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Forked from jamesbrooks/Brewfile
Last active July 2, 2024 22:57
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My personal Brewfile for homebrew-bundle
tap 'moncho/dry'
brew 'awscli'
brew 'asdf'
brew 'bash-completion@2'
brew 'bash'
brew 'bat'
brew 'colima'
brew 'coreutils'
brew 'curlie'
brew 'diff-so-fancy'
brew 'direnv'
brew 'docker-compose'
brew 'docker'
brew 'doggo'
brew 'fd'
brew 'ffmpeg'
brew 'fzf'
brew 'ghostscript'
brew 'git-lfs'
brew 'git'
brew 'gitwatch'
brew 'gpg'
brew 'grep'
brew 'hivemind'
brew 'htop'
brew 'imagemagick'
brew 'jq'
brew 'mackup'
brew 'mas'
brew 'mise'
brew 'mysql'
brew 'ncdu'
brew 'nmap'
brew 'pgcli'
brew 'postgresql@15'
brew 'prettyping'
brew 'pwgen'
brew 'qrencode'
brew 'redis'
brew 'ruby-build'
brew 'the_silver_searcher'
brew 'wakeonlan'
brew 'watch'
brew 'wget'
brew 'wireguard-tools'
brew 'wrk'
brew 'ykman'
brew 'yt-dlp'
brew 'z'
brew 'zoxide'
cask '1password'
cask 'anydesk'
cask 'android-studio'
cask 'beeper'
cask 'brave-browser'
cask 'cyberduck'
cask 'db-browser-for-sqlite'
cask 'discord'
cask 'google-chrome'
cask 'google-drive'
cask 'iina'
cask 'iterm2'
cask 'libreoffice'
cask 'ngrok'
cask 'notunes'
cask 'obsidian'
cask 'postman'
cask 'rapidapi'
cask 'raycast'
cask 'rectangle'
cask 'session-manager-plugin'
cask 'shottr'
cask 'skype'
cask 'slack'
cask 'spotify'
cask 'the-unarchiver'
cask 'transmission'
cask 'tunnelblick'
cask 'visual-studio-code'
cask 'yubico-yubikey-manager'
mas 'Harvest', id: 506189836
mas 'rcmd - App Switcher', id: 1596283165
mas 'Spark – Email App by Readdle', id: 1176895641
mas 'Tailscale', id: 1475387142
mas 'The Unarchiver', id: 425424353
mas 'WireGuard', id: 1451685025
mas 'XCode', id: 497799835
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