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Last active June 14, 2024 07:24
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This is a test mGear Shifter POST script that shows how to access the stepDict and all of its information. It's a WIP meant to also act as documentation.
import mgear.shifter.custom_step as cstp
This is a test mGear Shifter POST script that shows how to access the stepDict and all of its information.
It's a WIP meant to also act as documentation.
I'll continue to update it, as I discover more. And hopefully include some of this information in the official mGear docs.
Chris Lesage -
Justin Pedersen -
Jascha Wohlkinger -
Big thanks to Jascha Wohlkinger and Justin Pedersen at Triggerfish for helping get this started!
class CustomShifterStep(cstp.customShifterMainStep):
def __init__(self): = "test_stepDict"
def run(self, stepDict):
stepDict["mgearRun"].__dict__ # This is a way you can inspect properties of a class.
stepDict["mgearRun"].components["arm_L0"] # how to get at an individual component.
# Loop through all the components in the scene!
for key, component in stepDict["mgearRun"].components.items():
# gain access to component settings
print(key) # This is the component key in stepDict["mgearRun"].components eg. "arm_L0"
print(component) # This is the Component object that has all the following attributes:
print('options', component.options) # gets all the top level guide options
print('settings', component.settings) # the individual component settings, like maxstretch, upvrefarray, etc.
print(component.settings["comp_type"]) # <--- Gets the name of the component type. eg. 'arm_ms_2jnt_01'
print('name', # The given name. eg "arm" in arm_L0
print('side', component.side) # eg. "L" in arm_L0
print('index', component.index) # eg. "0" in arm_L0
print('model', component.model) # the top rig group, "model" because XSI
print('connections', component.connections) # TODO: information and memory address of connections
print('setupWS', component.setupWS) # TODO: returns the "setup" group, but no idea what that is for.
print('size', component.size) # TODO: Not sure what this refers to
print('color_fk', component.color_fk) # The color index from the guide settings. I guess you can override this?
print('color_ik', component.color_ik) # The color index from the guide settings. I guess you can override this?
print('negate', component.negate) # TODO: returns True or False
print('n_sign', component.n_sign) # returns '' if negate is False and '-' if True
print('n_factor', component.n_factor) # returns 1 if negate is False and -1 if True
print('groups', component.groups) # returns a dictionary of items of the component
# If no joints exist, there will be no deformers key.
# So instead of calling the dictionary key component.groups["deformers"] use .get() to avoid KeyError.
# If it is empty, it will return None
print(component.groups.get("deformers")) # access to joints in the component
print(component.groups.get("componentsRoots")) # The _root of the component
print(component.groups.get("controllers")) # All the controllers in the component
print('subGroups', component.subGroups) #TODO: No idea. Always empty in my tests.
print('controlers', component.controlers) # This always seems to return an empty list. Use component.groups.get("controllers") instead, I guess.
print('relatives', component.relatives) #TODO. eg. {'elbow': nt.Transform(u'arm_L0_div5_loc'), 'wrist': nt.Transform(u'arm_L0_div10_loc')}
print('jointRelatives', component.jointRelatives) # The joint index as a dictionary. eg. {'elbow': 5, 'wrist': 10, 'root': 0, 'eff': -1}
print('controlRelatives', component.controlRelatives) # A key dictionary of controllers. eg. {'elbow': nt.Transform(u'arm_L0_fk1_ctl'), 'wrist': nt.Transform(u'arm_L0_fk2_ctl)}
print('aliasRelatives', component.aliasRelatives) #TODO: arm is {'eff': 'hand'} or control_01 is {'root': 'ctl'}
print('jnt_pos', component.jnt_pos) # TODO A list of lists [[transform, 0], [transform, 1], [transform, 2], [transform, 'end']]
print('jointList', component.jointList) # returns the same as component.groups.get("deformers"). A list of all joints in the component. [] if no joints.
print('transform2Lock', component.transform2Lock) #TODO: I guess a list of nodes that will get locked
print('stepMethods', component.stepMethods) #TODO: Unsure yet.
# Example snippet: Get all components that are named "arm".
allArms = [
(key, component) for key, component
in stepDict["mgearRun"].components.items()
if == 'arm'
for key, component in allArms:
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