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Last active November 8, 2018 14:07
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(** We aim to show that the classic Reader monad is equivalent
to an ADT (more precisely a GADT (Generalized Algebraic Data Types).
Section ForStephane.
(** The reader config type (what's read)
* trait Config
Variable Config : Type.
(** The classic definition of the reader monad
* type ReaderFun[+A] = Config => A
Definition ReaderFun (A: Type): Type := Config -> A.
(** How to run the reader monad given a configuration
* def runFun[A](reader: ReaderFun[A], config: Config): A = reader(config)
Definition runFun {A : Type} (reader: ReaderFun A) (c: Config): A :=
reader c
(** A candidate for reader monad as GADT
* sealed abstract class ReaderADT[+A]
* final case object Get extends ReaderADT[Config]
* final case class Pure[+A](value: A) extends ReaderADT[A]
* final case class FlatMap[X,+A](arg: ReaderADT[X], fun: X => ReaderADT[A]) extends ReaderADT[A]
Inductive ReaderADT : Type -> Type :=
| Get : ReaderADT Config
| Pure: forall {A : Type}, A -> ReaderADT A
| FlatMap : forall {A B: Type}, ReaderADT A -> (A -> ReaderADT B) -> ReaderADT B
(** How to run this GADT reader monad
* def runADT[A](reader: ReaderADT[A], config: Config): A =
* reader match {
* case Get => config
* case Pure(a) => a
* case FlatMap(r,f) => runADT(f(runADT(reader, config)), config)
* }
Fixpoint runADT {A : Type} (reader: ReaderADT A) (c: Config) {struct reader} : A :=
match reader with
Get => c
| Pure a => a
| FlatMap r f => runADT (f (runADT r c)) c
(** Conversion from the classical definition to the GADT one
* def fun2adt[A](reader: ReaderFun[A]): ReaderADT[A] =
* FlatMap(Get, (c: Config) => Pure(reader(c)))
Definition fun2adt {A: Type} (reader: ReaderFun A): ReaderADT A :=
FlatMap Get (fun (c: Config) => Pure (reader c))
(** Conversion from the GADT definition to the classical one
* def adt2fun[A](reader: ReaderADT[A]): ReaderFun[A] =
* runADT(reader, _)
Definition adt2fun {A: Type} (reader: ReaderADT A): ReaderFun A :=
runADT reader
(** Now we need to prove that these two definitions are equivalent.
* Note that there is probably no bijection between these types.
* What we want to prove runnng a reader on one side gives the
* same result as converting it to the other side and then running
* it there.
* More precisely runFun == runADT o fun2adt
* and runADT == runFun o adt2fun
(** One side of the eqvuialence *)
Theorem fun2adtEquiv: forall (A: Type) (c: Config) (reader: ReaderFun A),
runFun reader c = runADT (fun2adt reader) c.
(** The other side *)
Theorem adt2funEquiv: forall (A: Type) (c: Config) (reader: ReaderADT A),
runADT reader c = runFun (adt2fun reader) c.
(** Going from Fun to ADT and back again into Fun ... *)
Definition fun2fun {A: Type} (r: ReaderFun A): ReaderFun A := adt2fun (fun2adt r).
(** ... is the identity! *)
Theorem funEquivId {A: Type} : forall (r: ReaderFun A), fun2fun r = r.
(** Going from ADT to Fun and back again into ADT ... *)
Definition adt2adt {A: Type} (r: ReaderADT A): ReaderADT A := fun2adt (adt2fun r).
(** is not identity but equivalent to! *)
Theorem adtEquivId {A: Type} : forall (r: ReaderADT A) (c: Config), runADT (adt2adt r) c = runADT r c.
End ForStephane.
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