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Created October 13, 2023 10:23
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Lists defined using foldRight
/* A functional type of list
that is exactly the type of foldRight */
type FList[+A] = [R] => (_nil: R, _cons: (A,R) => R) => R
// The empty list defined as its foldRight
def nil[A]: FList[A] =
[R] => (_nil: R, _cons: (A,R) => R) => _nil
// The cons constructor defined also as its foldRight
def cons[A](head: A, tail: FList[A]): FList[A] =
[R] => (_nil: R, _cons: (A,R) => R) =>
val foldedTail: R = tail[R](_nil, _cons)
_cons(head, foldedTail)
extension [A](self: FList[A])
/* Structural equality between these lists
It is equalivalent to defining equality using foldRight */
def ===(other: FList[A]): Boolean =
type Predicate = FList[A] => Boolean
// Tests if a list is empty
val eqNil: Predicate =
(l: FList[A]) => l(true, (_,_) => false)
// Test is a list is a cons made of this head and "tail"
val eqCons: (A, Predicate) => Predicate =
(head: A, tailEqualityPredicate: Predicate) =>
(l: FList[A]) =>
/* Scala pair type could be used but it is even nicer to show that
equality on these lists can be defined with no (case) classes at all,
just functions! */
type FPair[+A,+B] = [R] => (A => B => R) => R
def pair[A,B](a:A, b:B): FPair[A,B] =
[R] => (f:A => B => R) => f(a)(b)
def fst[A,B](p: FPair[A, B]): A =
p[A]((a:A) => _ => a)
def snd[A,B](p: FPair[A, B]): B =
p[B](_ => (b:B) => b)
/* To use the tailEqualityPredicate we need the tail of the list,
So I reconstruct it "using foldRight" */
val consCase =
(hd: A, p: FPair[Boolean, FList[A]]) =>
val tl = snd(p)
val b = hd == head && tailEqualityPredicate(tl)
val t = cons[A](hd, tl)
l(pair(false, nil), consCase)
// Magic!
self(eqNil, eqCons)(other)
// Of course this type of list is equalivalent to the usual one (FList -> List side)
def toList: List[A] =
self[List[A]](Nil, _ :: _)
extension [A](self: List[A])
// Of course this type of list is equalivalent to the usual one (FList <- List side)
def toFList: FList[A] =
self match
case Nil => nil[A]
case hd :: tl => cons[A](hd, tl.toFList)
def test[A](l1: List[A], l2: List[A]): Unit =
if ! (l1.toFList === l2.toFList)
then throw new Exception(s"${l1} != ${l2}")
@main def hello: Unit =
val r = new java.util.Random
i <- 1 to 1000
val l = List.fill(r.nextInt(1000))(r.nextInt())
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