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Created August 26, 2021 05:34
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A simplistic JSON parser for ReScript
// (C) Christopher Armstrong 2021
// Licenced under MIT license (
open Js.Json
module Decode = {
let map_result =
let flatMap_result = Belt.Result.flatMap
let identity = x => x
let mapOptionWithError = (~mapper: 'a => 'b, opt, error) =>
Belt.Option.mapWithDefault(opt, Error(error), x => Ok(mapper(x)))
let optionToResult = (opt, errorString) =>
switch opt {
| Some(result) => Ok(result)
| None => Error(errorString)
type jsonTreeRef = {
tree: Js.Json.t,
path: string,
type jsonObjectRef = {
object: Js.Dict.t<Js.Json.t>,
path: string,
type jsonParseError =
| SyntaxError(string)
| WrongType(string, string)
| NoValueError(string)
| RecordParseError(string, string)
| CustomError(string)
let jsonParseErrorToString = error =>
switch error {
| SyntaxError(error) => `Syntax Error: ${error}`
| WrongType(path, expected) => `Wrong Type Error: ${expected} was expected at path ${path}`
| NoValueError(path) => `No Value Error: expected a value at ${path}`
| RecordParseError(path, suberror) =>
`Record parse error: at path ${path} received record parse error - ${suberror}`
| CustomError(error) => `Other parse error: ${error}`
let d_json = (jsonString, rootParser) => {
let treeResult = try Ok(parseExn(jsonString)) catch {
| Js.Exn.Error(payload) =>
Error(SyntaxError(Js.Option.getWithDefault("unknown", Js.Exn.message(payload))))
flatMap_result(treeResult, tree => rootParser(Ok({tree: tree, path: "$"})))
type parser<'a> = Belt.Result.t<jsonTreeRef, jsonParseError> => Belt.Result.t<'a, jsonParseError>
let d_object = (x: Belt.Result.t<jsonTreeRef, jsonParseError>) =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeObject(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((dictOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(dictOption, NoValueError(path), ~mapper=object => {
object: object,
path: path,
let d_record = (recordObject: Belt.Result.t<jsonTreeRef, jsonParseError>, recordParser) =>
->map_result(({object, path}) => (Js.Dict.entries(object), path))
->flatMap_result(((entries, path)) =>
Belt.Array.reduce(entries, Ok([]), (records, (key, value)) =>
flatMap_result(records, recordsValue => {
let record = recordParser(key, Ok({path: `${path}.${key}`, tree: value}))
switch record {
| Ok(recordValue) => Ok(Js.Array.concat(recordsValue, [recordValue]))
| Error(error) =>
switch error {
| CustomError(y) => Error(RecordParseError(`${path}.${key}`, y))
| _ => Error(error)
let d_string = x =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeString(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((stringOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(stringOption, WrongType(path, "string"), ~mapper=identity)
let d_number = x =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeNumber(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((numberOption, path)) =>
switch numberOption {
| Some(num) => Ok(num)
| None => Error(WrongType(path, "number"))
let d_integer = x =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeNumber(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((numberOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(numberOption, WrongType(path, "integer"), ~mapper=num =>
let d_boolean = x =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeBoolean(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((boolOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(boolOption, WrongType(path, "boolean"), ~mapper=identity)
let d_null = x =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeNull(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((nullOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(nullOption, WrongType(path, "null"), ~mapper=identity)
let d_array = (arrayRef, itemParser) =>
->map_result(({tree, path}) => (decodeArray(tree), path))
->flatMap_result(((arrayOption, path)) =>
mapOptionWithError(arrayOption, WrongType(path, "array"), ~mapper=arr =>
Belt.Array.reduceWithIndex(arr, Ok([]), (progress, next, i) =>
flatMap_result(progress, items => {
let record = itemParser(Ok({path: `${path}.${Belt.Int.toString(i)}`, tree: next}))
map_result(record, recordValue => Belt.Array.concat(items, [recordValue]))
let d_field = (objectRef, fieldName) =>
->map_result(({object, path}) => (Js.Dict.get(object, fieldName), path))
->flatMap_result(((fieldValueOption, path)) =>
~mapper=fieldValue => {tree: fieldValue, path: `${path}.${fieldName}`},
let d_optional = (decodedResult: Belt.Result.t<'a, jsonParseError>, mapper) =>
switch decodedResult {
| Ok(value) => switch mapper(Ok(value)) {
| Ok(result) => Ok(Some(result))
| Error(error) => Error(error)
| Error(error) =>
switch error {
| NoValueError(_) => Ok(None)
| _ => Error(error)
module ResultHelpers = {
let fold = (res, apply) =>, x => apply(x))
let feed = (mapped, res) => Belt.Result.flatMap(mapped, fold(res))
let applyTo = mapper => Ok(mapper)
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