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Last active October 26, 2021 22:41
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TLDR - Laravel In Kubernetes Part 3
# VERSION defines the version for the docker containers.
# To build a specific set of containers with a version,
# you can use the VERSION as an arg of the docker build command (e.g make docker VERSION=0.0.2)
VERSION ?= v0.0.1
# REGISTRY defines the registry where we store our images.
# To push to a specific registry,
# you can use the REGISTRY as an arg of the docker build command (e.g make docker
# You may also change the default value if you are using a different registry as a default
# Commands
docker: docker-build docker-push
docker build . --target cli -t ${REGISTRY}/cli:${VERSION}
docker build . --target cron -t ${REGISTRY}/cron:${VERSION}
docker build . --target fpm_server -t ${REGISTRY}/fpm_server:${VERSION}
docker build . --target web_server -t ${REGISTRY}/web_server:${VERSION}
docker push ${REGISTRY}/cli:${VERSION}
docker push ${REGISTRY}/cron:${VERSION}
docker push ${REGISTRY}/fpm_server:${VERSION}
docker push ${REGISTRY}/web_server:${VERSION}
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