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Last active November 22, 2016 17:57
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Composition that have less chance to blow the stack.
object StackTest {
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
val f1 = (1 to 100000).foldLeft(ComposeQueue(identity[Int])) { (f, _) => f.andThen(_ + 1) }
val f2 = (1 to 1000000).foldLeft(ComposeQueue(identity[Int])){ (f, _) => f.andThen(_ + 1) }
val f3 = (1 to 1000000).foldLeft(ComposeQueue(identity[Int])) { (f, _) => f.compose(_ + 1) }
object ComposeQueue {
final val MAX_DEPTH = 1000
@inline def apply[A,B](f : A => B) : ComposeQueue[A,B] =
f match {
case cq : ComposeQueue[A,B] => cq
case _ => BootStrap(f,1)
import ComposeQueue._
sealed abstract class ComposeQueue[-A, +B] extends (A => B) {
/** Compose this function by a BootStrap on the right
* represents (c: C) => this(bs(c))
* @param bs
* @tparam C
* @tparam A2
* @return
def append[C,A2 <: A](bs : BootStrap[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B]
/** Compose this function by a BootStrap on the left
* represents (a: A) => bs(this(a))
* @param bs
* @tparam C
* @tparam B2
* @return
def prepend[C,B2 >: B](bs : BootStrap[B2,C]) : ComposeQueue[A,C]
/** Compose this function by a ComposeQueue on the right
* represents (c: C) => this(cq(c))
* @param cq
* @tparam C
* @tparam A2
* @return
def concat[C,A2 <: A](cq : ComposeQueue[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B]
/** Normal application */
def apply(a : A) : B
@inline final override def compose[C](g: C => A): ComposeQueue[C,B] =
g match {
case cq : ComposeQueue[C,A] => concat(cq)
case _ => append(BootStrap(g,1))
@inline final override def andThen[C](g: B => C): ComposeQueue[A,C] =
g match {
case cq : ComposeQueue[B,C] => cq.concat(this)
case _ => prepend(BootStrap(g,1))
/** Base case of ComposeQueue, just an ordinary function.
* depth indicates the number of functions composed to form this one.
* If depth is too big, stack overflow occurs.
* @param function a function
* @param depth the number of function composition made to form this one.
* @tparam A
* @tparam B
final case class BootStrap[A,B](function : A => B, depth : Int) extends ComposeQueue[A,B] {
// Just a function ...
def apply(a : A) : B = function(a)
@inline def append[C,A2 <: A](bs : BootStrap[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B] =
if (depth + bs.depth <= MAX_DEPTH)
Deep[C,A2,A,B](this, Vector.empty, bs)
@inline def prepend[C,B2 >: B](bs : BootStrap[B2,C]) : ComposeQueue[A,C] =
if (depth + bs.depth <= MAX_DEPTH)
Deep[A,B,B2,C](bs, Vector.empty, this)
@inline def concat[C,A2 <: A](cq : ComposeQueue[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B] =
/** Compose two BootStrap. It is unsafe because it may break the invariant that
* depth <= MAX_DEPTH . Used as a helper for append and prepend.
* @param bs
* @tparam C
* @tparam A2
* @return
@inline def unsafeAppend[C,A2 <: A](bs : BootStrap[C,A2]) : BootStrap[C,B] =
BootStrap[C,B]((c:C) => function(bs.function(c)), depth + bs.depth)
/** Too much ordinary function composition blows the stack.
* To prevent this, Deep stores composition into the heap as
* a Vector of functions.
* It represents the function:
* (x : A) => outer(queue(n-1)(queue(n-2)( .....(queue(0)(inner(x))))))
* where n is the size of the queue.
* @param outer the outer function this composition represents
* @param queue the functions that compose this composition between outer and inner
* @param inner the inner function this composition represents
* @tparam A
* @tparam X
* @tparam Y
* @tparam B
final case class Deep[A,X,Y,B](outer : BootStrap[Y,B],
queue : Vector[Any => Any],
inner : BootStrap[A, X]
) extends ComposeQueue[A,B] {
type inner = X
type outer = Y
def apply(a : A) : B = outer {
var i : Any = inner(a)
var j = queue.size - 1
while (j >= 0) {
i = queue(j)(i)
j -= 1
@inline def append[C,A2 <: A](bs : BootStrap[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B] =
if (inner.depth + bs.depth <= MAX_DEPTH)
Deep(outer, queue, inner.unsafeAppend(bs))
Deep[C,A2,Y,B](outer, queue :+ inner.function.asInstanceOf[Any => Any] , bs)
@inline def prepend[C,B2 >: B](bs : BootStrap[B2,C]) : ComposeQueue[A,C] =
if (outer.depth + bs.depth <= MAX_DEPTH)
Deep(bs.unsafeAppend(outer), queue, inner)
Deep[A,X,B2,C](bs, queue.+:(outer.function.asInstanceOf[Any => Any]) , inner)
def concat[C,A2 <: A](cq : ComposeQueue[C,A2]) : ComposeQueue[C,B] =
cq match {
case bs@BootStrap(_,_) =>
case cq2 : Deep[C,_,_,A] =>
if (queue.isEmpty)
cq2.prepend(inner).prepend(outer.asInstanceOf[BootStrap[inner, B]]) // Because queue.isEmpty => inner = outer
else if (cq2.queue.isEmpty)
append(cq2.outer.asInstanceOf[BootStrap[cq2.inner, A]]).append(cq2.inner)
else if (inner.depth + cq2.outer.depth <= MAX_DEPTH) {
val f: Any => X = (x : Any) => inner.function(cq2.outer.function(x.asInstanceOf[cq2.outer]))
Deep(outer, (queue :+ f) ++ cq2.queue, cq2.inner)
} else
Deep(outer, ((queue :+ inner.function.asInstanceOf[Any => Any]) :+ cq2.outer.function.asInstanceOf[Any => Any]) ++ cq2.queue, cq2.inner)
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