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Created August 18, 2013 14:54
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import Random
import Mouse
import Keyboard
data Fruit = Apple | Orange | Banana | Melon | Guava
rand = Random.range 0 4 (Mouse.clicks)
fruit n = if | n == 0 -> Apple
| n == 1 -> Orange
| n == 2 -> Banana
| n == 3 -> Melon
| otherwise -> Guava
fruitText = toForm <~ (asText <~ (fruit <~ rand))
time = lift (inSeconds . fst) (timestamp (fps 40))
pos = Keyboard.arrows
signalX p = lift (\p -> p.x) p
accX = (foldp (\x xp -> x + xp) 0) (signalX pos)
scene dx dy form = collage 300 300 [move (toFloat dx * 7, 100 * cos dy) form]
main = lift3 scene accX time fruitText
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