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Last active August 21, 2016 14:48
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Fetch data from the Berlin city measuring network BLUME for air quality using R. For the purpose of spatial plotting, the function adds geographical coordinates to the measuring stations.
## Christian Kuntzsch
## 2016-08-21
blume <- getBlume(start = "2010-07-20", end = "2016-07-20")
getBlume <- function(start, end) {
# Create empty data.frame
table <- data.frame()
# create character sequence out of start and end date
start <- as.Date(start, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
end <- as.Date(end, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
date_sequence <- seq(start, end, "day")
date_sequence_char <- format(date_sequence, "%Y%m%d")
# Loop iterating over URLs
# sequence iterates over 31 days, specify month/year seperatly in URL
for (i in 1:length(date_sequence_char)) {
# print console log output
print(paste("Fetching data for", date_sequence[i], "...", sep = " "))
# define and read URL
#for (i in 210:214){
url <- paste("", date_sequence_char[i], ".html", sep = "")
file <- try(read_html(url), silent = TRUE)
if('try-error' %in% class(file)) next
# parse and clean URL's content
x <- html_table(html_nodes(file, "table")[[3]], header = TRUE)
x <- x[-c(1,19,12),-c(3,5,7,9,11,13,15)]
x[x == "---"] = NA
x[,c(2:8)] <- as.numeric(unlist(x[,c(2:8)]))
x[,1] <- as.factor(substring(x[,1], 5))
# temperature
temp <- html_text(html_nodes(file, xpath = "//b[3]"))[2]
temp <- strsplit(temp, " ")
temp <- as.numeric(temp[[1]][1])
x$"Temperature (°C)" <- temp
# wind
wind <- html_text(html_nodes(file, xpath = "//b[2]"))[2]
wind <- strsplit(wind, " ")
wind <- as.numeric(wind[[1]][2])
x$"Wind velocity (m/s)" <- wind
# direction of wind
wind_direction <- html_text(html_nodes(file, xpath = "//p[2]//b[1]"))[1]
wind_direction <- strsplit(wind_direction, " ")
wind_direction <- as.numeric(wind_direction[[1]][1])
x$"Wind direction (°)" <- wind_direction
# relative air humidity
humidity <- html_text(html_nodes(file, xpath = "//b[4]"))
humidity <- strsplit(humidity, " ")
humidity <- as.numeric(humidity[[1]][1])
x$"Relative humidity (%)" <- humidity
# add column for date
x$Date <- as.Date(date_sequence_char[i], format = "%Y%m%d")
# bind table
colnames(x) <- c("Station",
"Particles PM10",
"Nitrogen dioxide",
"Carbon monoxide",
"Sulphur dioxide",
"Wind velocity",
"Wind direction",
"Relative humidity",
table <- rbind(table, x)
DT <- data.table(table)
DT[, lat := ifelse(Station == table$Station[1], 52.542383,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[2], 52.485814,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[3], 52.398406,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[4], 52.473192,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[5], 52.489439,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[6], 52.643525,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[7], 52.447697,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[8], 52.653269,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[9], 52.513606,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[10], 52.485261,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[11], 52.5066,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[12], 52.463611,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[13], 52.438056,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[14], 52.467511,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[15], 52.514072,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[16], 52.481669, NA))))))))))))))))]
DT[, lng := ifelse(Station == table$Station[1], 13.3493,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[2], 13.348775,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[3], 13.368103,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[4], 13.225144,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[5], 13.430856,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[6], 13.489531,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[7], 13.64705,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[8], 13.296081,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[9], 13.418833,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[10], 13.529503,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[11], 13.332972,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[12], 13.31825,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[13], 13.3875,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[14], 13.44165,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[15], 13.469931,
ifelse(Station == table$Station[16], 13.433967, NA))))))))))))))))]
table <- data.frame(DT)
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