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Last active December 12, 2015 10:29
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import Rational._
case class Rational(a: BigInt, b: BigInt = 1) {
def numerator: BigInt = a
def demoninator: BigInt = b
def withNumerator(x: BigInt): Rational = reduced(x, b)
def withDemominator(x: BigInt): Rational = reduced(a, x)
def inverse: Rational = reduced(b, a)
def pow(exp: Int): Rational = reduced(a pow exp, b pow exp)
def toBigInt: BigInt = a/b
def mod(q: BigInt): BigInt =
if (b == 1) a mod q
else throw new IllegalStateException(this.toString)
object Rational {
def reduced(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Rational = {
val gcd = (a gcd b) * b.signum
Rational(a / gcd, b / gcd)
implicit def implicitFromBigInt(a: BigInt): Rational = Rational(a)
implicit def implicitFromLong(a: Long): Rational = Rational(a)
implicit def implicitFromInt(a: Int): Rational = Rational(a)
implicit object RationalIsFractional extends Fractional[Rational] {
def plus(x: Rational, y: Rational): Rational = reduced(x.a*y.b + y.a*x.b, x.b*y.b)
def minus(x: Rational, y: Rational): Rational = x + negate(y)
def times(x: Rational, y: Rational): Rational = reduced(x.a*y.a, x.b*y.b)
def div(x: Rational, y: Rational): Rational = x * y.inverse
def negate(x: Rational): Rational = reduced(-x.a, x.b)
def fromInt(x: Int): Rational = Rational(x)
def toInt(x: Rational): Int = x.toBigInt.toInt
def toLong(x: Rational): Long = (x.a/x.b).toLong
def toFloat(x: Rational): Float = x.a.toFloat / x.b.toFloat
def toDouble(x: Rational): Double = x.a.toDouble / x.b.toDouble
def compare(x: Rational, y: Rational): Int = x.a*y.b compare y.a*x.b
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