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Created October 31, 2021 13:13
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Test script to extract dmamux request mappings from CubeHal headers
import re
_dmamux_pattern = re.compile("^\s*#define\s+(?P<name>(LL_DMAMUX_REQ_\w+))\s+(?P<id>(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+))U")
_request_pattern = re.compile("^\s*#define\s+(?P<name>(DMA_REQUEST_\w+))\s+(?P<id>([0-9]+))U")
def _read_map(filename, pattern):
out_map = {}
with open(filename, "r") as header_file:
for line in header_file.readlines():
m = pattern.match(line)
if m:
name ="name")
if name in out_map:
raise RuntimeError("Duplicate entry {}".format(name))
out_map[name] ="id")
return out_map
def read_requests_map_l4(read_for_p5_q5):
out_map = {}
p5_q5_if = "#if defined (STM32L4P5xx) || defined (STM32L4Q5xx)"
if_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*if\s+")
else_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*else")
endif_pattern = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*endif")
in_p5_q5_section = False
ignore = False
with open("stm32l4xx_hal_dma.h", "r") as header_file:
if_counter = 0
for line in header_file.readlines():
if p5_q5_if in line:
in_p5_q5_section = True
ignore = not read_for_p5_q5
elif in_p5_q5_section:
if if_pattern.match(line):
if_counter += 1
elif endif_pattern.match(line):
if_counter -= 1
elif else_pattern.match(line) and if_counter == 0:
p5_q5_section = False
ignore = read_for_p5_q5
if not ignore:
m = _request_pattern.match(line)
if m:
name ="name")
if name in out_map:
raise RuntimeError("Duplicate entry {}".format(name))
out_map[name] = int("id"))
return out_map
# For G0 and WB
def read_requests_map_from_ll_dmamux(ll_dmamux_file, hal_dma_file):
dmamux_map = _read_map(ll_dmamux_file, _dmamux_pattern)
request_pattern = re.compile("^\s*#define\s+(?P<name>(DMA_REQUEST_\w+))\s+(?P<id>(LL_DMAMUX?_REQ_\w+))\s*")
requests_map = _read_map(hal_dma_file, request_pattern)
id_map = {}
for r in requests_map.keys():
id_map[r] = int(dmamux_map[requests_map[r]], 16)
return id_map
# For H7
def read_requests_map(hal_dma_file):
requests_map = _read_map(hal_dma_file, _request_pattern)
for r in requests_map.keys():
requests_map[r] = int(requests_map[r])
return requests_map
print(read_requests_map_from_ll_dmamux("stm32wbxx_ll_dmamux.h", "stm32wbxx_hal_dma.h"), "\n")
print(read_requests_map_from_ll_dmamux("stm32g0xx_ll_dmamux.h", "stm32g0xx_hal_dma.h"), "\n")
print("STM32L4 without L4P5xx, L4Q5xx:")
print(read_requests_map_l4(False), "\n")
print("STM32L4P5xx, STML4Q5xx:")
print(read_requests_map_l4(True), "\n")
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