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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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import Mouse
import Window
-- Mouse.isDown is true whenever the left mouse button
-- is pressed down and false otherwise.
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
main = lift2 scene (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position) Window.dimensions
scene (x,y) (w,h) =
collage w h
[ move (100, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled blue (circle 10.0),
move (200, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled red (circle 10.0)
-- Try clicking. The boolean value will update automatically.
import Mouse
import Window
-- Mouse.isDown is true whenever the left mouse button
-- is pressed down and false otherwise.
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
type Ball = {x:Int, y: Int, v: Float, xdir: Int, ydir:Int}
location t b = { b | x <- b.x + t*((b.xdir-b.x)/abs(b.ydir-b.y)*b.v), y <- b.y + t*((b.ydir-b.y)/abs(b.xdir-b.x)*b.v)}
velocity (x,y) b = { b | v <- toFloat 2, xdir <- 2.1, ydir <- 20}
updateBall (t, xd, yd) = location t . velocity (xd,yd)
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/20) (fps 25)
in sampleOn delta (lift3 (,,) delta (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position))
main = lift2 scene (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position) Window.dimensions
scene (x,y) (w,h) =
collage w h
[ move ((toFloat x) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled blue (circle 10.0),
move ((toFloat x + 40) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled red (circle 10.0)
-- Try clicking. The boolean value will update automatically.
import Mouse
import Window
-- Mouse.isDown is true whenever the left mouse button
-- is pressed down and false otherwise.
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
type Ball = {x:Int, y: Int, v: Float, xdir: Int, ydir:Int}
defaultBall = {x = 200, y = 200, v = 0.0, xdir = 200, ydir = 200}
location t b = { b | x <- b.x + t*((b.xdir-b.x)/(b.ydir-b.y)*b.v), y <- b.y + t*((b.ydir-b.y)/(b.xdir-b.x)*b.v)}
velocity (x,y) b = { b | v <- toFloat 2, xdir <- toFloat x, ydir <- toFloat y}
updateBall (t, xy) = location t . velocity xy
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/20) (fps 25)
in sampleOn delta (lift2 (,) delta (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position))
display b (w, h) = collage w h
move (b.x, b.y) <| filled blue (circle 10.0)
main = lift2 display (foldp updateBall defaultBall input) Window.dimensions
--main = lift2 scene (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position) Window.dimensions
scene (x,y) (w,h) =
collage w h
[ move ((toFloat x) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled blue (circle 10.0),
move ((toFloat x + 40) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled red (circle 10.0)
-- Try clicking. The boolean value will update automatically.
import Mouse
import Window
-- Mouse.isDown is true whenever the left mouse button
-- is pressed down and false otherwise.
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
type Ball = {x:Int, y: Int, v: Float, angle: Float}
defaultBall = {x = 200, y = 200, v = toFloat 0, angle = toFloat 0}
--location t b = { b | x <- b.x + t*sqrt(b.v^2-(b.ydir-b.y)^2), y <- b.y + t*sqrt(b.v^2-(b.xdir-b.x)^2)}
location t b = { b | x <- b.x + t * b.v * cos b.angle,
y <- b.y + b.t * b.v * sin b.angle }
velocity (x,y) b = { b | v <- 0.2, angle <- if x-b.x == 0 then (if y >= b.y then -pi else pi) else atan ((y-b.y)/(x-b.x))}
updateBall (t, xy) = location t . velocity xy
floatify (x,y) = (toFloat x, toFloat y)
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/20) (fps 25)
in sampleOn delta (lift2 (,) delta (floatify <~ (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (200,200) Mouse.position)))
--main = lift asText input
display b (w, h) = collage w h
move (b.x, b.y) <| filled blue (circle 10.0)
--main = lift asText <| foldp updateBall defaultBall input
main = lift2 display (foldp updateBall defaultBall input) Window.dimensions
--main = lift2 scene (keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) Mouse.position) Window.dimensions
scene (x,y) (w,h) =
collage w h
[ move ((toFloat x) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled blue (circle 10.0),
move ((toFloat x + 40) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y)) <| filled red (circle 10.0)
-- Try clicking. The boolean value will update automatically.
import Mouse
import Window
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
type Ball = {x:Int, y: Int, v: Float, angle: Float}
defaultBall = {x = 100, y = 100, v = toFloat 0, angle = toFloat 0}
location t b = { b | x <- b.x - t * b.v * cos b.angle,
y <- b.y - t * b.v * sin b.angle }
velocity (x,y) b = { b | v <- sqrt((b.y-y)^2 + (b.x-x)^2)/10, angle <- atan2 (b.y-y) (b.x-x)}
updateBall (t, xy) = location t . velocity xy
floatify (x,y) = (toFloat x, toFloat y)
translate (x,y) (w,h)= ((toFloat x) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y))
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/50) (fps 25)
in sampleOn delta (lift2 (,) delta ((keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) (translate <~ Mouse.position ~ Window.dimensions))))
display b (w, h) (x,y)=
collage w h
move (b.x, b.y) <| filled blue (circle 10.0)
main = lift3 display (foldp updateBall defaultBall input) Window.dimensions (floatify <~ Mouse.position)
import List
import Mouse
import Window
type Points = [(Int,Int)]
type Ball = {x:Int, y: Int, v: Float, angle: Float}
defaultBall = {x = 100, y = 100, v = toFloat 0, angle = toFloat 0}
location t b = { b | x <- b.x - t * b.v * cos b.angle,
y <- b.y - t * b.v * sin b.angle }
velocity (x,y) b = { b | v <- sqrt((b.y-y)^2 + (b.x-x)^2)/10, angle <- atan2 (b.y-y) (b.x-x)}
updateBall (t, xy) = location t . velocity xy
input = let delta = lift (\t -> t/20) (fps 40)
in sampleOn delta (lift2 (,) delta ((keepWhen Mouse.isDown (100,100) (translate <~ Mouse.position ~ Window.dimensions))))
display balls (w, h) (x,y)=
flow down
[markdown|Press and drag using mouse left button|],
collage w h
<| (\b -> move (b.x, b.y) <| filled red (circle 10.0) ) balls
ball = foldp updateBall defaultBall input
balls = combine <| (\d -> delay (d*100) ball) [0..4]
main = lift3 display balls Window.dimensions (floatify <~ Mouse.position)
floatify (x,y) = (toFloat x, toFloat y)
translate (x,y) (w,h)= ((toFloat x) - toFloat(w)/2, toFloat(h)/2 - (toFloat y))
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