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Created October 26, 2021 22:44
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TLDR - Laravel in Kubernetes Part 5
# Define some constant values for the different versions of DigitalOcean databases
locals {
mysql = {
engine = "mysql"
version = "8"
postgres = {
engine = "pg"
version = "13" # Available options: 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
# We need to create a database cluster in DigitalOcean,
# based on Mysql 8, which is the version DigitalOcean provides.
# You can switch this out for Postgres by changing the `locals.` pointer to point at postgres.
resource "digitalocean_database_cluster" "laravel-in-kubernetes" {
name = "laravel-in-kubernetes"
engine = local.mysql.engine # Replace with `locals.postgres.engine` if using postgres
version = local.mysql.version # Replace with `locals.postgres.version` if using postgres
size = "db-s-1vcpu-1gb"
region = var.do_region
node_count = 1
# We want to create a separate database for our application inside the database cluster.
# This way we can share the cluster resources, but have multiple separate databases.
resource "digitalocean_database_db" "laravel-in-kubernetes" {
cluster_id =
name = "laravel-in-kubernetes"
# We want to create a separate user for our application,
# So we can limit access if necessary
# We also use Native Password auth, as it works better with current Laravel versions
resource "digitalocean_database_user" "laravel-in-kubernetes" {
cluster_id =
name = "laravel-in-kubernetes"
mysql_auth_plugin = "mysql_native_password"
# We want to allow access to the database from our Kubernetes cluster
# We can also add custom IP addresses
# If you would like to connect from your local machine,
# simply add your public IP
resource "digitalocean_database_firewall" "laravel-in-kubernetes" {
cluster_id =
rule {
type = "k8s"
value =
# rule {
# type = "ip_addr"
# }
# We also need to add outputs for the database, to easily be able to reach it.
# Expose the host of the database so we can easily use that when connecting to it.
output "laravel-in-kubernetes-database-host" {
value =
# Expose the port of the database, as it is usually different from the default ports of Mysql / Postgres
output "laravel-in-kubernetes-database-port" {
value = digitalocean_database_cluster.laravel-in-kubernetes.port
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