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Last active April 29, 2022 20:43
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{-# language NoImplicitPrelude, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
import Relude
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import List.Transformer
class Run f where
run :: f a -> IO ()
instance Run IO where
run action = do
_ <- action
return ()
instance (Run m, MonadUnliftIO m) => Run (ResourceT m) where
run action = run @m (runResourceT @m action)
instance (Run m, Monad m) => Run (ListT m) where
run action = run @m (runListT @m action)
instance (Run m, Monad m) => Run (MaybeT m) where
run action = run @m do
_ <- runMaybeT @m action
return ()
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