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Created March 12, 2019 13:11
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/* Modified version of
* to expose it's GADT's nature and provide the folding function.
* Should run out of the box with: amm <the_file>
import $ivy.`org.typelevel:cats-core_2.12:1.6.0`
object demo {
import cats.{Applicative, Functor, Id, Semigroupal, Traverse}
import cats.arrow.FunctionK
* Represents the PolyType [A](F[A]) => G because it is still
* not possible to write polytypes in Scala code. The suffix
* 1_0 indicates F is of arity 1 while G is of arity 0.
trait FunctionK_1_0[F[_], G] {
def apply[A](x: F[A]): G
* Type-lifting operation to replace the wildcard type (i.e. _).
* In some cases we end up with code like: List[Option[_]]. This is
* fine unless you later need to write code in terms of a particular
* Option's type paramter (i.e. the underscore).
* With this code, you'd instead write: List[Wild[Option]]. Then, you
* could say something like:
* val ws: List[Wild[Option]] =
* List(Wild(Option(3)), Wild(Option("hi")), Wild(None))
* val w: Wild[Option] = xs.head
* val o: Option[w.Type] = w.value
* val e: w.Type = o.getOrElse(sys.error("!!!"))
* and you can now refer to the specific type of `e`. This is useful
* when you may need to produce aligned values or have a "stable" way
* of referring to an unknown type.
sealed trait Wild[F[_]] extends Serializable {
* This is the stable type used in place of an underscore.
* It relates a type to the F[Type] value we are holding.
type Type
* This is the F[_] value we are holding.
def value: F[Type]
* The fold function (universal mapping property of being an
* initial object) associated this Generalized Algebraic Data Type (GADT)
final def fold[R](f: FunctionK_1_0[F,R]): R = f[Type](value)
* Map Wild[F] into Wild[G] while preserving Type.
* For example:
* val w0: Wild[List] = ...
* val f: FunctionK[List, Option] =
* new FunctionK[List, Option] {
* def apply[A](as: List[A]): Option[A] = as.headOption
* }
* val w1: Wild[Option] = w0.mapK(f)
final def mapK[G[_]](f: FunctionK[F, G]): Wild.Aux[G, Type] =
* Combine F[Type] and F[w.Type] into F[(Type, w.Type)] using an
* implicit Semigroupal[F].
* For example:
* import cats.implicits._
* val w0: Wild[Option] = Wild(Some(8))
* val w1: Wild[Option] = Wild(Some(true))
* val w2: Wild[Option] = (w0 product w1)
* println(w2) // Wild(Some((8, true)))
final def product(w: Wild[F])(implicit ev: Semigroupal[F]): Wild.Aux[F, (Type, w.Type)] =
Wild.typed(ev.product(value, w.value))
* Proxy `toString` to the underlying `value`.
final override def toString: String =
* Proxy `equals` to the underlying `value`.
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case w: Wild[_] => value == w.value
case _ => false
* Proxy `hashCode` to the underlying `value`.
final override def hashCode: Int =
object Wild {
* The only constructor of Wild[F]
final case class Evidence[F[_],T](value: F[T]) extends Wild[F] {
type Type = T
* When needed, we can use Wild.Aux[F, A] to refer to a Wild[F]
* parameterized on a specific, known Type (i.e. A).
type Aux[F[_], A] = Wild[F] { type Type = A }
* Construct a Wild[F] from an F[A] value.
* At the point of construction, the Type (A) is known. We expect to
* later "forget" this type by combining various Wild[F] values
* whose Type members are not known.
* Even though A is known, this method returns Wild[F] (i.e. it
* erases the A type). If you want the A type "remembered" you can
* use `typed` to get a `Wild.Aux[F, A]` back.
def apply[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): Wild[F] =
* Construct a Wild.Aux[F, A] from an F[A] value.
* This method is similar to `apply` but it retains the A type in
* its return value. Sometimes this is the desired behavior but
* other times it will cause unification problems.
def typed[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): Wild.Aux[F, A] = Evidence[F,A](fa)
* Support pattern-matching on Wild as if it was a case class.
* For example:
* val w: Wild[Option] = Wild(Some(999))
* val Wild(o) = w
* This is a total pattern-match (it will never fail).
def unapply[F[_]](w: Wild[F]): Some[F[w.Type]] =
* If Wild is used with a pure `A` value, we can use `cats.Id` as
* our `F[_]` type. The `Identity` alias (and friends) help make
* this a bit more ergonomic.
type Identity = Wild[Id]
* Construct an Identity value (Wild[Id]) from a given `a` value.
def identity[A](a: A): Identity = Wild[Id, A](a)
* If `F` has a `Functor`, we can always push our unknown type
* "through" a `Wild[F]` by wrapping our inner values in `Identity`.
* To see this, we can represent a List[Int] as either:
* val before: Wild[List] = Wild(List(1, 2, 3))
* val after: List[Identity] = Wild.lower(before)
* // i.e. List(Wild.identity(1), Wild.identity(2), Wild.identity(3))
* However, we cannot go the other direction, since there is no one
* type that can necessarily represents all the disparate values in
* List[Identity].
* val before: List[Identity] = List(Wild(1), Wild("two"))
* val after: Wild[List] = <impossible>
def lower[F[_]](w: Wild[F])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): F[Identity] =
* You can imagine Wild.sequence as doing two things:
* (1) Pushing the "wildness" down (as per Wild.lower) to turn `F[Wild[G]]` into `F[G[Identity]]`
* (2) Turning `F[G[A]]` into `G[F[A]]` as per `sequence` provided by `cats.Traverse[F]`.
* This is equivalent to a single `traverse` as shown below.
def sequence[F[_], G[_]](fwg: F[Wild[G]])(implicit fev: Traverse[F],
gev: Applicative[G]): G[F[Identity]] =
fev.traverse(fwg) { (w: Wild[G]) =>
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