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Last active February 22, 2019 16:59
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object LensToZiper {
This is a small sleight of hand to show how
are actually related to to zippers (getters + setters).
This connection give some insight about why lenses
have the properties they have. So let's define all
we need for lenses:
import scala.language.higherKinds
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[X,Y](fx: F[X], f: X => Y): F[Y]
trait Lens[A,B] {
def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): B => F[B]
/* Pretty tricky isn't it? It is actually very simple if you consider a small
example. Take the value `(3, true)`
If you have some function `f` that can, possibly with (side-)effects, from `3`
compute some value, say 9, then it is trivial from `(3, true)` to replace `3`
by `9` to get `(9, true)`
It means that if you can, from a sub-term (`3` in our example), compute some value
(`9` in our example), then you can replace the sub-term (still `3` in out example)
by the value in the whole expression (`(3, true)` in our example) to get another
big expression (`(9, true)`).
object ex1 extends Lens[Int, (Int, Boolean)] {
def apply[F[_]](f: Int => F[Int])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): ((Int, Boolean)) => F[(Int, Boolean)] =
{ case (i, b) =>, (j: Int) => (j, b)) }
/* If we reorganize arguments a little bit, in an equivalent way: */
trait Lens2[A,B] extends Lens[A,B] {
def apply2[F[_]](b:B)(f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B]
final def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): B => F[B] =
(b:B) => apply2[F](b)(f, ev)
/* Still a bit of argument manipulation, sill in an equivalent way: */
trait Lens3[A,B] extends Lens2[A,B] {
def apply3(b:B): Lens3Aux[A,B]
final def apply2[F[_]](b:B)(f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B] =
apply3(b)[F](f, ev)
trait Lens3Aux[A,B] {
def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B]
/* Doesn't the type `Lens3Aux` looks familiar?
It really looks like a `fold` function of type
whose constructors would be:
- def f : A => F[A]
and def ev: Functor[F] which is actually
- def ev[X,Y] : (F[X], X => Y) => F[Y]`
because a functor instance is really only the map function.
Let's give this type a name: `Lens3ADT1`
sealed abstract class Lens3ADT1[A,B] extends Lens3Aux[A,B] {
final def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B] = Lens3ADT1.fold[A,B,F](f,ev)(this)
final case class ConstructorF1[A](a: A) extends Lens3ADT1[A,A]
final case class ConstructorEV1[A,X,Y](fx: Lens3ADT1[A,X], f: X => Y) extends Lens3ADT1[A,Y]
object Lens3ADT1 {
def fold[A,B,F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): Lens3ADT1[A,B] => F[B] =
(l: Lens3ADT1[A,B]) => l match {
case c : ConstructorF1[a] => f(c.a)
case c : ConstructorEV1[a,x,y] =>,ev)(c.fx), c.f)
/* We're making some progress but we're not still done.
The `map` function of a `Functor` must satisfy some properties.
One if them is ` ==`
for any valid `l`, `f` and `g`.
L3ADT1 should satisfy this equality which means we should have
ConstructorEV1(ConstructorEV1(l, f), g) == ConstructorEV1(l, f.andThen(g))
Unfortunately this is not the case but we can define a smart constructor just for that:
def constructorEV1[A,X,Y](gx: Lens3ADT1[A,X], g: X => Y): Lens3ADT1[A,Y] =
gx match {
case c : ConstructorEV1[a,w,x] => constructorEV1(c.fx, c.f.andThen(g))
case _ => ConstructorEV1(gx, g)
/* This time we have
constructorEV(constructorEV(l, f), g) == constructorEV(l, f.andThen(g))
An interesting consequence of using `constructorEV1` is there is no more one `ConstructorEV1`
as first argument of another `ConstructorEV1` because we can always rewrite this case by the
right-hand side of the equality: `constructorEV1(l, f.andThen(g))`.
So the first argument of `ConstructorEV1` has to be `ConstructorF` which is equivalent to
having a value `a` of type `A`.
Let's redefine `Lens3ADT1` to take this into account:
sealed abstract class Lens3ADT2[A,B] extends Lens3Aux[A,B] {
final def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B] = Lens3ADT2.fold[A,B,F](f,ev)(this)
final case class ConstructorF2[A](a: A) extends Lens3ADT2[A,A]
final case class ConstructorEV2[A,Y](a: A, f: A => Y) extends Lens3ADT2[A,Y]
def constructorEV2[A,X,Y](gx: Lens3ADT2[A,X], g: X => Y): Lens3ADT2[A,Y] =
gx match {
case c : ConstructorEV2[a,x] => ConstructorEV2(c.a, c.f.andThen(g))
case c : ConstructorF2[a] => ConstructorEV2(c.a, g)
object Lens3ADT2 {
def fold[A,B,F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): Lens3ADT2[A,B] => F[B] =
(l: Lens3ADT2[A,B]) => l match {
case c : ConstructorF2[a] => f(c.a)
case c : ConstructorEV2[a,y] =>, c.f)
/* One other rule `map` must satisfy is ` => x) == l` for any valid `l`.
Which means for `Lens3ADT2` that
ConstructorF2(a) == ConstructorEV2(a, x => x)
This time, it is the constructor `ConstructorF2` that we can replace by a smart constructor
to fulfil this equality:
def constructorF2[A](a: A): Lens3ADT2[A,A] = ConstructorEV2[A,A](a, (x:A) => x)
/* Another consequence is we don't even need `ConstructorF2` anymore.
We can rewrite `Lens3ADT2` into:
final case class Lens3ADT3[A,B](a: A, f: A => B)
extends Lens3Aux[A,B] {
final def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): F[B] = Lens3ADT3.fold[A,B,F](f,ev)(this)
object Lens3ADT3 {
def fold[A,B,F[_]](f: A => F[A], ev: Functor[F]): Lens3ADT3[A,B] => F[B] =
(l: Lens3ADT3[A,B]) =>, l.f)
/* Updating the definition of `Lens3[A,B] we get, sill in an equivalent way: */
trait Lens4[A,B] extends Lens3[A,B] {
def apply4(b:B) : (A, A => B)
final def apply3(b:B): Lens3Aux[A,B] = {
val (a, context) = apply4(b)
Lens3ADT3(a, context)
/* `Lens4[A,B]` instances are just functions: B => (A, A => B)
Finally we can establish the equivalence between the two following
type LensViaZipper[A,B] = B => (A, A => B)
// Which is equivalent to a getter (B => A) and a setter (B => A => B)
def toClassic[A,B](lz: LensViaZipper[A,B]): Lens[A,B] =
new Lens[A,B] {
def apply[F[_]](f: A => F[A])(implicit ev: Functor[F]): B => F[B] =
(b: B) => {
val (a, context) = lz(b), context)
def toViaZipper[A,B](lc: Lens[A,B]): LensViaZipper[A,B] = {
type F[X] = (A, A => X)
val ev = new Functor[F] {
def map[X,Y](fx: F[X], f: X => Y): F[Y] =
(fx._1, fx._2.andThen(f))
val f: A => F[A] = (a: A) => (a, (x:A) => x)
/* Nice, isn't it? It explains well how a lens is nothing more than a pair of of
a getter and a setter.
There are two very general techniques i have used here. The first one is
the equivalence between the type of a (Generalized) Algebraic Data Type
(i.e. case classes/case object/sealed trait) and the type of its recursor
(the type of the `fold` function). The second one is to take advantage of
the equalities a structure have to satisfy to simply its type and find
a simple yet genral form.
Theses techniques works very well in practice and enable to see connections
where it would be very difficult to do intuitively.
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