField ~ game
colField = makeField colInp "No of columns"
rowField = makeField rowInp "No of rows"
radField = makeField radInp "Radius"
startXField = makeField startxInp "x start"
startYField = makeField startyInp "y start"
startBtn = button click.handle () "Start!"
lang = input English
langDropDown =
dropDown lang.handle
[ ("English - Keys: f, r, l", English)
, ("Swedish - Keys: g, h, v", Swedish)
shape = input <| Rectangle (0,0)
shapeDropDown =
dropDown shape.handle
[ ("Rectangle", Rectangle (0,0))
, ("Circle" , Circle 0)
display (w,h) colField rowField radField startXField startYField {robot,board} =
flow down [[markdown|**Controls**|] `above` (container 250 30 midLeft langDropDown),
[markdown|**Board shape**|] `above` (container 250 50 midLeft shapeDropDown),
[markdown|**Board config**|] `above` (flow right [container 250 50 midRight colField, container 250 50 midLeft rowField]),
(container 250 50 midRight radField),
(flow right [container 250 50 midRight startXField, container 250 50 midLeft startYField]),
(container 250 50 midLeft startBtn),
asText robot,
collage w h
[move (toFloat(robot.x*20),toFloat(robot.y*20)+100) (filled red (rect 20 20))] ++
map (\(x,y) -> move (toFloat x*20,toFloat y*20+100) (outlined (solid blue) (rect 20 20))) board
-- Utils
contentToInt cont = case (String.toInt cont.string) of {Just x -> x; _ -> 0}
makeField inp txt = field defaultStyle inp.handle id txt <~ inp.signal
coords l1 l2 =
if length l1 == 0 then [] else (map (\x -> (head l1, x)) l2) ++ (coords (tail l1) l2)
onBoard (x,y) board = any (\e -> e == (x,y)) board
next x dir cmd incrDir decDir =
if | dir == incrDir && cmd == GoForward -> x + 1
| dir == decDir && cmd == GoForward -> x - 1
| otherwise -> x
nextDir dir cmd = case (dir,cmd) of
(North,TurnLeft) -> West
(North,TurnRight) -> East
(South,TurnLeft) -> East
(South,TurnRight) -> West
(East,TurnLeft) -> North
(East,TurnRight) -> South
(West,TurnLeft) -> South
(West,TurnRight) -> North
_ -> dir
toShape (r,w,h,shape) = case shape of
Circle _ -> Circle(r)
_ -> Rectangle(w,h)
toMoveCmd key lang = case (key,lang) of
(71,Swedish) -> GoForward
(86,Swedish) -> TurnLeft
(72,Swedish) -> TurnRight
(70,English) -> GoForward
(76,English) -> TurnLeft
(82,English) -> TurnRight
_ -> StandStill
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