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Last active March 1, 2023 21:31
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A Maya script snippet to reset geometry to rest pose after joints have moved
import pymel.core as pm
### SNIPPET Reset Skin Cluster ###
# This script can be used to reset geometry to its neutral rest pose
# after joints have been moved. Use it when making adjustments to your rig/skeleton.
# USAGE: 1. Select the geo 2. Run this script.
# Limitation:
# Sometimes depending on your history, Maya may give an error and fail to reset the geo.
# Sometimes running it twice solves this... ¯\_( ツ )_/¯
# For more advanced cases, like resetting a single joint, see Cole O'Brien's script here:
oldSel = pm.selected()
for eachGeo in pm.selected():
skinInputs = eachGeo.listHistory(interestLevel=1, type='skinCluster')
# filters out a bug where if a geo has an FFD lattice which is skinned,
# it finds the lattice skinCluster instead of your geometry.
correctSkins = [
skin for skin in skinInputs
if in [sk.getTransform().name() for sk in skin.getGeometry()]
for oSkin in correctSkins:
skinJointList = pm.listConnections(oSkin.matrix, t='joint')
bindPose = pm.listConnections(skinJointList[0].name(), d=True, s=False, t='dagPose')
if bindPose:
if not (pm.referenceQuery(bindPose[0], inr=True)):
sourceGeo = pm.skinCluster(oSkin, q=True, g=True)[0]
pm.skinCluster(oSkin, e=True, ubk=True)
pm.skinCluster(skinJointList, sourceGeo, ibp=True, tsb=True)
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