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Created April 28, 2017 15:11
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object SimpleGeneralizedZipper {
sealed abstract class Direction
final case object Haut extends Direction
final case object Gauche extends Direction
final case object Droite extends Direction
sealed abstract class Stream[-I, +A] {
def focus : A
def cont : I => Stream[I, A]
final case class Cons[-I, +A](focus : A, cont : I => Stream[I, A]) extends Stream[I, A]
final case object End extends Stream[Any, Nothing] {
def focus: Nothing = ???
def cont: Any => Stream[Any, Nothing] = ???
// (A => T) => T
trait CPS[I, X, A] { self =>
def apply(k : A => Stream[I, X]) : Stream[I, X]
def map[B](f : A => B) = new CPS[I, X,B] {
def apply(k: B => Stream[I, X]): Stream[I, X] = self.apply((a:A) => k(f(a)))
def flatMap[B](f : A => CPS[I, X,B]) = new CPS[I, X,B] {
def apply(k: B => Stream[I, X]): Stream[I, X] = self.apply((a:A) => f(a).apply(k))
def run : Stream[I, X] = self.apply(_ => End)
object CPS {
def pure[I,X,A](a : A) = new CPS[I, X,A] {
def apply(k: A => Stream[I, X]): Stream[I, X] = k(a)
def apply[I,X,A](f : (A => Stream[I, X]) => Stream[I, X]) = new CPS[I, X,A] {
def apply(k: (A) => Stream[I, X]): Stream[I, X] = f(k)
def pause[I, X](focus : X) = new CPS[I, X, I] {
def apply(k: I => Stream[I, X]): Stream[I, X] = Cons(focus, k)
sealed abstract class Tree[+A]
final case object Vide extends Tree[Nothing]
final case class Leaf[+A](value : A) extends Tree[A]
final case class Node[+A](gauche : Tree[A], droite : Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]
def parcourir[A](t : Tree[A]) : CPS[Either[Tree[A] , Direction], Tree[A], Tree[A]] = {
def aux(t2 : Tree[A]) : CPS[Either[Tree[A] , Direction], Tree[A], Tree[A]] =
pause(t2).flatMap {
case Left(nt) =>
case Right(d) => (d, t2) match {
case (Haut , _) =>
case (Gauche, Node(g,d)) =>
aux(g).flatMap(ng => aux(Node(ng,d)))
case (Droite, Node(g,d)) =>
aux(d).flatMap(nd => aux(Node(g,nd)))
case _ =>
def d[A](dir : Direction) : Either[Tree[A], Direction] = Right(dir)
def t[A](tree : Tree[A]) : Either[Tree[A], Direction] = Left(tree)
val cps = parcourir(Node(Node(Leaf(1), Vide), Node(Leaf(2), Leaf(3))))
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